Candys Coping Thread

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by plantt » Wed May 02, 2007 5:18 am

have you tried writing in it at diff times?
like maybe when you first wake up.... or at lunch time... or something? before you get too tired?

getting apts clean can be very good!!!

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Wed May 02, 2007 1:03 pm

I am getting ready for program,and I will be leaving soon. No,I have not tried writing at different times in the day and that sounds like a great ideal.It is hard for me to write at program,but on my days off it sounds great.Thanks so much for the ideal.I will try it and let you know how it works.Thanks. I am doing great this morning,just not awake yet. I hope everyone has a great day today.I did not do any SI so far,and I am proud of myself. I will be back on the bus later on,when I get home from program. I am hanging in there and taking care of myself. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Post by plantt » Wed May 02, 2007 1:15 pm

hope program goes well today :wavey:

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Wed May 02, 2007 11:46 pm

I had a great day at program and it went well.I came home and I went for a walk and it felt great. Then I took a nap,cause I was so tired from the walk,and my boy-friend came over to visit. I did not write in my journal yet,and I hope I get a chance to tonight.I am doing pretty good and the walk helped me alot. I did not do any SI and even though the urges and the thoughts are there,it can be hard sometimes to fight it,but so far I am doing pretty good. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can.. I am going to go and watch t.v.,and push myself to write in my journal.Thanks for caring. I will be back on the bus later on,promise :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Thu May 03, 2007 4:45 am

I had a great night so far. My boy-friend just left and I am watching t.v.,cause I will be going to bed real soon. I wrote in my journal tonight and it was not easy for me,cause the urges and the emotions that I can not deal with,came up in my journal,and that was very hard for me. I did slip with SI, it was not that bad like it use to be. I do feel guilty for SI,it had been over 3 weeks since I last did any form of SI. My boy-friend was not here when it happen. I feel sad about it, :( I am going to be alright,I just have to take my medication before I go to bed. I will mention to my therapist what happen. I will continue to write in my journal,and I do feel somewhat anxious,but I feel safe being on the bus and when I go to bed,so I know that I will be alright. I have program tomorrow,so I will be back on the bus tomorrow evening. I will have to keep trying and it can get frustrated with the urges and the anxiety. I will take care of myself tonight. I will be alright,that is a promise. I will be back on tomorrow,promise. taking care of myself :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Thu May 03, 2007 12:45 pm

I had a great night sleep and I feel better since I slip with SI.I am doing alright and I am getting ready for program. I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I am doing ok. I think that I slip,cause I got soo frustrated with my weight. I was losing weight when I was sick with a cold and it was great to see the weight lose,but know that I am feeling well,I gain the weight back on,it got me soo frustrated and I was angry with myself for putting the weight back on. I will talk this over with my therapist when I see her today. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I will be back on the bus later on,promise :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Post by one out of none » Thu May 03, 2007 8:16 pm

Hi Candy, Sorry you had a hard time recently and all, I hope that things are a bit better now. It's good that you're going to talk to your therapist, maybe you can come up with a plan about what to do the next time that these difficult emotions occur. I hope program went well for you too. Take care!

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Thu May 03, 2007 11:17 pm

Thanks for the messages. I had a great day at program and talking to my therapist helped me alot. I went for a walk when got home and that helped me alot with my anxiety and then I took a nap,cause I was soo tired out from the walk. My boy-friend is here and we are going out for awhile,we are going out to visit some friends. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I wanted to check in and let everyone know how I am doing. I am taking it one day at a time. I will be back on the bus later,promise. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Fri May 04, 2007 4:31 am

I just got home from a friend's apartment and we had a great time. I know that I did not write in my journal tonight,but I had a great time getting out and visiting friends. My boy-friend just left and I am getting ready for bed. I already took my medication for the night. I did not do any SI today and I am proud of myself so far,I am taking it one day at a time. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright,and I will be back on the bus sometime tomorrow. I am hanging in there. I am just tired out. I am alright and taking care of myself. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Fri May 04, 2007 10:17 pm

I had a rough morning,cause my mother got verbally abusive with me on the phone,calling me alot of names. I am doing alright though,no SI,and it was not easy for me,butI am handle it alright. I did not do much today,I did go to my doctor's this morning,and that was about it. I did not do any cleaning or anything else,caue I was feeling depressed,and I could not get myself motivated to do nothing. I did take a walk and that helped me alot. I have not written in my journal lately,but I will. My boy-friend is coming over and we are going out for awhile,and that helps me alot. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I just have to take my 5pm medication and relax,till my boy-friend gets here. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright. I will be back on the bus later on sometime,promise.
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Sat May 05, 2007 5:00 am

I just got back with my boy-friend we went to the palace to see the Sabres game on the screen,we had a great time. I am doing alright. It is getting late and I will be going to bed real soon. I just have to take my medication and then get some sleep. I am doing pretty good,I did not do any SI to day and I am doing pretty good. I have laundry to do tomorrow and that is all. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I did not write in my journal tonight,but I will try harder to do it tomorrow. I am just want to let everyone know that I am doing alright. I will be back on the bus tomorrow,sometime. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Post by one out of none » Sat May 05, 2007 9:52 am

Hi Candy, I'm glad to see you had a good time out with your friends. Sorry to hear that your mother was verbally abusive to you, but well done for not si-ing. The game you watched sounds fun too!

