New and need some help

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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New and need some help

Post by kymmy » Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:31 am

I am new here. I am 27 and have been SI since I was 13. I told my family and friends today that I was going to admit myself into a hospital, half of them were very understanding, the other half made me feal knee high to a piss ant about it telling me in just a crazy b**** and to just deal with life and get over it.. Where is the love and support when you need it? :cry:

Help needed please!! :oconf:

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Post by Jomomma » Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:01 am

As sad as it is sometimes you have to actually go out and seek out love and support.

You have guts.
I have never told anyone about my si and I have absolutely no intention of ever doing so.

If your family cannot support your decision to get help then you may have to look else where.
Hopefuly they will come around but it will do you no good to sit and wait for that to happen.

Good luck and take care of yourself

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Post by kymmy » Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:39 am

jomomma wrote:As sad as it is sometimes you have to actually go out and seek out love and support.

You have guts.
I have never told anyone about my si and I have absolutely no intention of ever doing so.

If your family cannot support your decision to get help then you may have to look else where.
Hopefuly they will come around but it will do you no good to sit and wait for that to happen.

Good luck and take care of yourself

Thank you so much for the support, if nothing else I can get the support I need through you guys. Thank you

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Post by ghanima77 » Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:17 am

jomomma's right. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help and you should feel proud that you did.

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Post by nirvana » Sat Apr 10, 2004 3:19 am

hey... welcome to bus. i'm sorry some of your friends and family reacted like that. most people don't understand si, the underlying feelings, and the stress and complications related to it. you'll definately get support here at bus; we all understand.

i hope everyone, given a little time, comes around and tries to learn more about si and understand it. maybe it would help to give them a link to the secret shame site, or this website, so they could understand it a little better.

i'm always here to talk; pm me if you ever want to!!
love + hugs,
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Post by kymmy » Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:14 pm

nirvana wrote:hey... welcome to bus. i'm sorry some of your friends and family reacted like that. most people don't understand si, the underlying feelings, and the stress and complications related to it. you'll definately get support here at bus; we all understand.

i hope everyone, given a little time, comes around and tries to learn more about si and understand it. maybe it would help to give them a link to the secret shame site, or this website, so they could understand it a little better.

i'm always here to talk; pm me if you ever want to!!
love + hugs,
Thank you all so much for the support. It is wonderful to know so many out there can relate to this situation. Thank you so much.

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Post by kymmy » Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:06 am

I tried to give them an address to this site and they told me I had to deal with it on my own because "society" would not see it as the "right thing." I think at this point in the game I can do it without them. I have to do this for me, my husband and my kids. I would like their support but I can do it either way. Right now I am waiting for admissions papers to admit myself. I CAN DO THIS...AND I WILL DO THIS.
Thank You so much.

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Post by yellowdreams » Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:18 pm


It's great that you have the determination to get better. Hope it goes well for you and you get the support you want/ need.

Take care of you

Kimi xx
p.s. Great name!!! But then, I'm biased....
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Post by Tamrick » Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:11 pm

Hi and welcome to BUS :moo:

I'm glad you are looking to get help for yourself. When you tell a lot of people about SI you will find that everyone has a slightly different response, which is the same when you tell people about anything actually.

What kind of support are you looking for? I hope you can get lots here. Good luck if you do decide to go to hospital. You can also make friends there and get some suypport. I'm sorry your family has not been so supportive though as that is hard to deal with.

Once again welcome.
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Post by kymmy » Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:22 am

Thank You Tamrick.....
The support I am looking for is just someone to listen, someone to say "your not alone" more or less the support that all of you have given already. You are all wonderful people. Thank you


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Post by nirvana » Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:08 pm

kymmy wrote:Nirvana...
I tried to give them an address to this site and they told me I had to deal with it on my own because "society" would not see it as the "right thing." I think at this point in the game I can do it without them. I have to do this for me, my husband and my kids. I would like their support but I can do it either way. Right now I am waiting for admissions papers to admit myself. I CAN DO THIS...AND I WILL DO THIS.
Thank You so much.
:evil: that makes me madd. fuck society. (excuse my french.) who cares what the right thing is? that's all relative. i'm glad you have the courage to do it by yourself. :D that takes major guts, and i'm here rooting for you!! ALWAYS here to talk with. :wink:

love ya babe,
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Post by Jomomma » Tue Apr 13, 2004 6:44 pm

I think I have to agree with most of what Tara said, french and all.

You do what you need to do for you. You are of no use to your kids or hubby if you are no good for you. While they may not realize it now they will learn that if momma ain't happy ain't no body happy.

Take care of yourself

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Post by kymmy » Tue May 04, 2004 3:29 am

Sorry I have not replied latley, I had a big slip and from that I put myslef in hiding for a while. Everything was going great.................
Kymmy :(

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Post by Laura » Tue May 04, 2004 12:05 pm

Hey, I'm sorry you had a slip. Offers you a hug :1soothe:, if that's ok.
You don't need to go into hiding here cos we understand how it feels when you've tried so hard and hoped things were looking up, and then it happens again. :( Do try not to beat yourself up about it - if things were going great, then they can do so again. :) But you don't have to make all the effort on your own, use all the help and support you can find, and don't be afraid to talk on here about stuff.

Take care
Love Laura :java:
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Post by eyeris » Tue May 04, 2004 4:44 pm

I just wanted to let you know I read, and it makes me sad that family can't support you wanting to feel better. You are important, and deserve to be happy, and I am glad that you are doing what you need to do to feel better. Good luck
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Post by kymmy » Tue May 04, 2004 7:16 pm

Thank you eyeris and Laura. I am very greatful to have such a wonderful support group, it is different but wonderful. Shit is hitting me hard latley and it is nice to know I can come here for help. Thank you all so very much. Hugs accepted....thank you

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Post by nirvana » Wed May 05, 2004 12:52 am

hey hun... just thought i'd check on how you're doing, since you said thing's have been rough...

you can pm me if you'd like to talk about any of it.
huggles, tara.
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Post by kymmy » Wed May 05, 2004 11:40 pm

Things are going ok...I try to talk and be my normal happy self but all it is doing is making it worse. I feel like I just want to hide but on the other hand I know that hiding will not make it go away. I guess I am not ready right now to deal with it the way I should. Thank you all so much for caring.

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Post by Wandering » Fri May 07, 2004 8:24 pm

Hey Kymmy, just to let you know that I read and I care.

Sorry to hear things ain't going great - I know the feeling of trying to act like you're fine when you're anything but. Please just remember you're always free to come here and rant, we don't mind listening if you feel crap.

((((((((hugs)))))))))) if ok

Hope it gets better soon
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Post by kymmy » Mon May 10, 2004 10:53 pm

Many thanks too all of you, it is very much appreciated.

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