Place To Wish

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by theatregeek » Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:45 pm

I wish i could move,
I wish i was gone
I wish life was over,
I wish people would get me
I wish people would love.
Lie To me
Convince Me That I've Been Sick Forever
And All Of This
Will Make Sense When I Get Better
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Post by thincrimsonsins » Sun Sep 07, 2003 2:16 am

I wish my parents knew me
I wish my parents knew what I did
I wish my family loved me
I wish I was thin
I wish throwing up didn't ruin my throat and voice
I wish life was easier
I wish I had a boyfriend
I wish I had love
I wish I wasn't alone
"You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm breaking the habit tonight"
~Linkin Park


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Post by theatregeek » Sun Sep 07, 2003 2:20 am

thincrimsonsins wrote: I wish I was thin
I wish throwing up didn't ruin my throat and voice
I must agree with u on that
Lie To me
Convince Me That I've Been Sick Forever
And All Of This
Will Make Sense When I Get Better
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Post by 8586 » Sun Sep 07, 2003 3:39 am

I wish I could be truely happy.

That's all I want right now.
Cry as I may, but these tears won't wash you away...

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Post by racewithdeath » Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:31 am

i wish i was different
i wish i was gone
i wish i could eat w/o fealing sick
i wish i could say what i mean
i wish school was easy for me
i wish i could be there for other people
i wish i wasnt scared of being around people
i wish i wasnt so easily triggered
i wish i was good at somthing
i wish i didnt have to hide all the time
i wish..... so many things...
"she thinks im crazy. and i am sometimes,
but when i ain't... i got more sense 'an any of
you. and right now, i ain't!!"
~Chicago(the play)
the past has left it's stain
now i feel the shame
i'll seize the day
if you take away
the chains of years today
at times lifes unfair
and you know its plain to see
hey God i know im just a dot in this world
have you forgot about me?

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Post by Abi » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:24 am

i wish i felt better
i wish i didn't have to repeat the year at college
i wish all the people i cared about hadn't left me
i wish i was pretty
i wish i was thin
i wish my tutor was still at college
i wish i was nromal
The only thing that's constant is change

:lpurpstar: :lgrnstar: :lblstar: :cystar: :pinkstar: :bluestar: :redstar: :ylwstar:

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Post by Ime » Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:17 am


This post is really sad.

For a start, a lot of the things wished for will not make you happy. Just a different shape of sad.

Secondly, a lot of those things CAN be had, but they have to be worked for. How much do you REALLY want it? How much are you prepared to do to work on it?

I can't wish, all i can do is try to achieve my desires. It's hard but it doesn't mean it has to be bad.

If i had to wish, it would be that people would be happy with who they were, or willing to work on who they wanted to be.

"It's like she doesn't need other people to define who she is. She knows"

(If these walls could talk 2)

I will remember that to not ask for what i need is both selfish and foolish

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Post by tomwg » Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:20 am

wishes are good, they help us to see what we truely want out of life. achiving our wishes is where the work begins.

:grnstar: i wish cr and i would kiss
:grnstar: i wish talking to my sister wasn't so hard, even though i know i can tell her anything
:grnstar: i wish i had enough money to help mysef and help my family too
:grnstar: i wish i could eat ice cream and not get sick (lactose intolerance sucks!)
:grnstar: i wish i could tell the rest of my family about my si
:grnstar: i wish i were 2 inches taller
:grnstar: i wish i could cry
:grnstar: i wish my business would make some money and pay me what i'm worth
:grnstar: :grnstar: :grnstar: :grnstar: :grnstar:
some wishes do come true!
:redstar: i was a girl scout camp counslor because i wanted to be (still one of the best summers of my life!)
:redstar: this year i get a troup of my own! because scouting is important to me and i want to share it with girls.
:redstar: i did kiss cr on the cheek on our last date! (small steps, small steps) i will kiss him someday.
:redstar: i have a 2 college degrees, and debt free!
:redstar: i have four clients, and if the new ones keep me i'll be half way to my goal of 8!
:redstar: i have the cutest (nearly) dog in the world that i named with a name i picked out when i was 13. that was 14 years with a dog name and no dog. i wished for a dog that would fit the name perfectly. spork is my dog.
:redstar: i started my own buisness, and it's hard, but it was always my wish to have it. my very own.

so, some wishes do come true if you make them. and for a few things on my list, i'll never be two inches taller, but i can wish. as for the rest... someday i'll add them to the wishes made list.

:heart: "I remind myself that tenacity is easier when you have no choice."
:blueheart: "NEVER, EVER LET GO."

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Post by theatregeek » Tue Sep 16, 2003 9:42 pm

*I wish he didnt dump me,
*I wish i was still loved,
*I wish i could sing
*I wish i wasnt sick,
Lie To me
Convince Me That I've Been Sick Forever
And All Of This
Will Make Sense When I Get Better
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Post by circular_stripes? » Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:39 am

*i wish she loved me
*i wish i were happy
*i wish my head didnt hurt
*i wish my darkness entrance bracelet will never break
nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw
Nee naw

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Post by WickedWitchElphie » Sat Sep 20, 2003 12:05 am

I wish he loved me
I wish I got in the show
I wish he wasn't a stupid jackass to her
I wish she could be happy
I wish everything could be okay
I wish he saw me

I'm through accepting limits
'Cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But 'til I try I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost...

