Your Top Ten Distractions

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by misery » Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:21 am

not in order:

1. chat to someone that you know you're comfortable with (relatives or good friends)

2. pull funny faces on webcam on msn

3. watching a good movie

4. if im up for it, doing a photomanip in photoshop

5. my journal in Word

6. keeping myself busy with projects, meetings, gatherings, etc

7. reading any of my design mags

8. hanging around these kinds of forums

9. going to non-triggery internet sites

10. general day dream, but i get the risk of mentally wandering into my 'trigger zone'

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Post by ComfortablyNumb » Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:57 pm

In no particular order:

1. Posting on here
2. Calling someone. I don't even have to tell them what is going on, I just know that I can't do anything if I was on the phone with someone. It would tear me apart.
3. Rejoining the human race in public for a bit.
4. Homework catch-up.
5. Coloring. :oops:
6. Pretending I'm somewhere I really want to be.
7. Smoking. (I know, it's bad for me, but it's the only time I really smoke anymore.)
8. Going onto Livejournal for awhile to ctach up on my friends.
9. Reading.
10. Getting Coffee.

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Post by annalie » Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:15 am

In no order:

1) Watching TV, sometimes a show I really hate, just to think about how much I really hate the show
2) Talking to a really good friend who will know something's wrong but know to just distract me (i'm still totally closeted)
3) Sleep
4) Chew gum (sounds weird, but I NEED something in my mouth during some episodes)
5) Play computer or video games
6) Eating small pieces of snack food really slowly
7) Playing an instrument (usually loud piano)
8) Go off in the car or on a bike or something
9) Play with my puppy
10) Homework or writing
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~Mild SI and strange ED dating mild SI and strange ED, living with an SI sibling with strange ED and emotional disorders, and somehow also growing up~

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Post by Lorian » Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:29 pm

i only started to cut about a month ago, and im fairly new to all this, but here are 10 things that i do to distract myself:

1. write in my diary
2. listen to happy, upbeat music
3. call a friend
4. get as far away from my SI tools as possible
5. play a game on the computer (Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings games work the best)
6. watch my favorite movie
7. pray
8. post on this board
9. play the piano and compose music
10. talk to someone who also SI
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Post by kate_ » Tue May 03, 2005 8:22 am

going to the gym
calling a friend
taking a shower
drugs *unfortunately
:lblstar: don't go hiding in the shade. :lblstar:

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Post by kate_ » Tue May 03, 2005 8:23 am

forgot the best one: shopping.
:lblstar: don't go hiding in the shade. :lblstar:

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Post by ThanksALatte » Tue May 03, 2005 3:45 pm

In no particular order:
1. journalling
2. playing my guitar.
3. driving
4. calling a friend
5. cleaning
6. drinking (coffee)
7. punching a pillow
8. writing
9. showering
10. finding someone to sit with
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Post by RG » Tue May 03, 2005 10:22 pm

1 call a friend
2 go for an insane run or lift weights
3 write poetry
4 play guitar
5 post on bus :lol:
6 listening to a certain type of music (most others just trigger me more)
7 sit down with a bucket of sherbert icecream and watch tv/movie
8 beat on my punching bag
9 clean my bomb shelter (my room)
10 go for a long walk with my dogs

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Post by VowsOfSadness » Tue May 03, 2005 10:29 pm

In no specific order
-*Funny movies*
-Be around ppl (my friends)
-Scream and run (usually to grams house)
-Listen to music
-Text people randomly
-Talk to my dog take him for a walk
-Play with the neighbor kid or call & play w/Izabella
-do my homework
-Clean my room
-take a nap
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Post by rosie605 » Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:29 am

here it goes... this might be hard since no one knows about my problem so i can't talk about it

10. paint my toenails
9. play Super Bounce Out on yahoo
8. take a drive to no where
7. Read a book
6. color in a coloring book
5. Call someone you haven't talked to in a while and catch up
4. get on the facebook.... so addicting ;)
3. scrapebook
2. post things on this website... one of the best discoverys for me lately
1. cry..... its ok

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Post by balletomane » Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:18 am

10. listen to music
9. make music playlists
8. read about my favorite musicians
7. put music on my mp3 play
6. dance to music
5. listen to music clips on CDbaby
4. make lists of CDs I want on CDbaby
3. look up song lyrics
2. sing (poorly)
1. listen to music. :tongue:

