who are you right now? *lang trigs*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by Eva » Sun May 16, 2010 9:01 pm

i am...
excited about the party on Friday
happy that I got a reply on my mail to an old classmate on Facebook
not really in love anymore
i am not...
feeling lonely
i feel...
i want...
next week to be good
it to be warmer soon
all the bad things to be over soon
i need...
to exercise
not to eat so unhealty anymore
i have...
to get through the bad things in my life
i love...
that I still can be positive even though some things are not going too well
i hate...

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by MusicalMorphine » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:25 pm

i am...
Worthy, strong enough,

i am not...
hopeless, pathetic, a failure

i feel...

i want...
to move, to be good

i need...

i have...
to keep pushing

i love...

i hate...
losing hope

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by stripysocks4christ » Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:33 pm

I Am...
I Am Not...
a burden
I Feel
I Want
to be healed
I Need
to be loved
things to calm down
I Have
amazing friends
a good life
I Love
kim, annabel, claire
I Hate
loud noises
unexpected things
"Love does not make the world go round... It’s what makes the ride worth while"
"Good friends lift you up when your wings forget to fly"

"Let Go and Let God"
"God will never let us fall without a plan on how to save us"
"For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" – Philippians 4:13

"I only lied so I didn't have to see the tears of disappointment in your eyes"
"I don't want the world to see me, cos I don't think that they'd understand..."

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by handmade mute » Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:50 pm

i am...
:dkpurpstar: exhausted
:dkpurpstar: stressed
:dkpurpstar: over it all
:dkpurpstar: hurt
:dkpurpstar: angry
:dkpurpstar: tired of nothing ever changing in this relationship, because only I try
:dkpurpstar: struggling far more than I want to admit

i am not...
:lblstar: coping
:lblstar: willing to keep sitting quietly in the interests of keeping the peace. It's not helping.
:lblstar: able to sleep yet. Which is bad, since I have a dentist appointment at 9am.

i feel...
:redstar: unloved
:redstar: unheard
:redstar: unimportant
:redstar: like I could sleep for a month if only I could keep my eyes closed and calm the chaos in my head.

i want...
:lpurpstar: to feel like things are improving
:lpurpstar: for people irl to see that I'm trying as hard as I can right now
:lpurpstar: for people to stop assuming I'm lazy if I don't get everything done. I'm doing the best I can right now.

i need...
:pinkstar: people irl to stop being idiots
:pinkstar: time to myself
:pinkstar: a chance to relax and calm down
:pinkstar: for someone to tell me I'm doing well, and they are proud of me
:pinkstar: to know that M is ok, or at least being safe- I need him to want to call me.
:pinkstar: to sleep

i have...
:grystar: little chance of this actually happening.

i love...
:blkstar: the idea of making a coffee, even if it means definitely not sleeping tonight.

i hate...
:grnstar: myself
:grnstar: my relationship
:grnstar: my lack of realistic hope for the coming year
:grnstar: my therapist

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by vyper » Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:24 am

i am...
strong.. sometimes

i am not...
in love anymore
okay right now

i feel...
like i'll never trust anyone again

i want...
some tea
someone to hold my hand
to not have to go to class tomorrow
for it to be raining so I can sleep well

i need...
to be told that I am pretty
to feel like someone cares about me

i have...
an awesome roommate that loves me (even though she doesn't understand sometimes)
a really, really comfortable bed
a lot of homework to do :(

i love...
My super cute teddy bear that I got for Valentine's day
my music theory professor

i hate...
feeling like I can't talk to anyone
isolating myself from everyone

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by -Apolla- » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:59 am

i am
... awake.
... hopefully. mostly
... improving.
... scared.
... angry.

i am not
... happy.
... convinced of myself.
... urging to cut myself. at the mom.
... free.

i feel...
... so angry.
... annoyed by myself.

i want...
... to be able to take life easy again.
... to not have to worry about everything.

