Things Left Unsaid *LA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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very long rant *lang* *SI* *SU*

Post by anythingbutordinary » Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:28 am

Guess I can give this a try. Warning, part of this is going to be sappy and part of it is going to be outright bitchy. So first, allow me to try to get all of the pissed off feelings out of my system before I start, so that I can actually understand what I am typing. Well, here goes....

:argggh: :argggh: :argggh: :argggh: :argggh: :argggh: :argggh: :argggh: :argggh:

Sis - You're a bitch. No offense. Your my sister, and you always will be, but you treat me like crap. You take advantage of the fact that I can never say no, because I'm afraid you'll walk out on me. I'm tired of being taken advantage of. I'm tired of you expecting me to be able to hang out with you on the drop of a dime. And I'm tired of you always bitching to me about Steph. OK, she's my friend too, and she knows me better than you do, and when you bitch about her to me, it makes it hard when I have to go to work. Remember, she my fucking MANAGER! I can't avoid her until the situation isn't awkward anymore. And don't put me in the middle when you and mom aren't getting along. I have enough shit with her already, and I don't need you adding to it. BTW, I get depressed everytime we go out. That's why I'm always "bitchy" as you put it, cuz I just want to go home or drive or something and I need to get away from you. Can't you just understand that? Cuz I know in my own head that if I get too depressed, that I'll cut or take alot more pills than I should, so when I say that I feel like going home, keep in mind, I'm doing it for my own safety and not because I don't like hanging out with you. And seriously, how NAIVE can you be? Do you really think that all the scars on my arm can from scratching on my bedstand in my room? They are all nice and parallel and everything. Yeah, I lied to you, but seriously, would you have even understood if I told you the truth? Come on. Picture it.... "Oh these scars, ... yeah I got them from the razor I keep next to my bed. I do it to myself..." You would have flipped. Sometimes, I have to weigh the pros and the cons in situations, and I know that would prolly like to know the truth, but our relationship isn't the best and I'm not ready to drop a bomb like that. Remember, I love you. Your my big sis, and you always will be.

Dad - Lay off! I'm a big girl now. If you haven't noticed, I'm 20 years old. I don't need you everytime I get a flat tire, or when I'm running low on money. You don't have enough money to keep handing it out to me. Take care of your wife. And, in case you don't know, I really do like Nancy, and that won't change. She's my stepmom and she tries to include me in things, but her health isn't the best right now. You need to take care of her, not me. I can take care of myself. If it gets to the point when I can't take care of myself anymore, I'll let you know. I'll ASK for help. I don't want it handed to me unless I need it. I am a big girl. I am capable of handling my own problems, but when you snoop around and try to find things out without me knowing, GET A CLUE!!! I know that you went through my room when I would come over. I know you would go through my bags and stuff. Can't you just trust me, just once. :angelic: I know that I've lied to you, alot more than you even know, but that's only because there are some things that you really don't NEED to know. If I wanted you to know that I was on antidepressants, I would have told you. If I wanted you to know that I'm going to a psychiatrist, I would have told you. If I want you to know that I have been extremely suicidal, I would tell you. And believe me, if it gets to the point that I would really go through with it, I have everything set up. All I have to do is call my friend and say two words, "Call Greg", and she will come and get me and take me to the mental hospital. I am more responsible than you think. I don't need you to watch over me like I'm a delinquent in prison, because I'm not. I have my problems and I am doing the best I can to deal with them. If I need you, I won't hesitate to ask.