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Post by (*Haven*) » Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:08 pm

10. Working on my Good Charlotte or Simple Plan scrapbook.
9. Going shopping.
8. Watching a funny movie.
7. Dressing up.
6. Fixing myself a special treat to eat.
5. Wrapping up in a soft blanket or sunggling with a stuffed animal.
4. Knitting.
3. Writing in my journal or writing poetry.
2. Listening to one of my special music CDs I put together.
1. Calling my therapist if things get really bad.
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:09 pm

im going to post a new one because my old ones dont work/outdated

-Talk to Ryan (angry or sad)
-Turn music up real loud and sing (Angry mainly sometimes sad)
-Take a walk (angry) Go to grandmas (sad)
-Write in xanga or post on bus (angry/sad)
-Talk to Kara (sad)
-Throw ice and break it (angry)
-bake yummy deserts (sad)
-Play with madison or Izabella (sad)
-Play with my hula hoop (angry)
-Swim in Aunt Angie's pool/Bill's pool (angry)
*Challenges welcome*
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Post by PassingCloud » Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:50 pm

no order:

1. surf the web for art, interesting things, read on bus
2. wrap myself up in a warm, comfy blanket and read a book
3. try to draw something (though usually when i am feeling like this i have no patience and i end up ->)
4. write some poetry or a journal
5. eat some food (often i am just hungry!)
6. take a shower
7. go for a walk with my dog (he loves this - and it's good for me!)
8. try to tell myself some positive affirmations, trying to remind myself not to be overly critical with myself (that's a new one)
9. watch tv or something that i've got on my puter
10. do some stuff in the household like washing dishes, cleaning all the broken, torn-apart toys off the floor (long live my puppy :roll: ), etc.
[I'm talking about my life.][I can't seem to get that through to you.]
[I'm not just talking about one person,][I'm talking about everybody.]
[I'm talking about form, I'm talking about content.][I'm talking about inter-relationships.]
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Post by neassa » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:40 pm

no order:

1. email a friend
2. this site
3. ring a friend
4. have a bath
5. give myself a makeover
6. write poetry
7. do a drawing
8. write in my diary
9. go out with my friends
10. read a book
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Post by angelic212 » Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:06 am

just searching through old posts, and i found this one with coping alternatives and i thought that this post is helpful

so im bumping this post back to the top

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Post by Seeshellz » Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:28 am

thanks for the bump angelic! :)

1. BUS
2. surfing the web
3. playing video games
4. colouring
5. journaling
6. collecting pictures of the web
7. opening email and sending email
8. reading a good suspense novel
9. burning MP3 compilations
10. going through one of my workbooks
"If you learn from your suffering,

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Post by Quiet little Angel » Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:53 am

great idea for a thread...

1: BUS
2: folding papercranes (yeah bus inspired me to a new distraction)
3: doing sudoku
4: knitting
5: play piano
6: putting on nailpolish (the slowdrying-type... keeps me from doing stuff for a while...)
7: reorganize my cds...
8: surf online for info on a stupid topic and get to know a lot about it...
9: edit pictures in the Andy Warhole style...
10: go shopping

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Post by balletomane » Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:35 pm

1. Bussing
2. Reading
3. reading blogs
4. visiting other web forums
5. dancing
6. sleeping
7. stretching/yoga
8. talking to a friend
9. watching comedies on tv
10. baking

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Post by StevieLynn » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:36 pm

Hm. Ten seems like an awful lot, but my T was awfully impressed by the number of things I try, so let's see....

1. Knitting.
2. Reading/posting on BUS.
3. Talking on AIM
4. Cleaning.
5. Laundry
6. Paper cranes.
7. Hugging my teddy bear.
8. Cooking/baking (only for other people. If I think I have to eat it, I feel worse)
9. Playing with the cat.
10. Knitting. OK, so I knit a lot.

In Which Something Oooh Occurred

And it felt like a winter machine that you go through and then you catch your breath and winter starts again, and everyone else was springbound. And when I chose to live, there was no joy, it's just a line I crossed. I wasn't worth the pain my death would cost, so I was not lost or found....But when you live in a world, well, it gets in to who you th ought you'd be. And now I laugh at how the world changed me. I think life chose me after all.
--Dar Williams

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