whats the point to have an emergency box if i dont use it?

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whats the point to have an emergency box if i dont use it?

Post by angelic212 » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:43 pm

thats my question what is the fucking point on having a n emergency box if i dont even use it , i just panic and keep thinking of cutting myself but almost never use my emergency box

sorry to waste space here but needed to post this

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Post by nirvana » Fri Apr 23, 2004 3:21 am

:-? wish i had an answer. i don't have an emergency box. did it help you while you were making it, maybe? someone who actually has one might be able to help more. sowwy...

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Post by Worthless » Fri Apr 23, 2004 3:45 pm

Maybe try putting it in a more prominent place or keep your tools near to where the box is so that you have to go near it if you want to harm yourself anyway?

I guess it depends really on why you don't use it.

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Post by angelic212 » Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:17 pm

worthless said:
Maybe try putting it in a more prominent place or keep your tools near to where the box is so that you have to go near it if you want to harm yourself anyway?
i never thought of that , its a good idea, i read in the post below mine about emergency boxes about putting the tools that i use to self harm at the bottom of the emergency box maybe i should do that, i think it will help me more to use my emergency box when the urge hits, thanks for the advice,

worthless i dont agree with you r nickname sweetie cause noone is worthless have you consider in changing your name on bus? cause i dont think you are worthless why dont you try to change it to a more positive name? what do you think?

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Post by plantt » Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:21 pm

if u don't use it... then it's not doing u a whole lot of good. so find ways to get u'rself to use it... then u'll find whether or not it's helping any.

one suggestion... wrap up u'r si tools really really good... *before* putting them in the box. make it so it takes a *lot* of effort to use them. otherwise what's to stop u from simply opening the box n going straight for the si tools...

i like the idea of putting u'r box in a more prominent place... maybe if it was somewhere u'd notice it more... u'd be more likely to use it

good luck :grnstar:

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Post by Worthless » Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:45 pm

angelical dreamer wrote:worthless i dont agree with you r nickname sweetie cause noone is worthless have you consider in changing your name on bus? cause i dont think you are worthless why dont you try to change it to a more positive name? what do you think?
Thanks :) Actually, I am considering changing it at some point because I guess I am past the point of seeing myself as that most of the time.

Take care, and I hope doing those things help,

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