Mom :newevil: - I don't even know where to start here. First, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HAVING TO TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!! I WAS IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL FOR THREE DAYS! I WAS GIVEN A BLOOD TRANSFUSION BECAUSE I WAS EXTREMELY ANEMIC! AND THEN WE GET HOME AND YOU BITCH AT ME BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO THE FUCKING LAUNDRY FAST ENOUGH!!! DEAL WITH IT! I GET DIZZY EVERYTIME I FUCKING STAND UP, AND YOU WANT ME TO CARRY THE CLOTHES BACK TO YOUR ROOM? BULLSHIT!!!!! Second, I'm tired of having to go to the store for you. I know that you have a bad knee and that it hurts to walk and I know that you have other things to do, but lets assess the situation here. I have to go to work 8 hours a day. You are a teacher out for summer break. All you have to do is go play cards, and go to movies, and go out to eat with your friends. Don't you think that I want to be able to do things like that? Third, I'm a big girl. DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME WHEN I GET HOME AT 4 AM WHEN I TOLD YOU THAT I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TIME I WAS COMING HOME!!! I WARNED YOU, AND YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME, AS USUAL! YOU NEVER LISTEN TO A WORD THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH, AND WHEN YOU DO, YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME!!! Fourth, if I want to take my friend out to dinner or to a movie or just go driving, on my money that I earn with my own job, then don't yell at me. It's my money and it is my life. Don't tell me that she's not worth it. She is my best friend. I love her to death. Don't bitch because I spend more time at her house than I do at yours. Have you ever thought that its because I am more welcome at her house than I am here. Her mother actually shows me that she cares about me. Her mother actually understands that when I tell her something in confidence, that I really mean that I don't want anyone to know. Her mother knows that the two of us both cut and she doesn't pressure us about it. She checks up on both of us, without pushing the issue. She is geniunely worried about how I am doing. Her mother doesn't tell us that we need to go to bed when it isn't even midnight yet. I know how much sleep I need to function, and trust me, I will go to bed when I need to. And if I'm not tired, what is the point wasting time lying in bed pitying myself when I could actually be getting stuff done. See, its part of the way that my brain is wired. I don't require as much sleep as normal people. Don't tell me that MY BEST FRIEND is taking advantage of me. If anyone is taking advantage of me, it's YOU! And don't bitch cuz she called me collect from a long distance phone number. She doesn't have ANY FUCKING CHOICE! She's in the mental hospital! She can only call collect or with a calling card and she just got in there TODAY!!! She didn't really have time to prepare or anything. And don't even ask why she's there! She nearly killed herself LAST NIGHT!!!! And she was able to stop and wake up her mom and 3:30 in the morning to say that she needed to get back into the hospital. If anything, you should be happy for me, because I didn't lose my best friend. DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TELL ME THAT I SHOULDN'T HANG OUT WITH HER SO MUCH AND THAT SHE ISN'T FUCKING WORTH MY TIME OR MONEY!!!! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND, AND I WILL BUY HER WHATEVER I FUCKING WANT TO!!! I am completely capable of making my own decisions and I don't need you to make them for me. I am an adult. I know that I live in your house, and trust me, that is the only reason I haven't said this to your face, right before I walk out the door and never come back. And just so you know, I do plan on leaving. Once I am done with college, I will be moving to Ireland with my best friend (ya, the one that you hate) and you will have to come to the realization that if you want to see me, you will have to fly out to Ireland and see me in MY house with MY rules. Don't tell me that I can't do it and that you won't let me or that when we run out of money that we can't come crawling back. I assure you, that will only make me completely hate you. You never believe that I am actually capable of doing anything right. I've even started believing you. The only thing that keeps me from ending everything is the knowledge that if I die, my best friend is coming after me, and that it would absolutely tear Granny and some of the family apart. I would rather live through hell, than have to know that it's my fault that they are hurting so much. I do love you, and I know that you would be hurt if I died, but sometimes, I seriously can't take it anymore, and most of the time, it is YOUR FAULT! And finally, I don't need you to tell me how fucked up I am. Believe, I know. I know better than you do. So just trust that I can take care of myself and just let me be an adult. I do love you, but I don't like you, and as far as I can tell, you feel the exact same way about me.

Mom and Dad - This is more of a mixed reaction. When I was in the hospital, you found out that I am on medication, and you saw my arm. You saw the cuts and the scars. You asked about them. I didn't lie to you. I told you that I was working on it, and I expected you to push me more. I expected you to become the overprotective parents that I grew up with. But you didn't. In one way, I thank you for that. But in another, it makes me feel like you don't care. Yeah, you saw my arm, and I told you to leave it alone. But you have never been the kind of people to just give up like that. If you really want to know, sit me down and ask me rationally, not when I have a hospital tech putting an IV in my arm. I know that I want you to back off sometimes and I know that I hate it when you pry into my life, but sometimes, it hurts when you don't because it seems like you could care less that I am in pain and that my way of dealing with that pain, is to take a blade to my arm.

