how do i get started need ideas

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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how do i get started need ideas

Post by angelic212 » Sun Aug 29, 2004 5:12 pm

i found this on the something fishy website for eating disorders and i need your help for getting started working on this i dont know where to start so here is what i want to make to help me cope :

Coping Catalog -- Make a tiny book of coping strategies and motivations to keep you on track toward recovery -- use index cards, crayons, markers, colored pencils, stickers, etc. List the following on your card:Title (i.e. a trigger such as binging, purging, restricting, laxatives, eating out, obsessing, etc.); Reasons NOT to engage in the behavior, coping strategies and alternative activities and affirmations. Other cards you can include: emergency card with phone numbers of support people; How my Eating Disorder has hurt me; Things I am proud of about myself; Things I could do without my Eating Disorder; and/or poems, extra quotes, affirmations, pictures, etc. Make it YOURS

from the something fishy website on eating disorders

this is what i want to make but i dont know how to start it need suggestions please pm me if you have some suggestions of post them here too.

love always maria

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Post by Lyndsie » Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:39 pm

Thats a good idea. i don't think I 'd be able to do soemthing like that yet, so for that i'm proud of you.

Just get some supplys. Then go with your feelings. Use their ideas for the coping catalog as a starting point. If i was to make one I'd put poems, and things that didn't trigger me. I'd also include hotline numbers for ED's and the number of my therapist, and other people who could help me if I wanted to.

My main suggestion is follow their ideas,a nd go with your feelings, cause this is about you!

Good luck with Coping Book!!!!

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