My story and how I got my severe panic/anxiety cured

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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My story and how I got my severe panic/anxiety cured

Post by QueenxVic » Sun May 31, 2009 3:13 am

Hey... Victoria here.. a lil about me- about a year after my husband left me and my daughter died about 5 years ago.. I was at a very difficult point in my life, and was ultimately diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, and panic disorder. I would say that i've always for the most part been a little depressed and had some degree of anxiety, but this just completely tipped the scale. I remember there were days on end I would just lie in bed, and whenever I would be in a social envirement my anxiety would go through the roof and I would often have panic attacks. Therapy never seemed to be effective for me, and my psych put me on damn near every med out there. I've been on everything from wellbutrin to paxil, zoloft, prozac, lexapro, celexa, buspar, valium, klonopin, xanax.. etc. Sometimes 2-3 different ones in combo at the same time. Nothing really seemed to work for me. With the exception of some of the benzos (klono./xanax) .. these worked well for a little while, but I grew tolerance quickly, and became highly addicted.

Then one day while researching online i came across this reputable looking website .. which talked about this program to eliminate your anxiety for good, all naturally. Long story short, I wound up signing up to try it and the program worked amazing.. Not only do I no longer have panic attacks and anxiety gone, but my depression has also seemed to dissipate a little. And I'm currently starting to slowly ween off the meds I'm on. For those who have also conquered their condition.. I wanted to get your opinion/perspective on something... Looking in hindsight, I would personally say that possibly the biggest driving factor in all this is OCD. I think obsessing and constantly having your thoughts focused on your own condition and constantly analyzing your own thoughts/ations plays a very significant role in the persistance of our ails. Almost like the condition is a small lit fire, and OCD is the fuel that keeps it consistantly burning... Also, I've come to the conclusion that meds are generally a unhealthy short term cure that only semi-treats the symptoms, and never the cause. Your thoughts ???

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Post by Jamas » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:23 pm

Hi QueenxVic,

I'm glad you posted, and I'm glad that you found a system that works well for you. Many people have different feelings about medicines -- they work well for some, not as well for others. Medicine is one tool among many that are available to us.

Best wishes with your recovery work,


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