Entire Family - Okay, I only have a couple things to say to yall. What happened to good old-fashioned courtesy? Since when is it okay to start a family lunch when the entire family isn't there yet? Like I though, it isn't. So why exactly have you done it to me three times? One of the times, there wasn't any special thing going on so I will just let that one slide. Another one was on Mother's Day. I was running a little late, because I actually felt like going to church. I'm sorry that my church is downtown while everyone else is closer to Granny's. And don't try to tell me that you all had just started eating. I don't give a flying fuck. If you had just started eating, why couldn't you have waited five more fucking minute until I got there. You knew I was coming, and you knew that I was almost there, and you decided to start to eat anyway. Okay, the third time that you did it was when we were celebrating the April birthdays. I know that we have a big family, and that yall were hungry, BUT IT WAS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! WHAT, DID YOU FORGET THAT IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY? DID YOU THINK THAT SINCE MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THE LAST DAY OF THE FUCKING MONTH THAT IT WAS OKAY TO DISREGARD ME? DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T MIND? Well, guess what, I do mind. When you start without me, it makes me feel like I'm invisible, like I'm not a part of the family. The other thing I have to say to you is along a different line. I want to know how hard it is to say "I love you." Honestly, how hard is it? Must be harder than giving childbirth or lifting a car or something, because not a single fucking one of you, not even my own fucking parents, has said it to me in the last ten fucking years!!! The only person who has said it that I can remember is Aunt Shirley, but as you all know, she dead now. She was the only relief that I had at family gatherings, because she was the only one who would make me feel welcome. When we were sitting down to eat, she would offer to sit with the kids, so that I would be able to actually have civilized conversation. But now, the only conversation I get is telling my cousins that they need to eat more of their lunch or they won't get desert, that they need to stop blowing bubbles in their milk, and that it isn't polite to kick eachother under the table. Since when was I the free babysitter. I thought I was actually a member of the family. I know that I am the youngest grandchild and therefore, I am the closest in age to all of the kids, but why does that automatically mean that it is my job to wrangle a 7 year old, two 3 year olds, and a 1 year old? All I want is to be included. I want to know that I am actually welcome, and I want to hear that you actually love me. I don't want to have to assume that you do. I want to HEAR it.

To the world - Don't assume that you understand me. Don't assume that you know what I'm going through. Don't tell me it will be okay, because you don't know if it will be okay. You don't know whether I will die tomorrow or if I will be happily married for 50 years. You have no idea. Don't ask me how I am unless you truely want to know. Don't pretend that you care about me. I don't need people around me who don't give a shit. Don't look at me like I'm a freak. Don't treat me like shit and then expect me to be there when you need me. Don't think that you know me. I have more pain than you will ever know. Just because I look like a happy, fun-loving, carefree college kid on the outside, that doesn't mean that I don't have my own scars that I hide from the world.

Church Buddies - All I can say is thank you. You don't know how much you really mean to me, or how many times the though of you has kept me from walking out on everything I know. You will most likely never know what I feel inside, but I can honestly say that someday, I might be able to say these words out loud to you. I might be able to eventually tell you how much you have helped me. I know that you can see that everything in my life isn't okay, and I know that you would like to know what is going on, but you don't ask. You know me well enough to know that asking would only push me away. You know that when I am ready, I will come to you, and I know that you will always be there for me. And for all of that, I sincerely thank you. I love you guys, more than you will ever know.

Work Gang - You guys are like a family to me, and that means alot. I know that we fight some times, and I know that we cry with eachother sometimes, but that is what makes working with yall so wonderful. You will always be there when I need you, and that is the world to me. I love you all.

Bussers - Thank you. In the short amount of time that I have been here, you have all made an effort to make me feel welcome. You have all made me feel like I am not worthless and that I do deserve to be alive. So, thank you.

Weirdo (you know who you are) - I love you beyond words. You are my guardian angel. :newangel: You have always been there for me, and it hurts me to see you in pain. I want to help you the way that you have helped me, but I can't. I can't help you until I'm capable of helping myself, so all I can really do now is try to express exactly how much I love you.
:1hug3: :1hug3: :1hug3:

Well, that turned out alot longer than I thought it would be. :oops: But I definitely feel alot better than I did when I started. Thanks to the person who started this thread. It's a great idea. And now that I have practically put my entire life out there for the entire world to see, I think I will stop while I am ahead.

~Emily :bcatsmile:

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ooo fun!

Post by kcat » Tue Jul 01, 2003 7:56 pm


Dad: How come the only thing you ever say to me is to lecture me about starting a retirement fund and saving my money when it is obvious I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY to save??? Just for once be my FATHER and say you love me and support me...don't tell me I am ruining my life because...NEWSFLASH...I ALREADY KNOW THAT!! :roll:

S.: I know you are concerned about my mental problems but please stop it with the "tough love" is getting old. I KNOW you lived in a mental hospital for 9 months one time...but YOU have nothing to do with ME. :evil:

K: You were never a sister to me. You pretended to be there for me but when I needed you you chose to manipulate me and hurt me and then abandon me. You are the coldest hearted bitch I've ever have hurt your own mother more horribly than I can even imagine, and even now you twist everything into being about you and your bizarre fucking universe...I DON'T HAVE A SISTER. :evil:

Dr W.: You are an arrogant, foolish freak. You don't listen to your patients, you don't even show them basic respect. You don't deserve the noteriety you have.

