Interpersonal Effectiveness (communication) Guide

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Interpersonal Effectiveness (communication) Guide

Post by VowsOfSadness » Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:40 am

The interpersonal effectiveness skills (basically how to properly communicate with people) is one that I have found very helpful. I learned them in my IP program and would like tos hare them with you.

Interpersonal Effectivness is used for:
:star: Getting what you want
:star: Maintaining Relationships
:star: Enhancing self-respect

It is the practice of of using better communication skills in rerlationships, it is never gaurenteed the skills will work each and every time.

Describe (the current situation-stick to facts)
Express (your feelings with I statements "I feel/need/want")
Assert (yourself clearly by asking for what you want or saying no)
Reinforce (or reward the person by explaining positives and negitives)

Mindful (stay focused on objectives)
Appear Confident (use a confident tone with good body language)
Negotiate (be willing to give to get)

Gentle (have good nonverbal signs)
Interested (listen to the other persons point of view and act interested)
Validate* (most crucial, let the other person know you acknowlege their feelings)
Easy Manner (having an easy manner makes it easier for people to communicate to you)

Fair (be fair to yourself and the other person)
Apologies (don't be over apologetic "I'm sorry for being alive/making a request/something I have no control over" No apologies for your opinnion or disagreeing. The only time it is important to apologize is when you have done something wrong to the other person)
Stick To Your Values (Don't sell out your values or integrity for reasons that aren't important. "Stick to your guns")
Truthful (don't lie or act helpless when you aren't Don't exaggerate the situation. Don't make excuses)

I statements, when said seem less threatening and are therfore more likely to get a positive responce. If you can imigine your last conflict or fight you might recall being set off by some statements such as "YOU ALWAYS..." or "YOU NEVER..." and the feelings they made you feel.
So when talking to someone it is good to use I statements.

There is a traditional formula:
I feel __________, when you ___________, and I want you to _______________.

But these can also be used:
"I" statements:
I think...
I feel...
I want...

Statements of Personal Reference and Personal Meaning:
"This is the way I see it"
"In my opinion..."
"This is how I feel"
"This is what it means to me"

Statements of Request:
"I" want...
"I" need...

Statements offering compromise:
"I" would like this...
What would you like?
"I" think...What do you think?
"What would be an acceptable compromise?"
"Can we work this out--What time is agreeable to you?"

Asking for time:

"I'd like to discuss this in an hour"
Taking time to think, know what you want to be different,
thinking of compromise, etc.

AVOID demanding and blaming statements:
You make me...
You think...
You should/shouldn't...
It's your fault...
Don't you think...
If only you would...

Avoid Disguised YOU-Statements
These include sentences that begin with "I feel that you...." or "I feel like you...." Again, they immediately put the listener into a one-down position.

*Challenges welcome*
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:45 am

A good one for me today would be/have been

I feel hurt, when you talk about things I am uncomfortable with, and I want you to consider my feelings.

as opposed to "Youre so mean and you never think about other people" which is basically what I said.
*Challenges welcome*
I always love a :lpurpstar:

I woke up this morning, I suddenly realized we're all in this together.

Drop by my place & say hi :)
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Post by heliotropes » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:13 pm

That was really helpful, thanks


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Post by Spidey » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:54 pm

this is really, really, really good.

thank you so much for posting this.
there is, in the end, the letting go.
-marya hornbacher

spidey immer voran
(spidey ever onward)


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