What will your 5 things be?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by emnatic » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:04 pm

i'd take:
1. paki cos she's my best friend and it wud be too lonely without her
2. lots of good music all my faves
3. lots of cigarettes cos we smoke a looot
4. a copula really good books
5. a bikini and sun block cos i burn too fast
'Not all those who wonder are lost, and not all those who are lost wonder'

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Post by Mindpoison » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:19 am

:purpstar: My camera (and tons of film): It's been the most effective distraction and communication tool I've had in terms of coping with SI.
:purpstar: My therapist :D He saved my life and has been my best friend. Just being around him is comforting to me.
:purpstar: My cat: No one else lets me grab them by the neck and wipe my tears on their head without a single complaint. He talks to me, lays on my back and purrs when he knows I'm not feeling well. Petting him also soothes me and grounds me.
:purpstar: Notebooks and pens: Writing things out helps me deal with my feelings when they get too overwelming in my head.
:purpstar: My iPod jam-packed with music: Listening to music calms me down and helps put me to sleep.

:purpstar: :purpstar: :purpstar:

It's easy to be miserable. Being happy is tougher - and cooler. </center>


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:54 am


1. pets
2. powerful computer with games, camera and internet
3. materials to make a tsunami/hurricane proof home
4. all my music
5. tv with satalite/dvd and an endless dvd collection

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Post by Kamikaze » Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:24 am

1. My MP3 Player
2. Stuff to build a house with
3. Alienware computer :D
4. Lots of books to read
5. Alcohol and lots of it :D

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Post by claire » Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:53 am

i would take my bed ... becuase its comforting to me, its been with me always (hmmm... ) and if i can't cope i always climb into bed with a book, or the phone. so then i guess i'll need some books and my bible becuase i do. my phone so i can talk to peoples even if its about nothingness it's soothing. thats 3 things. meh ... i'm not good as these things.

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Post by Nazgul » Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:38 am

1. my therapist
2. my pdoc/psychiatrist
3. my Bible and all the books I've ever owned
4. my dog Molly
5. BUS
"If I owned Texas and hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in hell." ~Former US Senator, on touring Texas in the 1800s

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*SI free July 22, 2006-October -November 5, 2010*
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Post by Beasty » Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:50 pm

1. My boyfriend
2. My katana
3. CD player/CDs
4. Shell (rowing boat)
5. Collection of books
"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody’s got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later. BOOM!" - Susan Ivanova

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Post by reallycreamed » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:27 pm

1. my bf because he's wonderful
2. my cat, whom i can't live without
3. lip balm -- my addiction
4. a very long, good book
5. water, water, and more water
:grnstar: circles and circles and circles again :grnstar:
:1cat: :100_days_si_free:

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Post by pointeless » Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:49 am

:star: A crate of soap :-?
:star: A handful of photos of friends and family
:star: A box of art supplies
:star: My chinchilla (in his cage obviously)
:star: My duvet and cushions
<a href="http://www.freewebs.com/sjhemming/">Visit My Website</a>

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Post by GlassWings » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:33 pm

:star: My MP3 player - music tends me calm me down, especially when I can sing to it
:star: My best friend - she's the only one who knows
:star: Tons of physics/philosophy books - I wouldn't be able to stand it if I couldn't be thinking about something new! lol
:star: An empty journal with an infinite amount of pages... and a pen with an infinite amount of ink. ^___^ I love the idea of the book being found with my story in it...
:star: Internet connection - down with logic, lol!

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Post by Ibanez » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:36 pm

1. My computer. Pretty much my lifeline.
2. A hefty amount of tea bags, ofcourse the milk and sugar to accompany it.
3. Music. Same reasons any other person would take it really.
4. My best friend. I don't really see her alot and lately feel as though she's the only one that I can actually talk to about anything.
5. Flip flops
Working on it..

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Post by BrokenGurl » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:38 pm

talking to friends,
speak as though noone's listening....

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Post by katja » Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:56 pm

-i would take Kyle because hes really fun
-my diary
-my gameboy
-lots of cigarettes

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Post by Kaelyn » Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:05 pm

:grnstar: my cat to have some company
:grnstar: art stuff (paint/canvas/paper/pencils/charcoal/etc)
:grnstar: harry potter book3 (the chapter about the marauders map always cheers me up)
:grnstar: my laptop and an internet connection so I can keep coming here
:grnstar: a cuddle blanket
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Post by toscared » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:40 am

My husband
My horse
My dog , Nora Nell
a cd of lively praise music
my Greek NT

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Post by shadowavenger » Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:11 am

:star: my dippy-speaking friends (you know who you are :) )
:star: laptop
:star: mobile phone
:star: CDs
:star: my guitar
Another lonely highway in the black of night
There's hope in the darkness, you know you're going to make it

"This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays." - Arthur Dent

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Post by OverTheWorst » Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:45 am

:) My bf cos he's always there for me
:) My cat cos he's always there for me
:) Suntan cream cos i always burn
:) A big umberella incase it rains!
:) A big blanket so me and my bf could snuggle up and look at the stars

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5 things.

Post by princessjane » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:11 pm

Mine would be
Boyfriend - since he helps me and makes me feel pretty
Music - since its like eveyrthing to me
books- to help me get by
paper- to write and draw
a bathing suit - so i could swim in something nice

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Post by Aly » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:14 pm

:pinkstar: Computer (as it is with net and music ect) cus it has EVERYTHING on it!
:pinkstar: My camera
:pinkstar: Drawing pad (a very big one)
:pinkstar: Drawing kit (Pencils, rubbers, sharperners, ect)
:pinkstar: This Lullaby (A book)
The wind and I, we speak the same, but he don’t hear so well.
Well, you’re gonna have to curse him, well you’re gonna have to yell.
The sky and I, we’ve had our fights and I’m coming round to rain,
Well, if the rain come round and it don’t come out, then I’ll never have to speak again,
I can tick tick tick tick tick tick tick away.

If Heaven is as Heaven does then this is Hell for sure...

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Post by black_23 » Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:19 pm

:bfly: My guitar and music books - too keep me distracted
:bfly: Pen and Paper - write how i feel and have an outlet
:bfly: Photographs - so wont foget
:bfly: Book of sylvia plaths poems
:bfly: Laptop - so keep in touch
'Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life' Picasso


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