
tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by freak_number12 » Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:34 am

I keep having dreams about me killing myself or bleeding to death and the feet of some special people. I can't recall if it was done to me or if I did it myself but I haven't been able to sleep for about two weeks becuz they keep replay and I'm not sure if they mean something. My very very close friend also said she was having dreams about me killing myself and I don't see why these are coming up. I mean lately I have want to cut again but I haven't thought about killing myself for awhile. Does anyone know of any reasons why I might be haviong these dreams? Please write back thanx

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Post by Lyndsie » Sun Feb 29, 2004 3:54 pm

I had a dream once where I had cuts all over my stomach and legs. That was weird cause I cut on my arms. ( i had stopped cutting for 4 months) Than about a month later I relapsed. A while ago looking back I think I kind of relapsed cause of my dream. I usally dont beleave that dreams come true, but a while before that I had a dream come true.
I dout yours will come true. Maybe it means somthing else. Like figuritivley.
Like me and this guy were more than friends, and in my dream he tryed to kiss me and pulled away. Soon after that we started pulling away from each other.
I hope this helps in some way.
Take care, and don't belave everything you dream.

Heres somthing you can do( i read it in a book "Almost Lost)
Turn on a bright light when your having a bad dream, and alll the light will remove the dark!

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Post by darkrose » Thu Mar 04, 2004 6:11 am

Turn on a bright light when your having a bad dream, and alll the light will remove the dark!

I like this saying!

and about your dream...i think that Lyndsie could be right! it could also mean that something big may happen between you and these people you're killing yourself in front of (at the feet of) somthing will change and maybe you'll think that it's your fault. I don't know...but that's what i would think!
I wonder how many people are saying "fine" when they're not.

I think that from now on I'm going to look a little bit deeper...because I'm not the only one.

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Post by eyeris » Thu Apr 15, 2004 4:56 pm

I have dreams about killing myself and being hurt, etc., and I write them down after I have them in my journal. It helps to get the images out onto paper. A dream is usually something in your subconscious telling you it's there. My psychologist helps me with my dreams sometimes -- those dream books and symbols are crap, by the way -- she says you have to look at a dream as if every part is you, so how do you associate with each image? Also, try to think about how you feel at each image, this could help you figure out what's really there, behind the images, to the reasons. If you have a therapist, I would suggest trying to go through the dreams with her/him, but if not, then try to work out the images like I suggested: journal, step-by-step thinking about it, also, if vivid enough , you might try drawing them -- it helps. I don't know if this helps, but I hope it does. Good luck.

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Post by badgirl22 » Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:40 am

I am scared of dreams..I am scared of sleep..of trying to get to sleep then falling asleep and dreaming about bad things happening..see whenever I have those dreams they have always come true..and that scares me. I am sorry I have no anser for you but I do understand how scarry it is to have those kinds of dreams.

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