Fan mail...

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Fan mail...

Post by pretty » Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:51 pm

Someone posted the following in the Sherlock Holmes community I'm in on live journal, and it really put a smile on my face.

[Jeremy Brett famously, and fantastically, played Shelock Holmes in what is widely regarded as the definitive tv adaptation. David Burke played Dr Watson.]
David Burke told this story at the Northern Musgraves' Jeremy Brett Memorial Lunch:

'Jeremy said to me on one occasion, "I was feeling so low the other day that I sent myself a fan letter."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm absolutely serious."

"What did you write to yourself?"

"'Dear Jeremy, I would just like to say what a wonderful actor you are. Your Sherlock Holmes puts every other attempt at the part in the shade. Basil Rathbone is not fit to clean your boots; and Douglas Wilmer and Robert Stephens should beg you to give them lessons. You're much prettier than all of them, for a start. There is only one word for your performance — magic. Please send me a signed photograph. Yours, Joe Bloggs. P.S. I've heard that you're really a nice person, too.'"

"Did you really write that?"

"Yes, I did."

"Did you send it?"

"Yes. I put a first-class stamp on it. I wanted to get it as soon as possible. It came the next morning."

"And did you read it?"

"Of course I read it. I read it a dozen times. I felt wonderful afterwards."

"Well, did you send yourself a signed photograph?"

"David, I may be mad — but I'm not barking mad! In any case, the bugger didn't send a stamped addressed envelope!"

It's great silly idea for something silly to do to cheer yourself up or remind yourself how great you are. You don't need to post it, just write it up and keep it somewhere safe for when you need it. I'd be tempted to be realy silly and post it though ;)
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Post by Koru » Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:25 pm

Great idea, I think if I felt like doing it I'd have to go ahead and post it though then it would make me smile when I got it too :-)

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Post by bright.eyes » Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:50 pm

Hehe thats a really nice idea... i think i sent an xmas card to myself once, just to be silly :oops:

(i love your signiture btw, jimmy eat world rule :) )

take care xox

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