i need...
... somebody to listen to me.
... somebody to hug me.
... somebody who I can truly trust.

i have...
... not SId myself in over two weeks.
... a good life, a good family and good friends.

i love...
... chocolate.
... the upcoming spring.
... the sun.

i hate...
... the way how I can not locate my anger.
... that I can not keep myself from being angry.
... that everything seems complicated lately.
... that I cause so many problems.
... that I can't express myself as I'd like to.
:bluestar: in recovery :bluestar:

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by demolition_lover » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:17 am

i am
...being productive with my homework.
...craving a bagel that I know is sitting in the plastic bag on the counter in the kitchen.
...awake and here, right now.

i am not
...feeling like I need to SI again right now.
...talking to anyone.

i feel

i want
...my foot to get better so I can ride tomorrow and not be in pain while doing so.
...my family to calm the hell down because I can't deal with their crap right now.

i need
...my best friend. I just texted her.

i have
...beautiful pets.
...a few amazing friends.
...a therapist that I can finally talk to.

i love
...my friends.
...getting the right answer on the first try on my physics internet assignments :oP:

i hate
...feeling like I did earlier today.
...not getting texts back when all I really want is to talk to someone.
I'm not afraid to keep on living

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by -Apolla- » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:51 pm

i am...
:blkstar: so scared
:blkstar: broken

i am not...
:blkstar: alone

i feel...
:blkstar: empty

i want...
:blkstar: to be whole again

i need...
:blkstar: to know how I can be helped

i have...
:blkstar: had a horrible day
:blkstar: not slipped today of which I can be proud

i love...
:blkstar: the night and the darkness

i hate...
:blkstar: how I cannot control my feelings
:bluestar: in recovery :bluestar:

:grnstar: retired forum user :grnstar:

:star: working towards my dreams :star:

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by -Apolla- » Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:54 am

i am...
:lgrnstar: tired. very very tired.
:lgrnstar: annoyed by myself.
:lgrnstar: worn out.

i am not...
:lgrnstar: hurting myself
:lgrnstar: totally shattered

i feel...
:lgrnstar: lost
:lgrnstar: stupid. somehow

i want...
:lgrnstar: to be loved.
:lgrnstar: to be fully awake.
:lgrnstar: school issues to be gone.

i need...
:lgrnstar: rest
:lgrnstar: to get away.
:lgrnstar: soothing.

i have...
:lgrnstar: hope

i love...
:lgrnstar: sleep.

i hate...
:lgrnstar: how I annoy myself.
:lgrnstar: studying
:bluestar: in recovery :bluestar:

:grnstar: retired forum user :grnstar:

:star: working towards my dreams :star:

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by munchalot11 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:49 pm

i am...
-a mess
-sitting at the computer

i am not...
-going to stop taking my medication
- a bad person. supposedly

i feel...
-like i want to cry

i want...
-my girlfriend
-a hug
-all the horrible old memories to go away

i need...

i have...
-my bed
-my computer
-colouring books.

i love...
-my little brother

i hate...
-the thing that let all this happen
Our scars remind us that the past is real

I'm an automatic steeple for depressed and lonely people...
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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by Eva » Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:47 pm

i am...
content and happy
i am not...
sad or angry
i feel...
like dancing!
i want...
to stay at home, but I have to go out. A mail from "someone".
i need...
to kiss and hug with someone
i have...
no plans for tomorrow and that's great
i love...
i hate...
nothing right now

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by zyn » Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:25 pm

i am...
Alive, human, imperfect, artistic, sleepy, ill, lonely

i am not...
perfect, stupid, isolated, unloved

i feel...
Cold, tired, scared

i want...
To be better, happiness, revenge, world peace

i need...
A shower, socks, to know I'm loved

i have...
All my limbs, family, boyfriend, people I get on with, a home, food, shelter

i love...
Cameras, books, photography, tea, cake, coffee, baking, reading, drawing, animals

i hate...
Homophobic people, arrogance, ego, pedophiles
"If knew what I thought I wouldn't need to make anything."
"Work is a fight against loneliness, against low self esteem, against depression, and against staying in bed. Sometimes my self esteem is so low that I cannot reach it even when I'm feeling down." - Martin Creed

