sad and helpless

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sad and helpless

Post by AmiGlampire » Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:22 am

Where do I begin.. Well, my mom has been gone about 6
years now. I lost her on my 15th birthday and things have
changed alot since then. I have been rendered useless.
Suffering from depression and anxiety I haven't been
able to do anything close to what normal teenagers do.
I haven't dated, I don't have any friends except good
online friends I don't know what I would do without.
But family life has been very, very hard. I was SI
for a handful of years, started seeing a psychiatrist and
stopped SI which I'm glad for. But as for my home life,
it's the biggest stress in my life.
I have an older sister and two younger brothers. No this
won't be a life story, heh. But, my sister has ADD and
doesn't work. So we get disability cheques every month,
live at home and pay rent. All the guys in the family work.
So my sister and I are made to do absolutely everything
around the house, with the excuse that my brothers work.
And if my sister and I dont do something my dad will
comment that he'll have to do it.

My brothers are typical teenagers, having parties and
making messes, and stealing from my sister and I.
But my sister and I are made to feel, less, or something
because we don't work. So we should do everything
and not expect a break from it, or to complain.
And bringing up how unfair it is my Father turns it around
on us and won't listen at all.

I know we're not being treated right and it's alot more
complicated and frustrating being in this situtation, trying
to express it to write it out. My father favors my brother
and doesn't see it, and gets angry when anyone points
it out. It's just, I feel helpless, there's nothing I can do
except do whatever they want me to and complain to
my friends about it. And it's getting harder and harder
when I question wether or not I should be feeling this
way. Mistreated. Things like this would drive me to
SI before, I'm glad I stopped but I don't know what to
do with this stuff now..

I guess i'm just looking to share and get opinions and..
I don't know. thanks for reading.
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Post by aroobixcube » Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:13 pm

Hello there, all i can say is i relate, I suffer from anxiety disorders and depresion, due to deaths, and SA etc, and it is a horrible thing to live with, you will feel, as i do, that you cant live like you aught to.

You say your not being treated, may i suggest, you speak to your DR about a temp med such as diazepam or Buspar (less adictive) to help you manage the Anxiety?

If you are agrophobic, i suggest going with someone.

all i can say is try and get to see a therapist, before it gets even worse. Because it can , believe me, but i dont want you to expereince the worst!

Are any of the above helpful, PM if possible/if u want to.

Take care,

Amy. x
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Re: sad and helpless

Post by Space_Man » Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:49 am

AmiGlampire wrote:…Well, my mom has been gone about 6
years now. I lost her on my 15th birthday…
Unless my math skills are failing me, that would make you right around 21—correct? What are you doing right now? Going to school? Looking for work?
AmiGlampire wrote:…But, my sister has ADD and
doesn't work. So we get disability cheques every month,
live at home and pay rent.
“A.D.D.” …Attention Deficit Disorder, right? I didn’t even know that that was classified as any sort of significant “disability” in the first place, let alone one that would earn someone disability checks. Has your sister sought medical treatment for her condition? I certainly hope she doesn’t think she needs to remain living at home & unemployed for the rest of her life, just because of her A.D.D…
AmiGlampire wrote:…I know we're not being treated right…
Please forgive me for my bluntness, but…you really only had to put up with all this stuff (rather normal-sounding family/sibling tension, by the way you describe it) when you were a teenager going to school. Now, I think it is time to get away from it, and get out on your own…maybe you & your sister could rent a place of your own, and become roommates…?

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