Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by sunflowerwoman » Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:58 am


They only screw you over to then in trn do it again.
Why is that????????


I would be with a woman ANY day.
They have all their "shit" together.

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Post by jadestarwalking » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:41 am

I can't fucking stand my ex and her new girlfriend. The two of them act like I am the worst fucking person ever, and my ex even had the balls to accuse me of emotionally abusing her when she used to hit me and everyone knew it. FUCK PEOPLE! I am so sick of people, I just want to be alone for the rest of my life. FUCK the rain because it is fucking pouring and I need a smoke. Fuck people who used to be good friends, and then backstab you. I hate the world, I am just so angry. Fuck it. Oh, and FUCK pictures of my ex with her new lover. FUCK IT ALL!

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Post by MapleSyrup » Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:40 am

You know what? Screw YOU! You ungrateful little bitch. I was just trying to be NICE, and you fucking have the balls to go off on ME. We were txting ALL FUCKING DAY, and you never said a word about not telling anyone else, and all I do is say I'm thinking about him and you have the NERVE to talk back to me and tell me I was wrong? How dare you? HOW DARE YOU? And trying to do your little fucking innocent act at the same time? Yeah, I've known you long enough to see right through that SHIT! I'm trying to be a good fring, trying to be there for you, and you know what? You were NEVER there for me. NEVER. When I needed you the most, you fucking threw it in my face. So go right the fuck to hell. I don't need a 'friend' like you.
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Post by handmade mute » Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:26 pm

Stop making me feel like crap! You have no right, how dare you treat me like an idiot when it's a valid question! Yes, life sucks right now, but grow the hell up and stop making me your verbal punching bag! I don't deserve it, I've got my own stuff to deal with, and I can't deal with your snits!

Just leave me alone if you can't be civil.

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Post by jadestarwalking » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:05 pm

I am not your bitch, I am my own person. fuck being your slave. don't assume that I will do what ever you ask. You are using me, even though you won't see it. I deserve to be treated like a human being. I am not there for you to emotionally abuse me, I have feelings and emotions, even though they mean nothing to you. I thought that you would give a shit about me, but I guessed wrong.

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Post by MapleSyrup » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:15 pm

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Post by scooter » Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:24 am


Fuck my ex!! i hate him and he is the most annoying bitch i ahve ever meet in my fucking life!! Yes i get why he broke up with me but he still wants to be friends cause he "Cares about me". Well if you cared about me you wouldn't hav broken up with me in the first place!! I fucking hate you and am glad that we are done you little cunt!! Go fuck yourself with your extremely small dick, you little prick!!

and no, i am not going to be your friend, fuck being friends, i am going to move on you little fuck face!!
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Post by jadestarwalking » Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:41 am

I am not your toy, your plaything. Let me be who I want to be. I am not going to change just for your sake, I am going to change for me. I am done doing everything for you, I am done being your puppet. I am a fucking adult, even though you still want me to be a fuking child. You still want the control. Fuck that. I am the one who controls me.

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Post by handmade mute » Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:12 am

From day dot in this relationship, when you pointed out behaviours in me that hurt you, I did all I could to change them. I didn't need to think about it, as soon as I knew what I was doing hurt you, I tried my hardest to work on better solutions. You even admitted that after about a year there was change, though there was change before that and we both fucking know it. It's been well over a year since I began pointing out the behaviours you'd adopted that hurt me. Well over a year since I asked you to treat me like I mattered, to keep your promises, and stop making me sacrifice everything I love in order to keep you happy. Nothing has changed. So yesterday you ask me why I'm resentful, and when I don't give you the full answer, you attack it. I then told you the full reason why. And I eventually (after we went out and socialised, and you saw how K treats her husband) got the tears and the 'I'm sorry' and the bullshit that happens EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME.

And then I ask the questions I've needed to ask for a while:
1. Are you in love with me, or in love with not being alone?
2. Am I worth you changing your behaviours?

Of course you love me, you say.

You need to think about whether I'm important enough in your life to be treated like a human being.

I think that pretty much answers that question.

So, really, really: fuck you, motherfucker.

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Post by Stefani140 » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:47 pm

I am sooooo frustrated with you right now! Everything was fine, everything was great and then you started getting lazy. And suddenly your favorites answers are "yeah, sure, lol" or just some generic agreement with every fucking thing I say. Zero show of interest or concern, frankly your acting like you don't give a shit about a single thing I've said. And I get frustrated and annoyed, but I'm determined not to argue with you so I take a break and I get over it. Then I come back and I try harder, and I get...nothing. So yes I'm fucking frustrated with you!! Who wouldn't be?!
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Post by jadestarwalking » Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:25 am

I don't need to have you pushing me around. I am my own fucking person, you are just to goddamn lazy to do anything for yourself, and I am too fucking passive to say no. It's a beautiful relationship for you.

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Post by handmade mute » Mon Jul 06, 2009 12:44 am

Why aren't you stepping in? How do you not see how offensive she is being towards me?

Seriously, I didn't even want to go to the stupid lunch, but uninviting me is RUDE. To do it with such an aggressive manner is uncalled for, because it's not a behaviour issue, it's that I can't eat salmon, and as per fucking usual, you say nothing. You even act surprised when I say 'hey, fine, whatever, I'm uninvited', because omg, your dear darling mummy would never do something like that! If I'd been a bitch to her, fine, I'd understand, but because I can't eat fish? Really? Does that honestly deserve this level of conflict?

