self nurturing activities

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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self nurturing activities

Post by angelic212 » Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:38 pm

1. Listen to my favourite music

2. Enjoy a long, warm, bubble bath

3. Go for a walk

4. Share a hug with a loved one

5. Relax outside

6. Exercise (of my choice)

7. Spiritual prayer

8. Attend a caring support group

9. Practice diaphragmatic breathing

10. Do "stretching" exercises

11. Reflect on my positive qualities: "I am…"

12. Watch the sunrise/sunset

13. Laugh

14. Concentrate on a relaxing scene

15. Create a collage representing "The Real Me"

16. Receive a message

17. Reflect on: "I appreciate…"

18. Write my thoughts and feelings in a personal journal

19. Attend a favourite athletic event

20. Do something adventurous, eg. skydiving

21. Read a special book or magazine

22. Sing/hum/whistle a happy tune

23. Swing/slide/teeter/totter

24. Play a musical instrument

25. Spiritual meditation

26. Work with plants, eg. gardening

27. Learn a new skill

28. See a special play, movie or concert

29. Workout with weights/equipment

30. Ride a bike or motorcycle

31. Make myself a nutritious meal

32. Draw/paint a picture

33. Swim/float/wade/relax in a pool/on the beach

34. Do aerobics/dance

35. Visit a special place I enjoy

36. Smile/say: "I love myself"

37. Take time to smell the roses (and other flowers I enjoy)

38. Imagine myself achieving my goals and dreams

39. Go horseback riding

40. Reflect on: "my most enjoyable memories"

41. Enjoy a relaxing nap

42. Visit a museum/art gallery

43. Practice Yoga

44. Relax in a whirlpool/sauna

45. Enjoy a cool, refreshing glass of water or fruit juice.

46. Enjoy the beauty of nature

47. Count my blessings: "I am thankful…"

48. Play as I did as a child

49. Star gaze

50. "Window shop"

51. Daydream

52. Tell myself the loving words I want to hear from others

53. Attend a special workshop

54. Go sailing/paddle boating

55. Reward myself with a special gift I can afford

56. Take myself on a vacation

57. Create with clay/potter

58. Practice positive affirmations

59. Pat an animal

60. Watch my favourite TV show

61. Reflect on my successes: "I can…"

62. Write a poem expressing my feelings

63. Make a bouquet of flowers

64. RELAX: watch the clouds

65. Make myself something nice

66. Visit a part/woods/forest

67. Read positive, motivational literature

68. Reflect on: "What I value most in life!"

69. Phone a special friend

70. Go on a picnic in a beautiful setting

71. Enjoy a gourmet cup of herbal tea/decaf coffee

72. Participate in a favourite sport/game/ recreation

73. Practice a relaxation exercise (or listen to a relaxation tape)

74. Practice the art of forgiveness

75. Treat myself to a nutritious meal at a favourite restaurant/café

76. Participate in a hobby

77. Create my own unique list of "self nuturing" activitie

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