coping questionnaire

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by syn » Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:21 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
Just healthy coping mechanisms, all by themselves. Besides cigarettes, which are bad, and an occasional drink.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.


Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

I see it both ways, as a way to deal with urges, and to deal with life in general.

What's your favourite coping thing?

My laptop, then my cat, of course my husband, my fire staffs, Yoga

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Call someone, or turn on my iPod

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

I would choose scissors and I would make snowflakes.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
Yes, I try to view things from a different perspective, Example: I get nervous at work because my supervisor is having issues, I remember that the rest of the company likes me and wants me there, and thinks that I'm doing a good job.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

The book is in my head, and I have an entire room in the house with things to do.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
Don't know how much this is, but I would buy some more music.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
My ipod, my palm pilot, my cell phone, a notebook, a book usually, water, cigarettes[/i]
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Post by moll_drum » Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:01 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Usually in combination
Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Ani Difranco
Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

both, dependent on situation
What's your favourite coping thing?
Hot shower
When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
sing to self, internalise, dig nails in.
Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
mm... would draw with pastels
Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
not really
Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
no, maybe. Hadn't really thought about it
If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
Oil Paints or a cd
Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
no. Used to carry a stuffed toy.
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Post by moo-moo » Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:44 pm

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?


Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'J'


Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?


What's your favourite coping thing?

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.


Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?


Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?


If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?


Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

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Post by lotus » Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:27 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
usually a combo-like distracting, doing something physical or relaxing, or doing something expressive like art

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Amos, Tori :)

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
I see them as ways to manage feelings or urges until I am better able to cope with them

What's your favourite coping thing?
being online, reading, playing with my kitty, yoga or walking

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
try to be mindful or focus on my breathing

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I would choose rice paper and ink and do a Chinese brush painting

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
Yes, I try to get a handle on what might be bringing feelings or urges up and see if I can distance myself from them or maybe look at things objectively. Sometimes this helps me to manage things safely (erhm-sometimes not)

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
no I haven't, not sure I would make use of one

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
music, reading material, chocolate

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
my cell phone, a notebook and pen, water

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Post by Neviah » Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:56 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Usually on their own but sometimes in a combination if I'm desperate.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.


Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?


What's your favourite coping thing?

Jewellery making

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Count to 10 over and over.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

Draw my feelings and their outcome or their positive outcome if i dont do it.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

If it was ben, how would I feel if he did it, what would i suggest as a ways to help.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

Yes, I have a box but I haven't looked in it yet. I guess I should.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

A journal, pencils, pens.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

It's a teddy that smells of ben :)

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Post by half/hearted » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:05 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? Usually one after another--I do one thing until it doesn't seem to be working, then move on to the next--until I feel better.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. Um...AFI! Listening to their music makes me feel better :)

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? ...Kind of both, in a way, since I can't really "banish" a feeling until I understand where it's coming from and find out what I have to do to change it.

What's your favourite coping thing? Music

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? I count backwards from 10, slowly, over and over until I feel better...I thought I was the only one who did this but the person above me said something similar. I'm not alone! :D

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. Freewriting...maybe in the form of a letter to someone, explaining how I feel and what I'm going to do about it...

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? Yeah...I try to compare the situation to previous times, to see if I've been in a similar situation before. If I have, I try to remember what worked before. I'll also sometimes imagine "If so-and-so (some person I look up to) was here, what would s/he think or say?"

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? I have an emergency box but I'd like to make a book too. I do scrapbooking so I might use that.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? A new CD...or maybe some energy bars to get my blood sugar back up :)

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? music player, healthy snack bar (in case my blood sugar gets low), and this hematite necklace I have. Just holding or touching it helps me calm down.
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Post by Lenny » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:55 pm

[color=darkblue]Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
by themselves

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. Arithmatic.... maths calms me down.... strange

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? A way to banish the urges

What's your favourite coping thing?
My poetry book or my fav cuddly toy

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? i sing one of the songs that i have written or go and sit down in the library and come to bus

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. Id write poetry or a story

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? I compare it to how it has been before whether it is better or worse and then i try to decide what is the best way to deal with the situation.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? Yeh i have cept it sits under my bed and doesnt get used. but i enjoyed making it

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? A good book to read or a notepad and permanent markers to write with
Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? [/color] yep i have an assortment of rubber bands around my wrists. and i always have my notepad with me and usually i have something to play with like blu tack or a little toy to distract me

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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by recovering4me » Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:32 am

limestone wrote:coping questionnaire : :)

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own? :uhhh: on their own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. amazing friends

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? :uhhh: no just for coping mostly

What's your favourite coping thing? :uhhh: wrapping up in warm blankies

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? :uhhh: i stop and lean against something if possible

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. draw what i'm feeling

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? :uhhh: no i need to work on this one

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? :uhhh: no but i'd like to

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? :uhhh:
warm blankie, bubble bath, a good bock
Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? :uhhh: no

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Post by carrieuk » Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:54 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
i make sure im with someone so im safe.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
A lot of chocolate (sorry all i could come up with)

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
they surpress the urge but dont help with unlying cause.