You're not an idiot, stop playing at it. I jump in when my mother is out of line. I'm so fucking tired of you never bothering to do the same. You're a self righteous bitch, you know that? You don't let me deal with it myself, but you won't deal with the little princess? No way in hell is that happening anymore.

I've had years of being treated like crap, of snarky remarks and bitchy attitudes while you sat by and pretending it was all ok. I'm sick of you explaining away anything you don't want to deal with as being all in my head. It's not. For the record, the next bitchy comment from her, and I'm telling her off. No, I don't care that she's a typical bully and can't take other people being aggressive towards her. I know she'll cry, the thing is... I just don't care.

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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by Stefani140 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:02 pm

What a big fucking surprise. I say I'm going somewhere for a few hours this weekend and TA DA you decide to be a complete ass and try and make me feel guilty. I thought you promised last time nt to do that anymore, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that...etc, etc, etc. I am sick and fucking tired of it! You intentionally tried to hurt me and make me feel bad, and that's not what someone who loves me would do. You don't intentionally try to hurt the ones you love because they're leaving for a few hours. WAH! Go cry to someone else about it! Then, I bring this to your attention, that you have intentionally tried to hurt me and your response is "well you did." Which you know damn well I didn't but want to use a past situation against me anyway.

If this is going to be a game of you did X to me so I'm going to do it to you and you can't bitch because you did it first....then I don't want to play. And then your solution to me being hurt and upset your response is "fine, your right I'm wrong" Not everything is about being right, its about not being a dick to the one you love.
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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by jadestarwalking » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:21 am

I hate my ex. I was just trying to find out where my stuff is, and an argument spewed. fuck me, nothing can ever go my way. I just wanted to know what was going on with my stuff, and all hell broke loose. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. the new girlfriend imed me and was trying to act as if nothing has changed with us, and of course that is bullshit, everything has changed. you can't take my place. fuck fuck fuck. I am not worth it apparently, I am worthless. I hate this. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. My psychiatrist today said that I really need to get over the breakup and not let it bother me, but I really can't help it, it just won't go away, I don't know why. It just go away. I have tried to get over it, but for some reason I can't. I thought I have found the love of my life, and my psychiatrist said that clearly I didn't, because the love of my life wouldn't be such an asshole to me and would show some compassion. fuck fuck fuck fuck. I guess I am self-loathing enough that I don't see that I deserve something better. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by amyfairy » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:51 pm

why am I unable to not eat chocolate and biscuits. I have excellent self-control but that is my downfall. I hate it, I feel so disgusting. I haven't eaten enough today but because I've eaten rubbish I can't eat anything more. There is no way I can eat a normal amount of calories. Scared. stupid stupid stupid girl... I'm just going to get fat and hate myself even more.

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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by jadestarwalking » Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:03 am

FUCK. I hate the fact that I am going back there with you there. Damn it!

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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by handmade mute » Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:08 am

(lang warning)

I hate you right now. I hate that you told me you couldn't even start working on the relationship until the house was clean. I hate that I spent the week you were gone cleaning and organising my ass off, and within days of your return it's a disaster again. I'm pissed that you're the one not doing anything about the housework, and I wear all the blame. I hate that we're stuck here with your motherfucking asshat of a mother, and so help me god, if I hear how unreasonable it is to expect you to participate in the running of the house, I'm gonna punch her. Fuck you, you ungrateful bitch. Fuck you for letting her say that to me. Fuck you for believing it. Oh, you work five days? Boo fucking hoo. You chose that, and you get paid to do it, so don't fucking blame me if you're too tired to do housework. I'm working six to seven days a week, without pay, to get a charity org up and running. I'm also trying to get my own business up and running (remember that business? The one you forced me into creating??), trying to salvage the relationship, and keep the house clean, and keep up with everyone because you don't have time to. Somewhere in there, I'm meant to sleep and take care of myself, and spend time with my family, though that rarely happens. I hate you for spending four fucking days carrying on about the fact you're going to do the dishes. I hate that you only did the remaining dishes after I'd done most of them, and yelled at you for it. I hate you, because you fucking know I have a fucked up wrist and shouldn't be doing dishes, and you make sure there's a huge terrifying pile for me to deal with. You're a lazy shit, and you're completely fucking useless. I hate you for making me feel guilty for wanting to see my family, and for making me deal with yours daily. I hate you for fucking off to look at the new carport, and for finding a million and one reasons why you can't start the resolution process. I hate that this is no different to any other fucking fight we have, and that you're leaving it all to me. Again. Motherfucker.

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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by Callisto » Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:21 pm

don't fucking have a go at me for not doing something that a) I didn't know I needed to/was supposed to do and b) something that no one else has *ever* done in the whole of the year and a bit I've worked here.

If we need to do it, then fine mention it. to everyone. don't pick on me for something that no one, including you, has done at all in the whole of time in this job. I can't know to do something if you don't tell me, nor can I know that it's wrong to not to do it if you and everyone else also don't do it.

So in short, fuck off and leave me alone.

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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by pelagic » Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:25 am



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Re: Rant, rave, rage and riot *la*

Post by jadestarwalking » Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:50 am


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