How does one know when they should see a Therapist ?

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How does one know when they should see a Therapist ?

Post by Sparrow » Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:34 pm

Hi,,,I'm just looking for other's opinions please. I have been to several doctors about my problems in the past,,,some therapists were alright,,,some lousy,,,some I never gave a fair chance to. So anyway,,,I often wonder,,,just how does someone know when it is 'time' to seek professional help? I'm not referring to about doing something that others would 'make' you have to go to see someone like trying SU. It is just that I've been SI'ing for such a long time,,,and I wonder if it will ever go away,,,and I wonder if I tried to see someone again if that would benefit me. Then again I wonder,,,why start something like therapy again,,,because it is a hard thing to do,,,and I don't know if I even want to begin something like that again. I think,,,am I coping just fine with my SI,,,,or is this really just not right ??? I am sorry for the length of this,,and it probably doesn't even make much sense,,,but thanks for at least reading it,,,if you did,,,lol :wink:
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Post by empathy » Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:26 am

I don't know if this reply will have any answer for you, but I can sort of understand the situation. I have never been to a psychologist or therapist before (well, the guidance councilor) as I am still a teenager and I usually blame all of these odd psychotic/depressive/obsessive times as "just a phase". Well, right now, I'm going through a totally spasmatic like emotional disbalance plus there's the SI thrown together in the same batter. My mother has told me that she has Bipolar personality disorder and that I probably have it too and that I also have Obsessive Compulsive disorder, she's a doctor, so she knows a bit on the subject. I took a few online tests, talked to my mother, and analysed the situation and decided that even if this is merely a phase, it's better to be safe then sorry. I came to this 'relevation' 5 hours ago and it's still just sinking in, but now I'll hopefully be able to function.
It's all up to you to decide when you have to take a stand and decide for yourself and not for your 'well-being'.
I realized too late, or more precisely, I DIDN'T want to notice the problems in my life. Denial makes it worse.
Your subconscience plays tricks on you and makes you believe that you either ARE suffering from something or your aren't.

sorry for taking up so much space and your time.
I wish you great luck in whichever decision you take.
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Post by Proximity » Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:49 am

if you feel like something is wrong, and that help may help, then that's reason enough.

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Post by pinkllama » Sun Jan 18, 2004 5:48 am

I think that you brought up an interesting point...but ask yourself why you are asking this question....could it be that you have already answered your own question? I think that you brought up a sadly valid point...if we have to cope against our coping mechanism...I think its time to look for help. TAke it from me...if you're honestly looking for help and considering a therapist...find one, seek help before you end up in a worse situation....(this happened to me...two more months and I'll have finished paying off my hospital bills....**woots loudly**
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Post by plantt » Sun Jan 18, 2004 5:52 am

i agree with prox. ppl go through therapy for a wide variety of things. even if u were totally ok with si'ing for the rest of u'r life... but just wanted someone to talk to or whatever...
i think it's definitely worth a try

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Post by limestone » Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:18 pm

if you're si'ing, then things aren't ok. you don't need to see a therapist to stop but some people greatly benefit from seeing one.

working out what would be best for you is the hardest part I reckon.

it's difficult to help properly via internet as we don't know you. do you have anyone in real life who already knows you si, - you could talk it over with them.

or you could journal and figure out why you're hurting yourself - I don't think anyone is ok with having si in their life. when it comes down to it, your quality of life will be better without it. but deciding how much you want to deal with it is perhaps at the centre of it all, and talking to someone can help with that.

like prox said, therapy is simply a space for you to talk about your thoughts and feelings and then the therapist will give you their interpretation. then (good ones) they'll ask you if you think that is accurate or not, and you must say if you do or don't and then their insight can sometimes help you understand why you're doing something.

but talking to someone you don't know, is only a small part. there is so much you do on your own and with other people that helps you get to where you want to be.

if you keep your expectations realistic, then there's more chance you will get what you want/looking for from people and from yourself.

good luck,

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Post by Sparrow » Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:10 pm

Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond to my post. Means a lot. :)
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Post by Wandering » Sun Feb 01, 2004 10:56 pm

I guess I'd say if you want to stop/control your si, and you think professional help might be of some use, then go for it.

For me, its not really an option, as my parents don't know I si and it would be hard to get any professional help without them finding out.

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Post by F.I.N.E. » Mon Feb 02, 2004 5:54 pm

Andi, if you wanted help you could still get it. My parents dont know i SI but ive got a referral to the NHS Mental Health Team and am going to be getting therapy without their knowledge. Im 17 so it stays confidential and they contact me via my mobile phone. Im sure you could probably arrange something similar if you really wanted the help. Something to think about anyway. :)

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Post by wingedmessenger » Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:08 pm

I dont really know how I knew it was time to start seeing someone, I just knew. It felt right.

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Post by Ingo » Sun Mar 28, 2004 12:51 am

hi, well iv been feelin really depressed since october last yr n i have si at the time when i have done it just for a few mins it feels good n like my pain has gone n then after i wounder y i did it. i hav e tried 2 cut my wrist b4 i still hav e thye scar, but thing is i wona get help but i dont feeel i can as i wouldn't feel comfortable talkin to the dr so wot should i do?

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