playlist for when you need to cry *TW for these songs*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Re: playlist for when you need to cry *TW for these songs*

Post by awkward-shark » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:27 am

Awesome! I'm listening to the first playlist atm. Sometimes I feel like I want to get some stuff out and listening to music always helps.
May I share some of songs I like to listen to when I'm feeling kinda low? :-)
You're just like a pill/P!nk
Just give me a reason/P!nk ft. Nate Ruess
Youth/ Daughter
:grnstar: :lgrnstar: Call me Sharky :lgrnstar: :grnstar:

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Re: playlist for when you need to cry *TW for these songs*

Post by disastercake » Thu May 22, 2014 2:54 am

Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes listening to emotional songs really helps me get in touch with my negative emotions so I can get them out, and then listen to positive ones to get in the mood to get back out there. These days I listen to songs my friend put on Spotify before she died and that really gets to me.

I really like your taste in music. :bfly:
:bfly: -Al :bfly:

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