M: Thanks for ruining my life...I really needed that. Thanks for teaching me about sex before I could walk or talk. I hope that you are suffering horribly now and I hope that you die so you can't hurt anyone else.

Wow that was fun...I'll have to do more later! :tongue: :star:
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? --Rumi

Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately in love with suffering.-- Dostoevsky

I can't go on.
You must go on.
I'll go on. --Buddhist saying


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Post by theatregeek » Sat Jul 05, 2003 3:05 pm

Becca- Stop your know u dont have any real problems...oh boo hoo....keithy doesnt like u...waa waa waaa SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Keith-Stop playing with Jennies heart like that....make up your mind.

Mom-I have an eating

Dad-Your such a jerk.

Jennie-Dont get your hopes up...he wont love you.

Colleen-I love you, Your the only one who doesnt piss me off...

Amanda-What are you too cool for me now?

Zach-:-d i love you more than u think
Lie To me
Convince Me That I've Been Sick Forever
And All Of This
Will Make Sense When I Get Better
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things left unsaid *numerous trigs*

Post by lore » Sun Jul 06, 2003 5:27 am

A - i dont know. i wish i could tell you what you want to hear, but i don't want to say yes to something i can't handle. i'm not very stable. it would take a fight. is that worth it? am i strong enough? do i really feel how you wish i would? i don't know...i wish i could make you happy...wish i could make everyone happy.

K- you have done so much, but how can you be so blind? stop playing with her don't mean it, but please, you don't know what you do...she's so happy now - confused, but happy - stop now unless you intend on following through...she's a different person than who you had before, and she'll break. if you stop, she'll be hurt again, but the longer this goes on, the closer to the edge you're pushing her...and you say you love her...i dont know if im over you yet, but im not going to push it. it would cause everyone too much pain if you loved me anyway. just take a look around you and see that it isnt all about you anymore.

Z- you are the best friend ever. without knowing it, you have been there, the only person to completely understand me without even knowing you do...we talk for hours about things no one cares about, and yet you aren't sick of me yet. i don't know how to say it, but thank you.

H- you have helped me soooo much. you know my pain, you know what it feels like to feel fat and ugly, to deal with the stares, to have an ED and to cut because you need to be reminded you still exist. you showed me this site and it has helped me so much. hugs forever! words can't bring us down... *more hugs*

J - i love you hun, but please dont put everything you have on this line. he's crazy,we all are, but if he's just as confused and doesnt feel that way,you might lose so much...more than it's worth. please believe me when i say you're loved, you really are.

probably more to the bussers, you rock my world, *infinite hugs* you have helped me so much and kept me alive. mwa.
somewhere, over the rainbow way up high
there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby
somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true
someday i'll wish upon a star
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me...
somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
birds fly over the rainbow-
why, then oh why can't i?
0 days SI free

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Post by DiamondHeart » Sun Jul 06, 2003 5:32 am

Back the hell away from B.
I see you hit on him one more time, and I swear to God, I will bitchslap you into the middle of next week and then kick your sorry ass on Thursday.
And leave us the hell alone. My fucking God. I'm sorry you feel like a third wheel, but if you'd leave us alone for five fucking minutes, we might not be so inclined to throw you dirty looks. It is really obnoxious to have someone screaming "TELL ME!!!" like a goddamn five year old every nine seconds.

And he's my boyfriend. He is entitled to be a *tad* more in tune with what's going on with me.

Just. Back. The. Hell. Off.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
-Dory, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

"Good feeling's gone."
-Marlin, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

"Find a happy place, find a happy place, FIND A HAPPY PLACE!"
-Peach, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

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Post by Hiddendepths » Sun Jul 06, 2003 12:42 pm

Mum : mum your great.. just you dont understand so leave me alone. :x

Matt: I love you so much... I have lied to you.. Its not that easy.


MG: Your ruining my life... just please stay away from me.

Jelly: Stop fucking around

x x

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Post by Twilit_Star » Mon Jul 07, 2003 5:37 am

Please stop pretending that everything is okay. keeping up this act just to please you is so painful it is almost creating more depression. No, i'm not happy. No, i can't just choose to be happy and accomplish it. No, just because you are reading a book on parenting doesn't make you are a good parent. No, it is not teen angst, i have a problem and you can't deny it anymore. the scars are there! stop ignoring them!

please, please, please, be okay. what if you never see again? what if you never see the world again? what if you never see me in my wedding dress? or my prom dress? or keith in his bar-mitzvah suit? what if it is gone forever? please just say it will all be okay, even if you don't believe it yourself.