What's your favourite coping thing?
painting or other art things

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
my fingers twitch kinda like an autistic person. its not something i can control but it has comforting efferct.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
a pot of paint. id use my hands to move the paint around the paper. covering myself in paint. the tactile feeling of the paint on skin can have a distilling effect on the physical urge.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
i only si when im ill with bipollar and usualy psychotic so unablle to to think rationally.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
what is that?

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
paint and paper

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
my ipod. music distracts me. small soft cuddly fabrics or toys to scrunch up and paly with. again the tactileness helps with the urge.

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Post by Lenny » Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:05 am

coping questionnaire : I dont know if ive done this before

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? i make sure im talking to someone, my gf or one of my friends, even if its not about si, it still helps

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. Anything to do with my bed and warmth

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? a way to process things

What's your favourite coping thing? my stress ball, my art book, my writing book and sailor sal

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? crack my knuckles loudly

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. id draw dots all over it then connect the dots to spell words

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? if ive been in a worse situation or a similar one i use experience

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? yeh but i dont use it, its got letters from my gf in it and pics of friends

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? scrapbook, disposable camera, id take pics of friends and then id use those and the scrapbook if i was having urges

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? rubber band, mp3 with Hillsong on it, bluetack

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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by Seeshellz » Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:05 pm

coping questionnaire : :)

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: mostly on their own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

:pinkstar: action, taking action!

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: more to banish feelings or urges I do sometimes uses coping skills to process my feelings

What's your favourite coping thing? :uhhh: :pinkstar: BUS!

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: Try to think happy thoughts, deep breathing exercises

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

:pinkstar: Draw and color with crayons

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: I don't think I have

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: Just did and haven't really used it yet

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: CDs, colouring books, crayons, pencil crayons

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? :uhhh:

:pinkstar: CD/MP3 Player, squeezy thing for stress, suduko puzzle book

:star: :star: :star:
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Post by joeygirl » Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:28 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Usually just on their own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.


Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

Try to see them as a way to get by and keep living..

What's your favourite coping thing?

Healthy; going through the alphabet naming things that start with each letter
unhealthy: alcohol, SH, pills etc

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Walk as fast and hard as I can. I think it sometimes increases my feeling though

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

I would probably write down everything I am thinking or feeling, then tear it all up, followed by burning it to nothing.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?


Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

Yes. It is full of whatever I think I may need at any given time. It is also my storage place. Not all good stuff

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

Are we talking healthy or unhealthy??

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

Yeah but again all not good.I am thinking though a book I like would be good. One that is full of hope. My diary also.

:tongue: :tongue: :P :tongue: :tongue:
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Post by Alexannah » Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:31 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that ... Depending on how bad I feel, I either try to ignore it or pick up a pen and write something - a poem or short piece of writing. Poetry is good.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Er ... Can't think of anything. I've thought about drawing or sketching, which would come under "A" for "Art", but I haven't actually started trying it yet. Does AIM count, because sometimes I instant message a friend who understands.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

Good question ... Writing helps me sort through and work out exactly how I feel, and it's also a feeling of relief after I've got it on paper, even if what I'm feeling is disguised as something else.

What's your favourite coping thing?

Whatever fits best at the time. Sometimes prose, sometimes poetry, sometimes talking. I like music as well.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Try to hide from the world by not drawing attention to myself. Normally I'll try to think of a scene in a story I'm writing and concentrate on playing it out in my head. If it's appropriate I might put my MP3 on and try to shut out the real world.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

A pen would be my choice, and I would write or maybe doodle if I can't think to write. I would end up needing an entire notebook though, rather than just one piece of paper.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

I do sometimes, but it's hard. Normally it just makes me more depressed/upset because I feel stupid for not seeing it that way before, so it doesn't really work for me.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

What's an emergency book or box? Is it like something filled with happy things to look at when feeling bad? If so, I'd definitely like that.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

Pens. I am always running out of pens. I either lose them or they stop working. Notebooks are another big thing because they fill up surprisingly quickly, but pens are the big thing. If I had any money left over then perhaps a CD of relaxing music. And bath salts.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

A number of biros, MP3, and at least one notebook, depending on how big the bag is. I'm never anywhere without writing materials.

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Post by silent_end » Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:39 am

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
Yeah usually watch a movie or go talk to someone

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
don't have one/ can't think of one

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
ways to banish urges and subside feelings

What's your favourite coping thing?
Watching Gilmore Girls

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Take Deep Breath and Breath in and Out

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
i would write until i couldn't write no more

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

I try identifying why i feel that way or what happened. Like i got a bad mark on my mid-term but i was able to recognize with some help that the class average was low and it wasn't worth that much so i can make it up in assignments and final exams

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
No and Yes

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
stress ball, gum, suckers, hard candy

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by treasure » Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:48 am

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own?
usually i try something like reading or coming on bus and if it isn't working try something extra and then go back to reading or whatever. even if it's not helping it feels better to have something occupying me.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
alphabet games. i think of a category like 3 letter words or animals, and then go through the alphabet thinking of a word for each letter.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
foremost to deal with the current feelings, and sometimes i get distracted enough to change my mood and feel more positive.

