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tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by mephistopheles » Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:18 pm

Fuck off! Fuck off with your notes! Fuck them! I don't have a cat! Ginger or otherwise, there are no cats in this building you mad old bitch!
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appointments is it that hard...

Post by Kal452 » Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:43 pm

well this could be my second or first post, i'm not like totally sure but never mind, my rant is:

**I apologise a head of time if i inadvertently insult someone but I'm just pissed off**

so like ive had an appointment to see some "alleged mental health doctor/worker" as "they" cannot make their mind up which i'll see, however it has been canceled and re-scheduled about three times already, but today finally the appointment came round, and i attended a large place, which is not the hospital, but upon looking around it appear to resemble a "nut house" i look upstairs from the waiting room and there were tall iron gates and walls, to which i can only assume is to keep people trapped.

anyway i digress, my appointment was for 10.45am, i left extra early as i wasn't sure where this place was, but i found it and was early. I signed in a sat in the waiting room. (i should mention i get really annoyed when people do not stick the the arranged appointment and make me wait) 10.45 comes and goes then it turn 11.15, still nothing, no one called me, then at 11.30 the receptionist comes out, and says "very sorry, the doctor has left" i'm like wtf!!!

I've been waiting almost 40 mins and then she just comes out, i though the wrong bloody people are locked up, clearly they has no understanding of how to run scheduled appointment system. So i submit to re arranging another appointment for January and return to work slightly vexed.

Ah yes the icing on the cake i get a call to say "your appointment has to be canceled" if it wasn't so ridiculous i could laugh, so now i have a appointment for Dec 8th, but i'm not that confident about it sticking or that the dam doctor will be even their.

anyway sorry it went on for so long but hells bells it infuriates me to some tune!!
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Post by 5th section » Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:26 pm

...then one day I realised that the people you see in waiting rooms and car parks and on trains are really far more interesting. That they all have whole novels inside them, a fabric of scar tissues, photos and memories. They are comedies and tragedies and - more often - both at the same time.
- Anna James (1984-2007)

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Post by Cuppy » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:28 am

If you build it any different, ya better build it good, you have no fuckin idea the work and that went into that, besides the fact that WE fuckin paid for it all and none of these fuckers helped at all, only fucking benefitted... And why the fuck do YOU care anyway???? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??

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Post by Ruby Tuesday » Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:23 pm

fucking teeth! fucking dentist! this is the last thing I need right now. :x :x
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"'My hands', she said, 'I've left them somewhere and now I can't find them.' She was holding her hands in the air, helplessly, as if she couldn't move them.
'They're right there', I said, 'On the end of your arms'
'No, no', she said impatiently, 'Not those , those are no good anymore. My other hands, the ones I had before, the ones I could touch things with.'" - margaret atwood


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Post by ultimate starshine » Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:59 am

I hate the way you degrade me in fornt of everyone else. and then pretend im lik ure best mate. ]
stop being a fucking bitch ok. Yes i do things wrong- isnt that just fucking human nature. that things DO go wrong occaionally. news flash that doesnt mean everything is my faukt.
you know FULL WELL if i didnt go to uni i would be the assistant manager not you.. so fucking treat me like i have been there two years longer than you you know why.. BECUASE I HAVE. you have everyone eating out of the palm of your hand and it sickens me. fucking sickens me.
you need to realise ure a bitch and sort ureself out before i actually start hating you.
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Post by kgraff » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:40 pm

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Post by mephistopheles » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:53 pm


For God's sake it's not that fucking hard, just make an effort!
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Post by Stefani140 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:16 pm

Is extending me a common courtesy that goddamn fucking hard?! Really...is it?! I didn't have a choice, I couldn't get back online...I couldn't get to my email! So what did I do, I sent you a text to explain. When I leave even for a couple hours without telling you I love you, you freak the fuck out! And I have a legitimate problem, send you a text to be sure I tell you and I get nothing back! No text, no offline, no email. Then I send you an email since I didn't hear from you, just to make sure you got the text and I still don't get a fucking thing!!

I try so goddamn hard for you, and you can't even give me the same courtesy I give you. You always promise you'll do better, and I'm realizing those promises are always shit. I am glad I'll be so busy today and won't have much time to talk to you...I'd probably say something I'd regret. I am fucking tired of trying so much harder than you. From now on, I try as hard as you do...nothing more. I give it 2 days before you panic. And until then, FUCK YOU!
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Post by Beasty » Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:52 am

"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody’s got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later. BOOM!" - Susan Ivanova

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Post by Storme » Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:54 pm

Why can I never do anything to please you!
Nothing I do is ever right!!

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Post by Spidey » Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:53 pm


there is, in the end, the letting go.
-marya hornbacher

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Post by Storme » Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:51 pm

you're meant to be my mum for friggs sake. i can't always act like yours. i need that love back as well.

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Post by prettyvacant » Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:23 am

GAH! I hate you! I hate you so much! And what is with the pretending not to be able to hear me? What the fuck IS that? It fucking pisses me off you stupid bitch!
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Post by kendra » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:43 am

fuck off... just fuck off

Yeah I know, I'm being a fucking little bitch- but guess what, the reason I waited until now was because of you! I was trying to be respectful- you knew they were coming, you knew what that entailed- now I'm gonna get the fucking flack and the fucking shit from them! Yeah if I knew it was going to be like this I would have gotten it over with a lot sooner, now I got the joy of waiting and still the shit from them I'm sure!!!

Thanks a fucking lot

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Post by Geek101 » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:19 pm

PtW: Fuck off you cunt, all you do is put me down and now you expect me to respect you? yeah you're in a more important position at work but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like shit. The only reason i haven't looked for another job is because i like everything else about this one. You are the problem at work, the worst thing you have done is tell everyone else behind my back that i'm a useless piece of crap, even the guy that was only here temporarily. It doesn't concern you whether or not i'm still at uni, so don't go slagging me off on your breaks just because i'm trying to sort everything out, which means making an effort.

S: Don't expect me to able to take a brain dump and remember every single little thing thats wrong, i've told you twice now that i'm trying to get help, and that i'm trying to sort it out msyelf as well, so don't tell me that your worried for my health as well as the strain me being off is putting on the rest of the workforce. You know as well as i do that i put in my all when i'm in, and that i'm having a hard time just talking to people in general, so don't give me crap about my sales figures., i can't help that people are only browsing.

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Post by kalayla » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:39 pm

fuck this, you act like you dont care!!! wells its kinda a big deal to me...i mean you know how i fucking worry...just fucking let me know!
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Post by the_gypsy » Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:26 pm

I need to just friggin get over you.
It's not like we ever would have have a real relationship, I know that
but god I can't get rid of such deep feelings like I have

You "thought" it was only lust that I felt for you. You know now it was much more meaningful then that.

You're the best friend I'll ever have in my life. your such a beautiful person. IS IT MY FAULT THAT I STILL WANT YOU?
our connection goes so much deeper then friendship.

this is annoying the shit out of me
gah, dammit
She lives in a daydream, where I don't belong. She is the sunlight, and the sun is gone.
All I want is to keep you safe from the cold...
to give you all that your heart needs the most.

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Post by *~*Lexi*~* » Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:31 pm

I'll never be perfect...I can't read your damn mind...and I'll never make you happy! Why do you hate me so much? You should've never allowed me to be born!

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Post by Beasty » Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:30 am


This is such fucking rubbish.
"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody’s got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later. BOOM!" - Susan Ivanova

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