My Therapist-
gone, done, i made so many promises. more like i made so many more lies. i am glad that i never have to see you again. you hurt me so much. words hurt, and yours were especially painful.

don't go away. don't leave. please?

The pills aren't working, can't you take a hint?

i look up to you cause you survive.

i wish you just could have told me that you didn't hate me. i didn't expect you to understand or to get it. i didn't expect you to accept it, i just would have liked to know that you don't hate me.
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Post by Ime » Mon Jul 07, 2003 1:03 pm

A and N - thank you. You help keep me sane, and give my a wonderful place to lay my fears and worries, and you love me like i love you. I'm here for you too, don't forget that.

B - You're cool. I hope we can go on talking.

E - i know we don't talk so much, but i like takling to you. you're a good friend :)

F - I hope all is going well for you.

R - I trusted you, i let you in a second time, and i hoped it would be different, but I'm starting to feel like it won't be. I need to tell you that, i know, but I'm not sure how.

I - You confuse me. :(

L - I need your attention. I need you to notice me. i KNOW you love me, but that's not enough, i need to SEE it. Please.

J - i worry. You've shut me out almost completely. I don't know if it's the illness, or the distance, or just that things are changing, but i don't want to lose you, and i think i already have. Is it time to move on? To rearrange?

"It's like she doesn't need other people to define who she is. She knows"

(If these walls could talk 2)

I will remember that to not ask for what i need is both selfish and foolish

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Post by imperfectsecret » Mon Jul 07, 2003 1:59 pm

is it ok if I join?

Sellers of *my* house: Fuck you. Move the fuck out. Why did you put your house on the market if you didn't plan on moving anyway? You're nothing but stupid fucks.

L: I just want to be friends. Please let me in.

M: Sometimes you are so fucking immature. I love you to pieces. I don't ever want to lose you, but grow the fuck up!!! Learn to save some money, learn not to spend it all. Learn to help out once in a while.

B: I love you and you are my brother, but you were not in my life for so long. and now you want to be in it every day. Can you not see how hard that is for me? I have lived the last 10 years of my life without you, you being just a person on the other end of the phone. It's my life. I've lived it ok so far. Let me to continue to live it the way I want.
where are we? what the hell is going on?...
spin me around again and rub my eyes
this can't be happening...
oily marks appear on walls
where pleasue moments hung before
the takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this
still alive
~"Hide and seek" Imogen Heap

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Post by Bright Eyes » Thu Jul 10, 2003 2:34 am

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Post by JustMe118 » Fri Jul 11, 2003 2:58 am

Mom- I FUCKIN HATE all you've done to me. EVERY SINGLE LITTLE FUCKIN thing I do is wrong OR not good enough. I'll be 18 in 2 months you can't fuckin treat me like this. Who the HELL do you think you are??? I'm NOT going to sit here and listen to you belittle me and just take it. NO I'm going to stand up for myself..... and if that means getting hit..... then SO BE IT.

Caitlin- You used to be there for me. And now you don't care. so don't pretend you fuckin do. You promised me..... "friends forever" yeah we still talk and hang out..... but i know you don't care about what i've gone throug hand am going through. DON'T lie to me. I'm NOT a child.

Kim- One day I really will say it all to you.... when I don't have to depend on you for a job. You are so fuckin stupid it's not even funny. You hurt your brother AND sister in-law terribly.... you randomly fired sooooo many people. you know you're screwing with peoples lives when you do that???
what gives you the right to take money out of ppls paychecks??? to badmouth others behind their backs--- or right in front of them???
~*~Just Me~*~
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, Let It Be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, Let It Be.
Whisper Words of Wisdom, Let It Be
~*~The Beatles~*~

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Post by 8586 » Fri Jul 11, 2003 4:37 am

my parents-you guys dont understand me, you never have, dont try to now that you know about my SI. It's too fucking late. I am sorry I failed you guys, I am sorry you dont understand. You guys dont want to realize what is going on, so you choose not to, and that is fine with me... so dont ask. Yes I lie to you all the time, so you think I am better, but I am not. dad says "going to a physical? it's almost over, jen." well WHAT THE FUCK?? NO IT IS NOT>>> IT HAS JUST BEGAN YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING!!!! you cant even say appointment.... you say PYHSICAL! you guys will never understand sorry.

greg- you are a dick. yes - sorry, you are. your friends are all assholes too. you think the world revolves around you and it doesn't. you keep going and getting high and drunk with your friends.... one day you will wake the FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!! everything is about you and it's fucking ridiculous.

