Meditation tapes/tracks

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Meditation tapes/tracks

Post by StarChild » Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:40 am

Does anyone else use these? You can get some quite good ones on iTunes, and there are a ton on youtube. I especially like the "creating a safe place" ones - I love my safe place.

The ones I use are mainly from "Eliciting The Relaxation Response and Finding Inner Peace," an "album" of meditation tracks from iTunes. It's by Dr. Julie M. Milne, and I love it. She has such a nice calm voice.

Anyone else use these? They're a good coping skill for me, though I know they don't work for everyone.


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Re: Meditation tapes/tracks

Post by treasure » Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:03 pm

i do use some, mostly mindfulness practice ones from the app "satify" which are from a couple of different sources. i don't find them that helpful with si urges though because my thoughts derail too quickly, but they are great for anxiety and helping turn off some thoughts to help me get to sleep.
virtual hugs welcome.
shiny place or old place

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