Friends and Phone Convos

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Friends and Phone Convos

Post by starz4mepleaz » Sat May 29, 2004 5:13 am

OK well i guess my first problem is that i seem to pushing my friends away cause i feel very separated. Maybe its jhust that withall this hit in my life im past it but all my friends seem very imature and some of them are even older than me. My second thing is well some of my friends kno about my SI/ED problems but i usually need more help with it late at night than i do in the day (wierd huh?) and they r never online. A couple of my friends say that no matter what to contact them instead of doing these things. BUt heres the second problem i am terrible with phone conversations. The longest i spend on the phone is like 5 minutes if that. They actually tease me about how short i am on the phone. Any advice on how toget over this shyness? Or how to become friends with my friends again? please. -Katie
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Post by thatwackychick » Sat May 29, 2004 5:36 pm

I know what you mean. I am always worse at night and I hate the phone.

I think I'm worse at night because in the morning things are fresh. I can ignore yesterday. But the more time goes by, the more likely it is that something will happen to set me off, or I'll just spend more timing thinking about bad things. So by the end of the day, there's all the badness built up.

Maybe you could get in touch with friends earlier in the day and arrange to hang out at night. So if / when things are bad, there's someone there with you? That may not work out every night, but a couple times a week.

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Re: Friends and Phone Convos

Post by nirvana » Sun May 30, 2004 3:13 am

starz4mepleaz wrote:OK well i guess my first problem is that i seem to pushing my friends away cause i feel very separated. Maybe its jhust that withall this hit in my life im past it but all my friends seem very imature and some of them are even older than me.
i push away people when i need them most, also. it's not uncommon, and for me, it's just a natural reaction. i feel like i need to prove i can make it through alone. and sometimes, i can't relate to my friend's problems, and i'm not sympathetic, because i feel like i've been through more stuff. but it's not necessarily worse stuff. it's all relative, and things that would never affect me could be reasons for another person to si.
starz4mepleaz wrote:My second thing is well some of my friends kno about my SI/ED problems but i usually need more help with it late at night than i do in the day (weird huh?) and they r never online. A couple of my friends say that no matter what to contact them instead of doing these things. BUt heres the second problem i am terrible with phone conversations. The longest i spend on the phone is like 5 minutes if that. They actually tease me about how short i am on the phone. Any advice on how toget over this shyness? Or how to become friends with my friends again? please.
i'm almost always worse at night. i think many people here on bus feel that way too. i feel like shit often at night, when my friends aren't on. because i feel like they've abandoned me, when they really havn't. could you maybe explain to your friends how you get more depressed at night, and it would be helpful to have at least one of them on to talk with? explain you don't like using the phone, and online it would be easier for you. they seem very caring, and like they want to help, since they've told you to call them when you're feeling down. so they should understand that it'd be easier for you to talk online.

just a few ideas. good luck, and i'm always here to talk if you need me.
love and hugs, tara.
i thought i was a fool for no one, but baby i'm a fool for you.

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