scott- you are the best brother ever. I wish you were here... i love you. i miss you, thanks for letting me hang out with you and your friends, even if i was young.

lauren- you are SPOILED! Whenever I try to be nice to you... you go and be stupid. how do you expect me to be nice when you are so spoied?? I cant take it. it's annoying. you are your basketball tournaments EVER WEEKEND> you are the STAR> and maybe i am jealous, but i HATE it.

andy- oh i am going to go crazy... first off... straighten your FUCKING BACK AND STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT HURTING!!! If you wouldn't always SLOUCH, you wouldn't hurt. i was so mad at you when you said dani-l couldn't come too because she has a tattoo and her nose pierced, thats stupid, and i hate you, she's my BEST FRIEND, what dont you understand about that? i am sorry i am not perfect... and NO YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME. and YES I DO HAVE SECRETS... YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ME SO BADLY??? i fucking cut myself, happy???? now you know!!!!!!! i am not perfect like you. and NO i dont need to get physical with you.... why is always like that? your gay!!!!!!! i hope you are alone forever.

dani-L- you know i love you with everything i have to give, i wish i could tell you like i could before, what happened? it's all my fucking fault. i did this to us. i am so sorry.... but i cant stop cutting.... it something you'll have to live with..... if you dont want to be my friend... i understand..... but i cant stop...... i still love you more than anything though.

patti- Will you HUG me?please. I just want to hug you... i am sorry i am stupid and have trouble talking all the time. i am so dumb, i know. i want to spill my soul to you... i am still depressed.... i dont know why, i want help. but it is so hard to tell you. i admire you.

reffitt- thank you for helping me.... and your son is SO HOT!!!

cross girls- i am sorry, you guys are al great friends. but sometimes i just like to be alone. you guys are great at helping... but i dont always WANT it....... just let me run. lyns you are so stuck in your perfect world........ it is ANNOYING!!!!! grow the fuck up!!! and britt stop letting lyns OWN you. and think for yourslef.

soccer girls- you can tell me i suck... i get it.... i dont need to say it behind my back.... i sat the bench i know, i was the one THERE.

Jamal- i want you... why cant you realize that? you are SO hot.

morris- go fucking screw PAUL that's al i got to say ot you. you always wanted me as a friend... but you didn't REALLY give a shit. your away messages are always ohh my "REAL" friends, but you dont know what one is, all you care about is your man, fuck you!

merrill- i can honestly say your goal was reached.... you DID make me feel like shit and hate myslef.... thanks. all you wanted was to be better than everyone else, all you do is put everyone else down... and you are a bitch. i wish i never knew you, YOU LOOK LIKE A RAT!

merrill's cousin- you dont know shit about me... stop harrassing me. you fucking lesbo.

julia/michelle- you dont know what LIFE is... all you do is go and get drunk/high and have sex with random guys... icant wait until you get preggers or some disease......... i cant wait to laugh in your faces. michelel you are sweet at heart but you try WAY to hard to have people like you. and julia you are so PERFECT so STOP BITCHING!

Mikayla- i love you my little baby. i know you are so young now, but i love you so much...[/i]
Cry as I may, but these tears won't wash you away...

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Post by DiamondHeart » Sun Jul 13, 2003 2:06 am

Are we gone? Is this it? Is this just IT? Two years, just over with?
My amora...I don't want to lose you...I never wanted to hurt hurts so bad knowing I did and I'm so sorry....

Why do I keep comparing them? It's so completely different. EVERYTHING is different.
I can't have with him what I had with her. It just cannot happen. She and I were one. We were each other. I didn't have to worry about anything. I didn't have to worry what she would say when she saw my scars, or when I cut. It was just so much more..comfortable. I knew I didn't have to worry about driving her away, or wonder if she really would be there for me. With him...every time I look at my scars, I remember the look on his face when he found I had cut again.


"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
-Dory, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

"Good feeling's gone."
-Marlin, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

"Find a happy place, find a happy place, FIND A HAPPY PLACE!"
-Peach, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

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Post by double_agent15 » Sun Jul 13, 2003 3:49 am

W- Don't you see how I lie to you? And how it is breaking my heart? I trust you. Please please please take advantage of that and let me talk. I am dying to tell you everything. I promise I won't make it too hard. Just let me know. I can't live in this limbo. and I'm so damn sick of the lies. All I want is an answer to my semi-unspoken question. I know that you can't read my mind, but to me it is fairly obvious that i am trying to tell you things. Especially when I do try so hard to explain things to you. Just listen damn it. Stop blocking what you don't want to hear. It only makes me trusting you break my heart more.