How can someone like you love someone like me?
*I :heart: KP*

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Post by BlackKat13 » Sat Sep 20, 2003 3:30 am

I wish that I'd learn not to deny my past-face it.
I wish I wouldn't let my past keep me from doing things and living my life now.
I wish I could see myself as pretty-everyone else says I am, so why does the mirror tell me otherwise.
I wish for no more suffering
I wish for hope
I wish scales were suddenly made illegal in this country
I wish I wasn't scared so much
I wish I wasn't rich
I wish cats were allowed in college dorm rooms
I wish I wasn't afraid to love
I wish I could make a time machine and do things over
I wish I wasn't so obsessive over excercise-it takes 2-3 hours out of EACH freaking day!
I wish I did not have three learning disabilaties.
I wish I could cry so I wouldn't have to bleed.
I wish my mom would let me get a job.
I wish my parents loved me-were proud of me.
I wish I had friends
I wish I didn't have endometriosis.
I wish I could go on the pill without a pap smear, so I wouldn't need to put up with these aggonizing periods and miss class every two months (yes, I go every two).
I wish my boyfriend and I were both a few years older, so we could get married and he could be my family-so I could have a loving one.
I wish I would stop getting pop ups-(writes reminder to put pop up blocker on this stupid new laptop, urrg I hate technology)
I wish my wishes came true....
Wounded and empowered
I gaze to the sky
And say beneath my breath
"Never injure what cannot die."
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Post by joanthegoat » Sat Sep 20, 2003 5:43 am

i wish i had some support

i wish i were able to ask for it
nothing, whether deed, word, thought or text, ever happens in relation, positive or negative, to anything that precedes, follows, or exists elsewhere, but only as a random event whose power, like the power of death, is due to the randomness of its occurrence.

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Post by Jude » Sat Sep 20, 2003 9:25 pm

Wow this could take ages...

I wish i could be normal in ways other ppl just take for granted
I wish i could cope better...
I wish i was stronger and healthy
I wish i didnt have to go to college but could just have a gd job already
I wish i lived nearer my boyfriend
I wish i was a better person
I wish i didnt need anything or anyone else
I wish i didnt have to live in fear
I wish i was someone else sometimes...

"I've been too honest with myself, I should have lied like everybody else."

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Post by lore » Sun Sep 21, 2003 9:26 pm

* i wish these wishes weren't all "i want love, i want to look good" but they are...

* i wish i could make everony happy

* i wish i was good enough

* i wish to make it to my goal by the cruise

* i wish to be understood

* i wish to feel loved and accepted

* i wish i had the willpower to succeed at something

* i wish i understood algebra

* i wish...
somewhere, over the rainbow way up high
there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby
somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true
someday i'll wish upon a star
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me...
somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
birds fly over the rainbow-
why, then oh why can't i?
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Post by WickedWitchElphie » Sun Sep 21, 2003 9:39 pm

I wish I wasn't so pathetic
I wish I didn't have to wish
I wish he loved me
I wish I would just stop hurting him/myself/everyone else who I love
I wish I could fix it all
I wish I could find a long sleeved shirt
I wish I didn't have so much drama homework
I wish my English essay didn't suck
I wish she would stop
I wish he wouldn't haunt me
I wish he would hold me
I wish my puppy were here
I wish I had talent
I wish I wasn't in so much pain
I wish he would forget her and be happy
I wish I could make him happy
I wish everyone would accept me
I wish everyone wouldn't have a problem accepting me
I wish I didn't break
I wish I was at 21 days
I wish my heart wouldn't be broken
I wish I could feel better
I wish he would see
I wish I could tell him how I feel
I wish I wouldn't hide from my emotions

I'm through accepting limits
'Cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But 'til I try I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost...

How can someone like you love someone like me?
*I :heart: KP*

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Post by EllemyshShade » Sun Sep 21, 2003 10:14 pm

Cool...all my wishes can never come true though for obvious reasons.

I wish ignorance would disappear completely
I wish that we were not confined so utterly by our mortal bodies
I wish magic and mystery were still factors in our world
I wish that mankind in general could be trusted
I wish that the need for money was nonexistant
:bluestar: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. "

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Post by emnatic » Mon Sep 22, 2003 3:53 pm

i wish i cud be me and no worry wat peepled think
i wish i was skinny
i wish i cud get out of egypt
i wish i wasnt so paranoid
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Post by Tamrick » Mon Sep 22, 2003 7:32 pm

I wish my exams were over
I wish my job was sorted out
I wish I had not SIed on the weekend
I wish I knew what was for supper
I wish I didn't have to make it :)
I wish I could travel
I wish I had more money
I wish I had a boyfriend
I wish my dog could live with me instead of with my parents
I wish I could go on a cruise
I wish it would get colder so I could use my electric blanket again
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Post by piglet » Mon Sep 22, 2003 10:15 pm

I wish could disappear... working on this one to make it true?
"It is joy to be hidden, but disaster not to be found" (Winnicott)

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