Hope you have a good day today.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Sat May 05, 2007 7:14 pm

I had a great night sleep last night. I got my laundry done this morning and then I went for a walk,which helped me alot. I also cleaned my windows in my apartment,took a nap. I am watching t.v.,and trying to wake up. I did not write in my journal so far,but I will soon,I just have been so busy lately,since we got nice weather. I did not do any SI so far and that is pretty good. I have dishes to do and other stuff to get done. I am feeling pretty good so far.I am hanging in there and doing the best I can do.My mother has been treating me better,since a couple of days ago,but I have to stay away from her when she gets like that. I am going to go and watch t.v.,and take it easy. I will be back on the bus later on,promise :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Sun May 06, 2007 4:20 am

I just got home from visiting a friend's apartment and I had a great time. My boy-friend and I are watching t.v.,and then afterwards I am going to go to bed,cause I am tired. I did not have a chance to write in my journal tonight,but I plan on doing so tomorrow. I did not do any SI today and it was not easy,but I got through it. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can do. I have bad cramps tonight and I do not feel that great,but otherwise I am doing good. Ijust wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright and I will be back on the bus sometime tomorrow. I am doing alright and I will get a good night sleep. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Sun May 06, 2007 3:35 pm

I went to my mother's for awhile and then when I came home,I went for a walk,cause I need to get rid of the stress that I was feeling and it helped me alot.I have a few things to do and then the rest of the day I am going to do what I want. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. Sometimes between my boy-friend and mother they can both get on my nerves and stress me out,and that is when I need sometime to myself. I am trying soo hard to lose weight and it is not easy for me,but I keep trying.I am also going to push myself to write in my journal later on. I am alright and I will be back on the bus later on. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Sun May 06, 2007 10:05 pm

I am doing alright so far. I took a long nap,cause I was so tired out,and then my boy-friend came over and we are watching t.v.. I am did not have a chance to write in my journal,cause the time that I woke up,my boy-friend showed up.I am keeping myself busy and I did take a long walk this morning and that helped me alot. I feel pretty good,just a little bit anxious but nothing that I can not handle. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I will be back on the bus later on,promise :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Post by one out of none » Mon May 07, 2007 8:25 am

It's great that you went for the walk as a means of getting through the stress, that's a really positive coping skill. I do that too, it gets me out for a while and gives me a chance to get my head together. There's nothing wrong with having some alone time either, not at all. Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're doing ok. Take care!

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Mon May 07, 2007 12:52 pm

HI everyone, :wavey: I am doing alright. I went to bed early last night,cause I was not feeling well. I did not do any SI last night and I am proud of myself for that. I am getting ready to go to program today,and then my case-manager is coming over at 3pm,when I get home. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can do. I like to walk,cause it makes me feel better,thanks for the messages. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright and that my period is coming on,so that is why I am not feeling well,sorry about writing that here,just wanted to mention why I was not feeling well. I have to get going,cause I have to get ready for program. I will be back on the bus sometime later on,promise. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Tue May 08, 2007 2:54 am

I went out with my boy-friend and we had a great time. I had a great time at program today and it helped me alot. I met with my case-manager and we had a great talk,he hepled me alot. I am doing alright and even though I did not write in my journal yet,I plan on to later on. I am have not done any SI today and I am proud of myself,it has not been easy. I am sitting here watching t.v.and relaxing.I had a great day today and tomorrow I have off to do what ever I want. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright. I was feeling a little bit anxious earlier,but now I am feeling better. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I will be back on the bus later on,promise :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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Candy's Coping Thread

Post by Candy » Tue May 08, 2007 4:49 am

I had a great night with my boy-friend and I finally wrote in my journal and that helped me alot. I feel good inside. I just took my medication for the night and I will be going to bed real soon. I did not do any SI today and I feel good about that. I have to clean my apartment tomorrow and my nurse will be coming over. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing alright. The bus has helped me soo much and I am glad that I am here. I am getting tired and I plan on sleeping in tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great night. I am hanging in there and doing the best I can. I am going to do my best to use my coping skills more than I have.I did not get a chance to walk today,but I will tomorrow. I will be back on the bus sometime tomorrow. :bcatsmile:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

To find yourself,think of yourself first.

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