L- Honey I love you so much!!!!! I want to take away all of your pain. I want to save you and rescue you from yourself. Just hold you and make the world go away and be right. I wish that it was in my power to do it. I LOVE YOU!!!!! Just please take care of yourself

A- Thank you so much for always being there and just loving me. There is no way I could be surviving this without you.

To the whole damn world- Just be there. Listen. Don't condemm me for who I am and what I do. Give me a chance to figure all this shit out..... then I'll show you all. You'll all watch me shine someday..... just give me that chance... I think I deserve that.
I'm a double agent on my momma's side
The shit I hear you say just blows my mind
everytime recognize
Though who I am to you is not a lie
I don't have to volunteer and say,
That I was born a particular way
I've got no uniform I'm cameflauged in any light
Obviously you can't tell I'm a double agent on my momma's side

:aard: :aard:
Andria and Artie the stars of Twilit_star's and my new movie!
Ardvark Days (the tragic tales of two heroic ardvark souls. .)

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Post by darkrose » Sun Jul 13, 2003 4:05 am

okay here i go:
Tasha: When you say you'll call me you reely should call me!! And stop telling me to stop cutting!!!
Kayla,Myll: Where the hell are you guys when i want to talk??!?!
Mom&Dad: Sorry for cutting...i know i said i'm going to stop but i can't help it and i'm not trying to hurt you guys but im not perfect and i can't pretend to be.
Melissa: When i go to your house i go to visit you not to watch TV while you makeout with your boyfriend.....knock it off!!
Thomas:dont pretend your better then me cuz you always have a gurlfriend and i cant keep a arent better then just dont have my problems.
Everyone: When you ask me how I am and I say OKAY...i just might not be telling the truth....and maybe i dont always feel like listening to your dont start with me....leave me alone and stop asking about my cutts! i fell better! lol!
I wonder how many people are saying "fine" when they're not.

I think that from now on I'm going to look a little bit deeper...because I'm not the only one.

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Post by Cindy » Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:02 pm

this is a great idea!!!

Ty- i like you. i wish i could tell you in real life.
i'm so shy and scared.

J- thanks for being there for me, sorry i'm such a bitch.
i wanted you to come with me for support, but i guess it's something i have to do for myself.

work- give me some work!!!


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people I care about

Post by zamschnaya » Tue Jul 15, 2003 11:54 am

A- I'm so sorry for how I've acted in the past, I didn't understand how you felt, I can't believe I was so selfish that I let myself get so wrapped up in my own insecurities. I've really messed things up now, I must have made you feel so sad, and now I know should just leave you alone, maybe I will never see you again anyway, I don't know what to do, I want to make everything alright but it's too late. I'm so sorry. Maybe I shouldn't see you again, I've messed myself up so much and I can't expect you to understand all this stuff, you don't make problems like this so why should you understand that I do it all the time. I'm so angry. The future seems so sad without you, I care about you so much and I can't understand how I could have done something as terrible as hurting someone as lovely as you, I am sure that you will be a lot happier without me around. You were the first person who really cared about me and I hurt you because I just didn't think that people do care about each other, but now I know what it feels like to care about somebody I know that how I acted must have really hurt you. I can't believe I did that and I wish so badly that I could go back and change things. I can't say this to you because I know you must be so sick of me going on telling you all the stupid thoughts in my head, I just make everything a million times worse, and in 2 weeks we will live thousands of miles away from me, so there's no point. I would do anything or go anywhere for you, but it's too late to say that. I'm sorry, I really mean that.

M-I care about you a lot but I don't know how to deal with how things were when I was a child. I know you were hurt yourself and that's why you acted that way but you really hurt me, and I can't get rid of the way it made me feel about myself, I do stuff that really messes me up and messes my life up and hurts other people, and I know I do it because of the way I feel about myself. And you've never even acknowledged it. I must mean so little to you if you think it's okay to treat me like that for 15 years and then never even acknowledge it. I care about you so much but it hurts me so much to be near you. I'm so sorry for that, I don't want to hurt you like all the others who have but I'm too scared you'll hurt me again and I can't be close to you.

