My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by middleaged » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:10 am

My self hating feelings would improve if I list some good things about me.

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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by swirlish » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:09 pm

middleaged wrote:My self hating feelings would improve if I list some good things about me.
Are you doing that?


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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by swirlish » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:11 pm

one out of none wrote:
mian wrote:Bump!

When you've answered the question, I suggest adding "so why am I not doing that?", if only to yourself. Might give you a little kick to do/get what you need.

My deep feelings of loneliness would improve if I made myself leave the house.

So why am I not doing that?

I have a lot of issues with social anxiety, to the point where even going to the shop is a big deal. I feel like everybody is laughing at me and judging me negatively, even though rationally I know that they have their own things to worry about.

I am going to get out tomorrow, because I am so lonely I feel sick to the very core of myself. I will get everything ready this evening, so I have no excuse not to do it in the morning.
I was so impressed to see that you're planning to go out, despite your fears and anxiety. I think doing something when you're that scared is one of the bravest things you can do. I hope you managed to and that it helped.


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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by angelclown » Thu May 30, 2013 10:11 pm

My feelings of self-loathing would improve if I did something to make me feel good about my own body.
My feelings of inadequacy would improve if I listened more to the friends who supported me, and binned the ones that antagonise me.
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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by treasure » Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:39 am

my feelings of anxiety and restlessness would improve if i got ready to go out and then found something useful to do in the 45mins before i have to leave.

...why am i not doing that?
1. i feel like i have too many things to do so i can't concentrate on one. what i can do: add to and double-check my todo list then pick one of those things to do.
2. i feel like i'm going to do badly, fail, lose my momentum and hope, fall back down into depression, if i really try and make my business idea work. what i can do: get other people's perspective and advice, figure out contingency plans if i run out of money or everything goes horribly wrong.
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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by Spidey » Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:00 am

treasure wrote:my feelings of anxiety and restlessness would improve if i got ready to go out and then found something useful to do in the 45mins before i have to leave.

...why am i not doing that?
1. i feel like i have too many things to do so i can't concentrate on one. what i can do: add to and double-check my todo list then pick one of those things to do.
2. i feel like i'm going to do badly, fail, lose my momentum and hope, fall back down into depression, if i really try and make my business idea work. what i can do: get other people's perspective and advice, figure out contingency plans if i run out of money or everything goes horribly wrong.
How are things going now? Did you act on your to-do list?
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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by Just Pomegranates » Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:23 am

My tired feelings would improve if I gave myself longer to rest :1couch:
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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by treasure » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:38 am

Gaball Screen wrote:
treasure wrote:my feelings of anxiety and restlessness would improve if i got ready to go out and then found something useful to do in the 45mins before i have to leave.

...why am i not doing that?
1. i feel like i have too many things to do so i can't concentrate on one. what i can do: add to and double-check my todo list then pick one of those things to do.
2. i feel like i'm going to do badly, fail, lose my momentum and hope, fall back down into depression, if i really try and make my business idea work. what i can do: get other people's perspective and advice, figure out contingency plans if i run out of money or everything goes horribly wrong.
How are things going now? Did you act on your to-do list?
my appt was very encouraging, i feel like i can achieve things if i try. yep, straight after writing here yesterday i did the first thing on my todo list, i just need to get it looked over by someone else for more suggestions. guess i can start on the second item today :)
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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by swirlish » Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:13 pm

treasure wrote:
Gaball Screen wrote:
treasure wrote:my feelings of anxiety and restlessness would improve if i got ready to go out and then found something useful to do in the 45mins before i have to leave.

...why am i not doing that?
1. i feel like i have too many things to do so i can't concentrate on one. what i can do: add to and double-check my todo list then pick one of those things to do.
2. i feel like i'm going to do badly, fail, lose my momentum and hope, fall back down into depression, if i really try and make my business idea work. what i can do: get other people's perspective and advice, figure out contingency plans if i run out of money or everything goes horribly wrong.
How are things going now? Did you act on your to-do list?
my appt was very encouraging, i feel like i can achieve things if i try. yep, straight after writing here yesterday i did the first thing on my todo list, i just need to get it looked over by someone else for more suggestions. guess i can start on the second item today :)
Good job! :D


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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by StarChild » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:07 pm

My anxious feelings would improve if I made some structure for my day.

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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by moon raver » Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:06 pm

Joseph wrote:My lonely feelings would improve if I called a friend.
my lonely feelings would improve if my mom didn't have a job
that's not possible though so...
my lonely feelings would improve if i started classes
my hurt feelings would improve if i didn't let things get to me

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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by StarChild » Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:56 pm

My money worries would be improve if I committed to accountability (texting my best friend before buying something).

My shame feelings would improve if I opened up to someone about what I'm going through.

My paranoid feelings would improve if I could talk to my therapist. (But I can't until tuesday)

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Re: My "?" feelings would improve if I ...

Post by noldo » Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:40 pm

My "worthless" feelings might improve if I call R tomorrow and get some honest feedback. I doubt it will be worse than my thoughts and anticipations.
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