Why not to *SI

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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spiffy maximus
spiffy maximus
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Post by vampirelover » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:50 pm

because il regret it five miniutes later
because once i start again i wont be able to stop
because like wearing shorts and short sleeved t-shirts
because im going to Morroco where i wont be able to hide the scars
because i dont deserve pain
because i cant cope with my mum , dad and friends crying because of me
because i like swimming
because most of all i really dont want to
because my new friends dont know about my past and i dont want to bring it back
because i have enough to worry about
because i have learnt to ask for help in other ways
because im 1 year and 140 days free
becausse i didnt selfharm as a 17 year old and i dont want to as a 18 year old.
because im loved and it hurts people
because it will do more harm then good
because destorying my body wont change the past
because i wont let him win
longest with no slips - 2 years , 6 months
time since last slip : 2 days

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