Things Left Unsaid *LA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by nomdeplume » Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:11 pm

You are breaking my heart: I'm tired of this constant swing between anger and hurt. You have left me in your mind as far as I can tell. You say with your mouth that you can't imagine not being with me, but you don't act like you're with me. There are no hugs or kisses, no compliments or thanks, no kind words or affirmations, no dates or presents, no helping out unless I prompt you (and then you act like a dick 'cause I made you do something). I am married and aching with loneliness??? WTF! That's not in my handbook...what handbook are you using??
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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by greenstarz » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:04 pm

i need you to talk to me. i cant stand when u wait so long to talk to me. i hate that i depend on you so much, but i do. i feel so pathetic depending on you so much. i feel like youre going to leave me because i am so demanding. i cant help it. i have this hole inside that i cant fill with anything. you udnerstand me, or at least you pretend like you care. i dont know if thats real or not but i dont care, it feels real to me. i hate needing people. please asnwer me soon i depend on you so much you will never realize. please help me, please make this better.
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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by capricorn » Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:37 pm

I wish that you'd fucking reply to me.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Helba » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:29 pm

I haven't heard from you in weeks. I am guessing you've forgotten. You told me on the 22nd, that you still had love for me, but have yet to contact me since. I thought at that time you were saying it for me in a honest sense, but why would you say it then disappear as you have. Even a single message saying how you are doing would have been nice. I do believe now you have forgotten about me, I hope you enjoy your time with her. My heart aches in ways you'll never know, for feelings I once had that you have never felt before. Maybe someday you will feel that and truly understand how I felt for you.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Stefani140 » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:51 am

To J:

Fuck you! I repeat fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! I have had enough of you verbally abusing me, claiming that I said things I never said, claiming to have never told me things that you told me, and generally telling me what a judgemental rotten bitch I am every time I speak to you. Believe it or not, I tell you my concerns because I give a shit about you! I am not "telling you what to do", I am not "judging you", I am not "calling you a whore and a mooch." Since when does offering concerned advice amount to any of that bullshit! You're right, I am writing you off. I am done with you. I have had enough of you screaming at me and calling me names for hours, ignoring me until its convenient for you, and then blaming it all on me. I am done with you making me cry and then just walking away to go badmouth me to your friends. I am done with you upsetting me so badly that I want to SI every time your around. Have a nice fucking life, cause until you climb off your little selfish pedestal, I have no interest in being a part of it.

Oh yeah, PS, start looking for a new place to live...I know I am, I am getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can.
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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Eva » Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:27 pm

I'm still thinking about you even though I haven't seen you for so long. And probably I will never see you again. But I liked you so much. You were the first man I could fall for. I have realized that I'm searching for men, who are like you. Who looks like you. Who has the same education. I compare them to you, but they aren't you. Maybe I should have accepted a friendship? Maybe you would become attracted to me later on. But I doubt it..

I remember how excited I was, when I first felt the butterflies. This really could be something, I thought. But you didn't feel the same way. I wish I didn't met you at all. I tried to get over it. I almost forgot about you. But then I met someone new and he dumped me too..and the memory of you returned. Why do I always want something I can't get :blfrwn:

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by thirstforromance » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:12 am

To my sister: I am so sorry I didn't defend you the way I should have.

To my mother: Likewise. I wish I could tell you this to your face. I wish we could have the conversation we obviously both need to have. I twist away from it because i'm scared. I'm sorry.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Helba » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:05 pm

I guess you've really moved on.
I hope you have found happiness.
"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
Charles Austin Beard
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Joan Borysenko


Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by guest567 » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:12 pm

I'm sad that you no longer seem to count our friendship as something worth bothering about. I am always the one that makes contact now, but it shouldn't be that way. If you don't want to be friends anymore, just let me know.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Beasty » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:54 am

I want to see you now!! Can I come now? Please? Can time speed up?

I'm so excited for your class.
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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Helba » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:04 pm

I still think of you everyday
"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Brit » Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:47 pm

I still think of you everyday.

And everyday I find myself in tears at the thought that i might have messed up my life.

I do still have feelings for you, but im trying to let you move on so that you dont have to deal with me anymore.
I know I just keep hurting you. You deserve so much better.
:star: Hugs and PM's Welcome :star:

I will miss you Helba.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Helba » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:50 pm

I've never wanted to move on, I waited because the girl I met I loved.
I still love her and miss her dearly.
As foolish as it might sound all I wish is to see you again and you fall into my arms and it was like nothing ever happened.

I still love you, with all of my heart...
"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
Charles Austin Beard
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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by strider 151 » Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:56 pm

ok, this is it. i know its nieve of me to say i wont fall again, but this time i am really going to try. i know i keep saying it, but each time i fall i learn something new that sticks.

but i'm impatient and self-seeking. please show me how to be patient in love and how to be gracious, generous and put others first.

but most of all please teach me trust and faith. i really wanna know were i'm going, i need to know the next step, wat i'm working towards. instead you shield my future behind a veil. please reveal your plans for me, so that i know what to do

k - i'm so thankful for you. i made things so hard for you but i wanna change. i wouldnt have made it this far without you. i couldnt have got this far with anyone but you. thankyou
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In the end, it doesnt matter where you have been or who you were,
it only matters who you want to be and where you want to end up.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by guest567 » Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:15 pm

How did you not expect me to be upset by what you said? I was disappointed, and I know you all were but you didn't have to make a joke about it in front of the whole family and expect me not to be hurt when you were basically laughing about how stupid I am.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by fragmentedxdream » Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:44 am

How can you not see that everything you do has an effect on me? I'm not like every other person, I can't just ignore the things you do and be okay everyday. I'm different and if you can't deal with that then why are you still dating me? I wish you could see that my whole life I've been kicked while I'm down and taken advantage of by other people. You may think I can push my past behind me but really it haunts me every day.
"...occasionally I wished I could walk through a picture window and have the sharp, broken shards slash me to ribbons so I would finally look like I felt." - Elizabeth Wurtzel

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by volta » Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:26 am

please. someone.
tell me i'm pretty.
even if you don't mean it.
how could anyone mean it when talking to me?

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Beasty » Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:07 pm

Please be okay with this, please please please please please be okay with this. I shan't ask you for anything but help with papers for a very long time if you will be okay with this. I can't be alone for this I can't I can't I can't I just can't. If it's yes... if I do... I cannot sit on that white crinklepaper alone and tainted and alone and disgusting. I don't know whom to ask besides you. None of my friends need to know, none none none. Too much room for gossip. You won't gossip. Shall not ask C. She isn't "loyal to me" above my family and well I know it. I know I told you that I could ask someone else but truthfully there is no one no one none none none. Just you. R is too far away, 7 hours away, so just you. You or alone. I mustn't do alone so please be okay with this. Please let me have misinterpreted the look on your face and sombre affect to your voice for your smile did return shortly after I asked and your laughter.
Oh god please.
"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody’s got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later. BOOM!" - Susan Ivanova

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by fragmentedxdream » Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:12 am

Please don't give up on me, i'm trying my hardest to get better. I need you by my side or else i will fall apart. Don't leave me...
"...occasionally I wished I could walk through a picture window and have the sharp, broken shards slash me to ribbons so I would finally look like I felt." - Elizabeth Wurtzel

hugs are appreciated

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by mande » Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:59 pm

I love that you treat me like a daughter, but I feel so bad letting you help me.

Thank you. I can never repay your kindness, but you are amazing people and I am so glad to be part of your family.


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