D-I don't know if I mean anything to you, I don't think I've ever meant anything to you and you hurt M so badly, maybe she wouldn't have acted as bad towards me if you hadn't been doing that. It was both of your responsibilities and you messed up and you won't even acknowledge it either. It makes me feel like I'm crazy or something that that stuff happened for all those years and nobody ever even acknowledges it, if C hadn't been there too I might even think I had imagined it. I wish you had cared ever, and I wish you would take responsibility for something, anything. I'm tired of being the grown up, I don't need you or M, I just keep you in my life because I don't want to hurt either of you, but maybe I would be stronger if I cut all ties, I don't know what I want to do. I'm sorry for being such a disappointment to you, you've never even said that I was a disappointment, but it was always obvious that you didn't want a daughter, maybe I would not be so messed up if it wasn't for that too. I can take responsibility for my own actions now, I know the way I act is my choice, but I just wish you and M would take some responsibility too. I feel so tired of humouring you both, it hurt enough that this stuff happened in the first place and now I don't have much energy left to keep on dealing with it.

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Post by lore » Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:39 pm

h- omg heidi, hang on for me. ilu, youve done so so much for me..

mum - stop saying "i'm sorry too." that the the worst thing to say, ever. rar. it's like not only completely disregarding my apology, but doing it in a rude and condescending manner.

dad - i want to spend more time with you. but stop being her slave.


k - why don't you see're so blindly in love that you're going back with the whore..and she's going to hurt you again. you don't mean anything to her. she wants you for your loyalty. well, gluck. and be kind to j, she's going to break. AGAIN.

a- i wish i could love you. i just dont know. you're amazing but it's so different, and i can't do that yet. i'm sorry.

z - you rock. just try and understand that some people dont get thru shit like SI and EDs as easily as you did. give me time, and respect it.

j - baby i'm here for you. i can't make it right, but if you go, i go. simple as that. ilu hun.

al - youre going to hurt him. please dont hurt him. otherwise, you're a good friend and can help us with our parking lot shakespeare company. mwa. kill the homophobes!

d- please please stop acting like bill. it's revolting. idk if i can talk to you as much anymore...*shudder*. well at least it's keeping me from liking you.


i - are we growing apart?

this is such a great thing guys. really helps.
somewhere, over the rainbow way up high
there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby
somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true
someday i'll wish upon a star
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me...
somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
birds fly over the rainbow-
why, then oh why can't i?
0 days SI free

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Post by racewithdeath » Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:35 pm

PARENTS: im depressed, i cut, im sorry most of this is not your fault, stop wanting me to change. i want help.

H: your wonderful. what whould i do with out you? why havent you left me? you dont deserve this. but you never gave up on me. im sorry im not much help to you when you need it. try to understand how hard im trying. i wish i could always tell you whats wrong. i have a horrible time trying to explain it. plus you've already heard most of it. thank you so much. i love you!

K: i dont understand you, you diched me! what was i supposed to do? just be a spare tire if one of your *new* friends didnt like you? i didnt expect myself to find someone else anymore than you did. but guess what!? i did. shes possible one of the best things that ever happened to me. I'D BE DEAD WITH OUT HER! i tryed to kill myself after talking to you. stop stareing at my scares/new cuts. i know you know it was no accident. but, i dont always hate you.

S: i wish i *never* had to see you again. but i know i will. how i hate you. no true friends? look whos fucking talking. i have a better friend than you will ever hope to have. fuck you. i hate you. you cant act or sing so stop thinking that you can. I HATE YOU.

MFM: well well well... what can i say to you? oh right, nothing cuz you fucking hate me and are immature enough to not be willing to say anything to me. too bad. id like to make fun of whatever you come up with. yeah. i do hate you.

SELF: you fucking need help.. figure yourself out and do somthing right. i hate you. I *HATE* YOU

WORLD: HATE YOU you hate never will accept me

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Post by KT2437 » Sat Jul 19, 2003 3:10 am

M- I am perfectly aware of what i have to do. stop telling me and repeating it over and over. stop acting like i'm stupid. stop blaming me for things that are beyond my control and are YOUR fault. i know that i'm not exactly the easiest person to deal with sometimes, but neither are you. stop trying to pretend you care. we both know its an act.

D- i like you when you're not being a jerk. but unfortunately, the majority of the time you are a jerk. please try and be nicer and realize people can talk and have DIFFERENT opinions if they want to.

R- can't you see the truth about c,m, and a? they aren't true friends. they only care about the prestige of being your friend. we're interesting to people like that.

B- you are an idiot. you lack any tact. be nicer and think about what you are going to say before you say it. if you say you care, how come you never make an effort? you want me to feel do you figure you're helping me by being a complete jerk?

S- you have hurt my feelings so much. you have made me cry. you say you care. you say it matters that we've been friends for so long. if it matters....then how come you never try? i need you to show you care. i need you to listen. i need you to call. i need you to make an EFFORT because i am sick of being the only one who is trying.

D- I miss you. I wish you were still here. I should've done something about it. I'm sorry.

Still more to come later. lol. Thanks for making this thread.



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