151 things to do before u si

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by satori » Wed May 28, 2003 6:16 am

oh yeah I'm not dissing the list.. I think most are pretty good ^-^ It's just that sex seemed kind of an odd one to me.. not that sex is bad or anything =P
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Post by chilling_teardrops » Sat Jun 07, 2003 11:26 am


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Post by Chelle » Wed Jun 11, 2003 8:11 pm

Thanks For the list! My boyfriend SI's and when we lived together sex was his distraction and he rarely picked. But now we're in diffrent places and it's not possible for me to be there. So now he has been doing it a lot. This list gave me some ideas to pass on to him. I'm sure they'll help!

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Post by Debbie » Sun Jun 15, 2003 3:05 pm

Thank you Cathy, that's one for the fridge!

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Post by Debbie » Sun Jun 15, 2003 3:10 pm

Sorry... I just realised, it's Cath not Cathy.

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Post by 1337 933k » Sun Aug 17, 2003 12:20 pm


i used to draw on my wall when i got mad. i made up my own language with weird sumbols and hyrogliphyx and wrote death threats and such to people. that column of non-english writing is still to the right of my door.

more ideas:

i like ot get glass jars, bottles, lightbulbs, etc or plastic things and throw them on concrete or rocks.

going around asking random strangers random things is fun. particularly asking if they want to join your cult and become a minion.

set off fire works.

i sometimes do push-ups till i start shaking and collapes on the floor... wouldnt really recamend this one...

the fake blood one rocks! if you add some salt to it and a tiny bit of sugar it tastes alot like it too.

beat up a tree.

squish bugs.

figure out a plan to take over the world.

get a picture of some1 u hate and stab it then burn it.

cut off the neighbors cats whiskors.

play pranks.

count how manny times you hear your mother screaming at you in a cradle of filth song. i got over 20 times in angles! dont do this if angry music triggers you.

turn music up gradually until the neighbors/parents complain.

one that works really great for me is play your favorite song as loud as possible with headphones on so your ears hurt.

no one is human! figure out what mythical creature you are. im an imp. or a shoggoth... sometimes an ork. depends on my mood buts its generally one of those. then figure out what other people are.

try to prove that *enimies name her* really IS a voodoo witch.

argue loudly with a wall. in a public place if your not shy. this one is fun.

yell back at the tv/radio/comp

vx some1. dont get caught tho!

code somthing with lots and lots and lots of variables and triggers- i mean programming triggers. not the si kind.

sort your email.

scour the net for emails and send strangers angry ranting spam!

play a violant video game. - may trigger, but works great for me.

find the cgi files for a comp game and replace all graphix tiles with smiley faces! i did this to one of my bros games and tolld him it was a bonus levle ^_^

|-|@|2|2@5 |0|01 !/\/ (|-|475 \/\/!7|-| 1337 5|033|<
harras ppl in chats with leet speak!

update your webpage.

make a webpage.

listen to music in a language you dont speak.

line the floor with pillows and do cannon balls off the bed. i did thiss untill i broke my bed jumping off it... long storry. lets just say mom wasnt happy

holld your breath for as long as possible. the dizzyness is much like the feeling i get after cutting. but if you have some sorta loung desease i recamend to skip this one...

dl music from a band you never heard before.

tell some1 you hate that you hate them.

... thats all i can think of for now. some of em ive tried. some i just thought up.

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Post by PoorSlain-Doll » Mon Aug 18, 2003 7:17 pm

something that usally helps me is going inside me head. it sounds strange, but i will explain. i block out all my thoughts and get into kinda a medetiting trance then i let my body go. i have a special place i always go to. first im walking in a big field with dark blue grass and thorny black rosses then i walk to wards a big black stone castle, i walk over the drawbridge. the mote is red with bood. as i walk the castle the candle light flickers out behind me and i end up in the tallest turret of the castel with just a single flame. i stare at the orb like moon in the purple sky and the black winged beasts. i can sit there for hours. but some times i jump... thats when i have no choice and i cut. but it works more often than not. Aalso if you SI for the pain i recomend piercings. [edited] the only piercing i have not removed is my nose, becae every time i touch it it reminds me how much i wanted to cut then, but how i avoided it. it gives me hope. if that makes any sense at all. sa
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Post by LN7 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:40 pm

These are great, I really use the squeezing ice cubes idea, but I add to it. I get a big bucket, lock myself in the bathroom and sit facing the bath. I them squeeze the ice cubes and if it hurts to much or not enoguh I then throw them at the wall behind the bath and tehy smash and shatter, tis very satisfying. Makes my rents wonder why their g&t ice cubes keep dissapearing though. :D
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Post by doglover8922 » Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:54 am

thats awesome thank you for postin that... but yea... i made my own list of like 257 things to do but i had to burn it because my mom was snoopin :x
God bless,

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great ideas

Post by turning_page » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:20 am

these are really great... i think i'll try them!

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Post by purpleflame » Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:11 pm

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by mercyless » Tue Nov 18, 2003 11:40 pm

One of the main reasons I joined the site was so I could get advice like this from people who actually understand what I am going through. Thank you so much...even just reading the list puts me in such a good mood.

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Post by Slightly Crazy » Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:17 pm

lol yesterday i played the piano for abotu three hours then my hands started hurting, it was a good duistraction

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Post by TwistedAngel » Thu Feb 26, 2004 3:24 pm


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Post by deepblue3 » Wed May 05, 2004 9:33 am

Wow. What a wonderful list. Thank you so much.
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Post by Hunterjumper_09 » Sun May 09, 2004 3:41 am

Something I have found that is nearly universal is Horse Back ridding. I know this seems like it isnt possible for alot of people but even if you live in a city chances are there is going to be at least one ridding stable near by.

I have found that Horse back ridding works in a slightly diffrent way. Even if you only do it once in a while it seems to keep you "sane" for quite a while. I personaly own 5 (soon 6) horses. I activly compete and train all through the year. If you cant get to a ridding stable and you feel like you might SI try memorizing all of the internal and external parts of the horse and where they are located. I have been working on this one for over a year.

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Re: 151 things to do before u si

Post by Hunterjumper_09 » Sun May 09, 2004 3:47 am

Cath wrote: 23) Snapping a rubber band on your wrist.
In my experiences this one can be dangerously addictive. I have a very high tolerance for pain and the other day I snapped the rubber band on my wrist untill I broke the skin. It was very much not purtty :oops:

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Post by Solemn Rurouni » Fri May 21, 2004 9:22 pm

I like.
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Re: Universal

Post by Solemn Rurouni » Fri May 21, 2004 9:26 pm

Hunterjumper_09 wrote:Something I have found that is nearly universal is Horse Back ridding. I know this seems like it isnt possible for alot of people but even if you live in a city chances are there is going to be at least one ridding stable near by.

I have found that Horse back ridding works in a slightly diffrent way. Even if you only do it once in a while it seems to keep you "sane" for quite a while. I personaly own 5 (soon 6) horses. I activly compete and train all through the year. If you cant get to a ridding stable and you feel like you might SI try memorizing all of the internal and external parts of the horse and where they are located. I have been working on this one for over a year.
yeah, at the 'ranch' where I tkae horseback riding lessons, I try adn go as often during the week cuz I'll help out then get to ride and practice. Alas my mom doesn't like driving me around so much :cry:
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Post by Middleground » Sun May 23, 2004 11:52 am

I've done at least six of those.... they helped :)

I write poetry sometimes when I want to... most of the time though when I feel like SIing I can't concentrate enough....

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