Things Left Unsaid - Version 3.0 *Language*

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Post by amyfairy » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:10 pm

I don't understand how a relationship works. I flirt by taking the piss out of you but really I want to say something nice. And so I did. It feels wrong. People are always saying to play it cool, not to show you're that interested, but isn't that such a load of bullshit! I can't be bothered with games; and you're not playing them with me :)

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Post by troubles undone » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:34 pm

no, you're fucking cd's are not at the top of my to do list.
sorry if i've been working my arse off for the past week and havent burned them for you. i fucking told you id have the by thursday night, after ive done my exam so just back the fuck off.
i have so many other important things to think about other than fucking irish folk music :evil:

"Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
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Love is just a hoax
so forget anything that you have heard
And live for the moment now"

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Post by SaraiStar » Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:59 am

What is it that you are asking? What is it that you want from me? Why do I always say the wrong things?
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Post by Callisto » Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:17 am

The more I see of you, the more I start thinking of you as nothing more than a dirty, nasty skank. You opitimise nearly all the traits I hate in people and make me want to endorse a sterlisation policy in this country.

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Post by vampirelover » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:30 pm

J im sorry i spoke without out thinking yesturday
i didnt mean it as a personal attack that you would tell people its just my trust issues that made me think and then say that
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Post by pretty » Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:59 pm

I am so glad that karma has bitten you on the arse. I really hope you get yourself sorted out, but you made your choices and now you have to face the consequences. You deserve everything you get.
'this is what she says gets her through it,
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Post by amyfairy » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:49 pm

thank you Elliot for saying this:
You should be proud of the job you have and that you got the interview. You have done so well.
that means SO much to me. I love you. everyone needs a friend like you :)
Last edited by amyfairy on Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Stefani140 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:53 pm

Your just proving my point. I tell you that you do not put me first, you do not sacrifice for me and that I'm not sure if you would truly do something just because I asked and that I'm not sure you truly love me. Your response is just to repeat that you do and that you were kidding...your always kidding after I'm hurt. Then I tell you that your actions will tell if your being honest....and leave. And you disappear, no text no email no call no message. Your proving that you wouldn't do anything for me, you won't even try to make me feel better.
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Post by Callisto » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:06 pm

I give up. You win.

I'm not good enough whatever I do and you've made that overwhelmingly clear.

So I shall be invisible, that way none of you have to care or talk to me, or acknowledge me or even see me.

I tried. It wasn't enough, so I'm giving up and fading away.

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Post by Anactoria » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:29 pm

if you asked me to marry you today, i would say yes.

i know it's only been a year, but you are the one thing in my life that i will always, always want.

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Post by troubles undone » Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:37 pm

is it bad that i was disappointed when you said you have a partner? :-?

"Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice, live by every word

Love is just a hoax
so forget anything that you have heard
And live for the moment now"

-There is more to life than just being alive.

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Post by MapleSyrup » Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:13 am

Why have you never taken my side? Even now when you know I SI and am depressed, you still won't ever defend me. You're my mother for god's sake. Does that mean nothing to you?

And you, I wish you would just call me. We had an amazing night, or at least I did, and I thought you did too, and I want to see you again. You are the first person I can see myself having feelings for and falling for since my ex and I broke up 5 months ago, my ex who I'd been with for 1 1/2 years, who was my first love, my first everything. It's taken me forever to get over that hurt, and now I put myself out there for you, please call.

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Post by purplefroggydishwasher » Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:50 am

I know you love me, and I know you want to protect me. I know I was skick and asked a lot of you, needed your suppourt and guidance.

But I'm well now. I'm a 23 year old woman. I need to make decisions for myself. I know you think I am doing the wrong thing, but instead of putting me down for it, can you try for suppourting me? I know full well I could be making a mistake, a huge mistake. However it is MY mistake to make. Do you think I will come running to you and make ou fix it? I'm not a child. If things fuck up I might ask your guidance, but it is MY chocie to take that advice, MY mistake to fix.

What happens when you are no longer around? Would you preffer a daughter who is dependednt on some male to tell her what to do?

I love you, and will always ask your advice. But in the end it is my life; to fuck up, run as I see fot.

Love you.
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Post by DuchessN » Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:59 pm

Why don't you just be honest with me? I know it's scary, I'm scared, too. Believe me, I'm the master of building walls, but you're missing out on something really amazing with me.
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Post by acdcrocker1909 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:27 am

:star: Fuck you. Grow up. You are a decade older. Get a fucking handle on your life and quit trying to get into mine. I am happier than I have ever been, and I swear to God, you try and push my buttons again like you have before, and I am letting my girlfriend say whatever the fuck she wants to you.

:grystar: Leave my girl alone.. Now. I will shove my foot up your ass.

:grnstar: WTF. You are in love with a fucking computer screen. Not a person. Knock it off. Dump the douchebag and quit being fucking obsessive about him. It's disgusting.

:redstar: You annoy me. Stop while you are ahead.

It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live - APWBD.

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Post by spaz » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:05 pm

i didn't really fall down. i am crying for help again... but i am not so sure you can see it. and if you do see it... please quit ignoring it.
(to all my friends...)

why are you dating someone new?! he just died last march... you two were way to in love to be moving on already. i know you are finally happy again, and i am soooo happy for you. but i think its too soon. and this relationship is moving way too fast. y'all JUST MET. SLOW DOWN. i miss you being my best friend.... i feel so alone now.... i felt like you were my only friend and now you are gone too. why dont you try and pencil me into your busy schedule every now and then. i love you.
(to the wife of my deceased brother/best friend.)

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Post by Ruby Tuesday » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:27 pm

why aren't you here? why don't you fight for me?
can you pinpoint the exact moment when I lost my meaning, or did you not even notice that?

I want someone to need me again. :cry:
"I saw spiders where there were no spiders" - patti smith
"'My hands', she said, 'I've left them somewhere and now I can't find them.' She was holding her hands in the air, helplessly, as if she couldn't move them.
'They're right there', I said, 'On the end of your arms'
'No, no', she said impatiently, 'Not those , those are no good anymore. My other hands, the ones I had before, the ones I could touch things with.'" - margaret atwood


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Post by amyfairy » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:09 pm

you make me smile. :) i can't wait to see you again. it's exciting.

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Post by Diane M » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:38 pm

why did you treat me the way you did? why is it I feel dirty and contaminated and I feel sure you are ok sleeping at night and I need tabs to help me with this. i wish i never met you, i hate you now J
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Post by Geek101 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:30 pm

I love you almost too much. I'm scared i'll push you away like everyone else i've known


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