carrying a teddy bear...

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carrying a teddy bear...

Post by splitimage » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:30 pm

ok so I feel a bit silly for this, 'cause I'm way to old to carry a stuffed toy... but I've been having an absolutely shit few weeks and the only things that seem to help are holding a little stuffed animal or playing with a razor blade. On the theory that the first is more socially acceptable I've put my purse sized little stuffed dog in my purse and whenever I feel like I'm losing it I pull him out and hold him.

I figure it's better to look a bit daft then to SI. :roll:

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Post by Alias Grace » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:11 pm

Splitimage, I do the same thing.

I like the feeling of having something to hold and squeeze.

And when it gets bad at home, I go curl up with my big stuffed ducky, Harold,

and you better believe my husband regrets buying him for me. Harold and I spend a lot of time together. ;)

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Post by turning_page » Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:55 pm

i do the same thing.... i carry a small stuffed bear in my school bag (which is like my purse but it holds alot more :tongue:) and at home i always like cuddling with one of my many bears... i never thought about it as something to do other then si but i do admit it makes me feel better
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Post by catlover » Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:56 am

i do exactly the same thing. i have a little purple teddy attachd to my keys, its a keyring and i often sit n stroke him lol.

also makes it easier to find my keys in the bottom of my handbag when i loose them there ehe
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Post by Tamrick » Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:27 pm

I really need a little stuffed bear. I have been so scared recently and insecure during my exams that I seriously contemplated taking Jemima to my psychologists - the appointments were upsetting me too - but she is really big.
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Post by WishesandDreams » Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:41 pm

I have my stuffed, fluffy white duck to hold when the world becomes too much. But he is big, so he stays on my bed. I wish I could port him around sometimes. I am thinking I would do more things, yet walking around with a big stuffed duck seems really silly.
My duck is big enough to hug and is quite absorbant. takes all my tears and my daughter's. My best friend got me my duck last easter. It's the sweetest present I have gotten in a very long time. She got it just for me. Its really nice to hold when I want to be held. Because being held just isnt possible for me. having my duck with me makes me feel not so alone. But I know I am. I just fool myself sometimes..............

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Post by limestone » Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:45 am

I do that too. It's the best. I took a different one with me to work last week - and she enjoyed it :) (I left a gap at the top of my bag so she could breathe - they don't like it if you cut the oxygen supply off :o Plus I don't either, I feel guilty if I do.) Holding a bear or rabbit can make me smile when other people can't. The connection is soothing - I don't think it's silly at all. Bears know how to help you - they smile back and are always there for you.

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Post by becs » Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:36 pm

I still sleep with a stuffed animal (my Panda...named...Panda :o )


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Post by Chimera » Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:06 am

I always sleep with one of several stuffie bears...
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Post by pretty » Thu Dec 11, 2003 1:38 pm

I can't believe I hadn't thought of this. Until about six months ago (when I moved in with my hubby) I had a teddy near me all the time and it really helped. I'm gonna go get my big bear and sit him on the sofa with me to watch tv. I feel awful today, and I really think this'll help.


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Post by horsesister » Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:05 am

I have a stuffed horse (can you tell I love horses? I ride) that I often carry around the house with me when depressed, but I never thought of smuggling her to school in my backpack. Good idea, thanks! It's amazing how powerful stuffed animals can be ... I'm halfway through high school, but they still seem remarkable alive to me. I still worry about their feelings. :roll:


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Post by guest2 » Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:32 am

My daughter got me started on the coolest new charm bracelet. The charms are little squares that fit together to form a bracelet. I have put on the bracelet things that remind me of my T, Miffle, my daughter, my horse (yeah for horses!!), my dogs, my fish, my garden.. all the things that make me happy and safe. I can wear it all the time and it makes me feel happy and safe.

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Post by Twinky » Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:20 pm

I've got this weird relationship with my teddy... He's huge and called Eddie.

I love to cuddle him when I'm feeling realy fragile, but my a*user gave him to me... so I suppose it's a love/hate relationship... maybe I should get another because I think sometimes he triggers me... but I love him!

What do you guys think I should do? Keep or get tid?
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Post by Laura » Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:31 pm

I do that sometimes. I don't often carry a teddy around, but I keep one at work and one at home, and I usually take one if I'm going to A&E or whatever.

Here at my mum's I have this huge panda, he's the right size to hug properly, and when I'm feeling down I just sit and hug him for hours.

Whatever :oops:
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Post by becka 13 » Thu Jan 01, 2004 7:08 am

i got a teddy bear from a friend of mine for christmas :-) i love the bear. hes so soft and huggable and the perfect size. not too big and not too small. *runs to get teddy* i hug him forever when im feeling low.

everyone loves teddy bears.


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Post by Kaioh » Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:06 am

^_^ no worries im a guy 15 years old an i do that from time to time. helps me instead of stabbing my arm all the time... poor sparky's getting worn out. i feel lyk a lil kid draggin him around. =)
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Post by Issei » Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:01 pm

I usually have a stuffed animal with me at all times at school but I never really know why. I act like a little kid, and it's just a little kid sort of thing to do :D

But when I'm sad and at home, I hug bear-bear, which is my first stuffed animal i ever had that my mom gave me when i was an infant. He always makes me feel better ^_^
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Post by sal » Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:58 pm

i have a ted too hes called lil ted and he is real and i love him and he goes everywhere with me. he is family. i also have lil doggie who is also family and he comes everywhere too, although he doesn't like shopping and so he chooses not to come :blush: but otherwise he comes.
recently we all went on interrail on holidays, they even went in the reichstag, and in Berlin they had a circle of giant teddy bears each dressed up to represent countries to represent peace and lil ted loved being photographed by one of them :blush:
so that is my family, me, lil ted, lil doggie and virgil (my hubby)
love from

ps we also have fairies, lil ted is friends with them of course! :blush:

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Post by babyelephant » Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:59 am

Yay, I LOVE my teddies!! Poor things though, I'll get a new one from my bessie bud and it'll become the new fave,dragged around everywhere wiv me. Hey I'm pretty sad, I talk to my teddies, and act like their real. And they all have to sleep on my bed or I'm worried they feel left out. :oops: I'm new here kinda, so hi all.

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Post by limestone » Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:39 am

saw this thread and wanted to reply again.

i've found carrying pom-poms in my pockets a substitute (sp?) for bears.

yellow is my current colour atm.

are there any other substitutes that people use (bears can be hard to hide in public... :wink: )

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