Things Left Unsaid - Version 3.0 *Language*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by ThanksALatte » Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:53 am

i thought you were my 'jonathan' true friend. i look back to the summer and think about how close we were, and sometimes it makes me really really sad. i feel like we went from being best friends to casual acquaintances overnight. it hit me when we were in FL that "huhh...i'm really not all that important to her anymore." and it took me a while to adjust to that idea. cause like i said, this summer? we were attached at the hip. and im not gonna lie...i think we both needed it. i do not think i would have made it through the summer without you, and i will always appreciate that. in hindsight, though, i think i would have guarded myself a little bit more. because once that realization hit me, it hit me hard. regardless of what we were this summer...we're friends now...not even close friends. you make a point to tell me all the time that i have no idea what's going on in your life. i know that. but you can't fault me for that...because i'm trying. i'm trying to know but you're pulling away. and like i said, it's been an adjustment that i've had to make. and then i finally get to this point where i'm ok with me and God, and i want to tell you about it. because yes, this is a good thing...but i am begging you to be careful with people. because you didn't actually break me--that'd already been done--but you were holding some of me together and you let go. but then i say something about how we're not as close and that sucks...and you get all defensive and then i'm all confused. i thought i was clear on where i stood with you--a one special. but i say that in passing and you get upset with me as if i just said something horrible. i don't understand.
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"A thousand times I've failed, still Your mercy remains...should I stumble again, I'm caught in Your grace..."

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Post by red umbrellas » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:03 am

i think...fuck...i'm not sure. but - i think i might, maybe love you. and that's the hardest thing in the world.
i wish...i wish you felt the same.
i wish i was someone else.


i don't want to tell you how badly i'm feeling. it'd scare you. and i'm scared i'm making it up.
it's just...i can't tell anyone. it'd hurt you. and i'd be a freak show to everyone else.

i'm sorry i couldn't be better. i feel that i failed you both


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Post by fadingbutterfly » Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:08 pm

I do have hopes and I do have dreams for the future even though the way I act it may not seem that way. I want you to be a part of them but I'm scared to tell you that. I'm terrified of rejection.

M - you were wrong.

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Post by Stefani140 » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:08 pm

I didn't want to say anything, but you really were kind of a dick. I just decided to apologize because I was partially in the wrong and didn't want to fight anymore. But yes, you were a jerk and I'm thrilled you recognize it...I just won't say it.
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Post by ambivalent red » Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:56 pm

H- I'm sorry

O- I want to see you. Please be here.
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Post by Callisto » Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:39 pm

I hate that you can still affect me even when I don't want you to.

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Post by acdcrocker1909 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:40 am

E - I am disgusted by how you act around us sometimes.

C - You.. I love. Simple as that. I have never felt like I do, and I am so lucky to have you.. I don't ever want to let you go.

It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live - APWBD.

Music is life.. we each have our own symphony.. and we control it for the most part.. sometimes instruments drop out.. and others join in.. but when the music fades and the symphony is done.. then we have created a beautiful, personal piece. - Me.

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Post by Ruby Tuesday » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:03 am

i don't like the way that you discuss our colleagues. It makes me worry what you might say about me. :-?
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"'My hands', she said, 'I've left them somewhere and now I can't find them.' She was holding her hands in the air, helplessly, as if she couldn't move them.
'They're right there', I said, 'On the end of your arms'
'No, no', she said impatiently, 'Not those , those are no good anymore. My other hands, the ones I had before, the ones I could touch things with.'" - margaret atwood


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Post by Callisto » Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:06 pm

I can't wait for Saturday :blush: I really hope things go as well as I'm hoping they the moment I can't see any reason at all why they won't....

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Post by fadingbutterfly » Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:04 pm

I will explode so stop pushing me to the limit.
I don't deserve it.

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Post by (*Haven*) » Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:12 pm

You're annoying.
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Post by kermit » Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:07 pm

Have I upset you?
and tomorrow will come
When today is done...


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Post by caged bird » Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:22 am

last night was weird, and i know we were both v drunk, and that logically nothing would ever happen, but part of me hoped when i saw you today that it would. last night felt nice.
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Post by ambivalent red » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:18 pm

O- I'm glad I did not see you. Fuck off...

H- I love you always(even though I did say that!)
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Post by Stefani140 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:22 pm

I have been wondering if I can deal with some of this crap forever. I can't tell you that as apparently I already push you away, but I really don't know if I can't do it.

And while I'm at it, questions I know I'll never ask you: Do you really give a shit about what's going on with me, or should I just stop telling you? Should I keep it to myself when something is wrong since then I'm apparently whining?
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Post by PLAIN JANE » Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:57 am

Thank don't even know how much you help.......I'm afraid to tell you all of it................

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Post by ThanksALatte » Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:31 am

i slipped. and i don't know how to tell you.
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Post by whiteroomeyes » Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:19 am

sometimes I wonder if I should have come here. I'm 2000 miles away from home to be with you, and going three days without fighting feels like a victory. I know I'm distant and hard to handle sometimes, and you know it's not something I can change right away. I have a job, I'm getting help, and I still feel like it all comes crashing down when anything goes wrong. It's not my fault that I'm like this, or that we are in this situation, and I love you, but I rehearse telling you I need to go back to denver almost every day. I'm sorry.

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Post by DecemberLivy » Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:07 pm

A - you have no idea how attracted to you I am, literally every class I can't take my eyes off you. And you're so clever...
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Post by zombiepeople » Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:33 pm

To myself:

God how stupid are you?! You're sick again and it's all your damn fault. You couldn't stop purging for one damn week while you were on an anti-biotic for this stupid cold and now look at you. You're still sick, missing school, your chest burns and your throat feels like it's on fire, your sinuses are plugged and you feel miserable. Well way to go genius. You knew this would happen and yet you continued to be a dumb-ass. You have no idea how much i hate you right now. You deserve to feel this did it to yourself. :evil: :cry:
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