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by Nicksy » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:38 pm

i am...
Sitting alone in my room on my laptop again. Lonely, sad, on the verge of giving up.

i am not...
Loved, wanted, desired,

i feel...
Rejected, hated, cast aside

i want...
To stop caring about certain things

i need...
A nice warm bath, someone who I believe loves me, a new brain

i have...
Nothing except a pair of skates, a lap top, some clothes and a cold

i love...
My best friend, hot baths, my skates

i hate...


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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by styled_wrong » Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:09 pm

i am...

i am not...-wanted

i feel...

i want...
-someone to care
-to feel ok

i need...
-someone to care
-to not hurt myself today

i have...
-a headache

i love...
-weeks off

i hate...
everything at the moment - especially myself :(
scars are tattoos with better stories
it's hard to answer the question whats wrong, when nothing is 'right'
Not all scars show. Not all wounds heal. Sometimes you cant always see the pain someone feels

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by FilthSparrow » Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:51 am

i am...

i am not...
-alone (today at least0

i feel...

i want...
-to be okay for more then just one day at a time

i need...
- to have a private moment with my self, but im to scared to face the facts

i have...
-20 minutes till i have to get offline, lol

i love...
-my friends, who are closer then my family

i hate...
-annoying people who are misinformed about things
The kind of pain that makes you want to hurt everyone around you because you’re suffering & they’re not, because they can breathe without feeling guilty & hold a normal conversation without breaking down into fits of tears or rage

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by blueberry » Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:23 pm

i am...
vile, destruction, hurt, pain, worthless, a burden

i am not...
nice, someone who should be called a friend, helpful, beautiful, kind

i feel...

i want...
to not care, to die

i need...
to stop hurting everyone i love, give others love instead of pain.

i have...
i don't know, nothing, my chinchillas

i love...
my friends, my family, my chinchillas

i hate...
myself, the blackhole inside me, the fact that people can see my pain

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by ambivalent red » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:25 am

pathetic, stupid, lazy, red lips and bewithching, inpatient, blind to the world, did i say stupid???!!!
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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by ChaosCat » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:43 pm

i am...
-hurting physically and emotionally

i am not...

i feel...

i want...
-to give up

i need...
-someone to challenge the masks
-someone to care enough to know i'm lying when I say I'm fine

i have...
-more questions than answers after 2 years of searching

i love...
-my pets
-someone who I will never have the strength to tell

i hate...
-my family
-my past
-my life right now
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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by breathing » Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:53 am

i am...

i am not...

i feel...
-somewhat sad

i want...
-real friendship
-to be truly happy
-time to meditate in silence

i need...

i have...

i love...
-feeling like my emotions are validated
-talking about things that interest me.
-being able to find rest

i hate...
-having to hide myself from everyone
-feeling worried or stressed, hassled
-feeling so unsatisfied with myself

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by Annie26 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:02 pm

i am
1) me
2) defined by more than my profession
3) struggling to decide what I want in life
4) full of mood swings and anxiety
5) struggling with own self worth

i am not
1) mad just cos I have mental illness

i feel
1) like hiding
2) feel very tired
3) alone
4) as though I can't trust anyone.
5) too scared to trust.

i want...
1) to be free
2) to achieve my (seemingly impossible) dreams.
3) to love, and to be loved.

i need...
1) inner peace
2) love
3) acceptance

i have...
1) a job
2) sanity (for now)
3) my siblings and family

i love...
1) being loved
2) my freedom
3) being around friends.
4) learning

i hate...
1) losing my freedom
2) being disrespected
3) being controlled.
4) being patronized.

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