What's your favourite coping thing?
going on the computer. i spend a lot of time on my laptop normally, but then there are various things i don't always use so can help when i'm urgy. such as playing games or typing out my thoughts or creating images.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
counting my steps. repeating in my head where i'm going - like "i'll just go to the bakery then library, bakery, library...". telling myself it's not so bad, "come on you can do it" etc.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
a coloured pen. i have them in a drawer somewhere, haven't used them for years, so i just thought of it now :) i like drawing doodles in coloured pen. i also like tracing over my tattoo (of pink flowers) with pink and green glitter pens.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
i'm currently looking for somewhere to stay and i only have 2 weeks before i will be kicked out with nowhere to go. i've still been telling myself, that 2 weeks is plenty of time, i'll just try as best i can this week and deal with it if it happens.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
i had an emergency box that i keep forgetting to use. i typed a lot if the coping things i use into a computer file that i can go to first, and it reminds me to look in the box :) (but then i haven't looked at the computer file fore ages either :roll:)

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
i don't know. food would be most likely, but it's not such a healthy way of coping.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
i have a sudoku book, a pen, my cd player and some cds, almost permanently in my hand bag. occasionally i bring a rubber band with me. or books or paper if i feel like i want to write something.
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Post by ultimate starshine » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:59 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
I try in combination but usually ends up one in there own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
assingments- I find it nice to sit down and do my addignments. itgives me direction, and makes me feel happy that i HAVE sat down and done what i need to do.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
deal with the emotions- I dont think they CAN be banished

What's your favourite coping thing?
Food and Music

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
I put my head down and smoke while im walking

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I would choose a red pencil. I wou;ld draw over the piece of paper with the red pencil and then score the sheet and tear the sheer with the sharper tip of the pencil

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
no and yes i would like to

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
I would buy a cd OR a pad and a red pen

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
I cant say i have actually.
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Post by nadine-cee » Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:56 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
I try, but it never works.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Umm dont know really

What's your favourite coping thing?

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Put my Ipod in

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
Draw, always makes me feel better

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
Nope, I cant really see reason.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
Not really

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
New drawing pencils

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

Does my Ipod count?
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Post by the edge of the world » Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:40 pm

<b>Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? </b>
combination, I suppose. like take a bath, read a book, light a candle combination, for example

<b>Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. </b>

<b>Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?</b>
to process/deal with how I'm feeling. I've never really found the ones meant to just banish urges too helpful

<b>What's your favourite coping thing? </b>
midnight (or later) strolls with friends

<b>When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? </b>
-walk around
-curl up in a ball in bed and wait it out (not the most fun way, but... works)
-take steps to protect myself (even though I know nothing is going to happen)
-turn on the tv or watch a show online (if available)
-try to stay with people

<b>Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. </b>
I'd like colored pencils or paints to make a happy picture

<b>Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? </b>
I usually do. It doesn't always help me feel better.
ex: when very stressed about homework, I try to convince myself that it is not the most important thing in my life.

<b>Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? </b>
I started one, but it disintegrated (the pieces are scattered, but I use them). Maybe I should try again.

<b>If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? </b>

<b>Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? </b>
a squishy ball (don't know where it went, though...), "don't panic" notecards and such (found those somewhere on coping forum here), ...

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Post by VowsOfSadness » Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:05 am

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
um i usually try one at a time.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Active. Go for a walk. getting out of the house

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
to keep myself busy to not SI

What's your favourite coping thing?
Going for a walk & while Im out texting ppl. it keeps me busy and it gets me talking

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
well walking usually makes me less nervous but i would normally text someone, pray, or talk myself down

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
ugh. im not a art person I'd write a letter maybe

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
im not sure. I try to identify any distortions

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
the emergency box didnt work for me because it reminded me of my cutting box & i kept getting triggered by pictures and things like that in there

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
I'll pretend that is $10. If so I would buy maybe a book. or more journal supplies

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
a little pink bible my pastor gave me when I first went to talk to him about Jon
*Challenges welcome*
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Post by Miss_Me » Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:47 am

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
One at a time

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
A Forum called BUS :)

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
to banish feelings/urges

What's your favourite coping thing?
BUS distractions and games

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Start looking at things in a detailed way. For instance the number of bricks on a building.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
Draw out how I'm feeling with colored pencils and paper.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
No never.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
No but I would like to.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

If it was $10 I would buy some colored pencils and paper

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
A Journal
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