Love yourself challenge

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Love yourself challenge

Post by purplefroggydishwasher » Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:32 am

Bit of a challenge for the lot of you a mate gave me.

A fair few of us harbour an intense dislike for our bodies. It is one of the reasons I hurt myself.

My mate told me to think about my whole body. From the hair on my head, to my toes, to my bones, skin, immune system, liver etc. And i had to pick something I liked.

Thinking hard about it i managed to come up with a few things I loved...

-My hair. I could rub poo in it everyday and it would still be straight, smooth, soft and perfect. I love my hair.
-My liver. I'take god knows how many meds for god knows how long, some over the reccomended dosage. And it still keeps on keeping on.
-My appendix. It hasn't burts or anyhting, just sits in there being good for me.
-My duck feet. In high school for shits and giggles, i would turn my feet around the opposite way. It was a great laugh and people would come up and talk to me.
-My fingernails. I've barely eaten a proper meal the last few years, and yet they are still strong and clear.
-My sense of hearing. I play by ear, and i know a ridiculous amount of music and song lyrics from memory. I lie on the grass outside with my eyes closed, just listening, identifying sounds.

Them my mate said that when I feel like hurting myself, i could try and embrace my beauty bits... If i want to si, then I go and wash my hair withn this cool shampoo conditioner stuff from lush that she got me. Or take photos of my feet or decorate my feet. Or I get out my instruments and play, test my memory. I sing. Remind me that because i hate some bits, other bits do not ahve to suffer. that I'm not completely heinous.

My challenge? I want you all to look at yourselves, every single part of you. Find at least one part of you that you would not change. Then find a way to embrace it. Kidneys doing their job? That is good enough. keep them going good, take a drink of úberexpensive and fancy water and give them a watery hug.

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Post by handmade mute » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:19 am

Loving this challenge, will have to give it some thought.

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Post by thewaves » Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:59 am

I like this...and I really want to participate. I worry about my health a lot, and I've come to the conclusion that every part of my body is failing me, falling apart (which I think is doing myself a bit of a disservice and makes me feel ungrateful as, to my knowledge, I'm not actually suffering from a chronic disease and my body still gets me where I need to go, helps me do what I need to do).

I am really trying hard to think of something in my mess of a body that's holding up well...

I love my feet. I stand on them all day at work, I put them into uncomfortable shoes, I walk long distances in them and they never give up. When the rest of me gets tired my feet keep going because they have to, and I really appreciate them for that. Mobility is a very valuable thing.
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Post by DecemberLivy » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:41 am

This is a very good idea. You know what they say, happiness lies in appreciation. :)

I love my lungs. I'm a classically trained singer and as a result my lungs are able to breathe deeply and properly.
I love my eyes, people have always commented on them. They say grey eyes are nice.
I love my tonsils, they haven't played up at all. I rarely if ever get colds/sorethroats.
I love my wrists. I have quite slim, feminine wrists.
I love my boobs. They're not too big, not too small. Just right.

really can't think of anything else :roll:
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Post by rhiannon » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:57 am

I love this challenge, because I also have serious body image issues. It's also one of the reasons I SI. Tell your mate she's really awesome for coming up with this, and thanks for sharing it with us~ :blush:

*I love my eyes. I abuse them so much, leaving them open all day, and they're one of the only things a part of my body that I've never hurt accidentally or on purpose.
*I love my calves, weirdly enough. I always feel like they're the only acceptable part of my body-- like they're the only toned, healthy thing. (Probably because they actually are.)

Hmm... to embrace my eyes, I'll give them fifteen more minutes of extra sleep tonight, and my legs some really pretty-smelling, expensive body lotion I've never used before but got for christmas.

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Post by Spidey » Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:09 am

my hair is awesome.
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Post by ultimate starshine » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:16 am

I love my eyes
I love my voice
I love my ears
I love my feet
I love my healthy heart!
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Post by I'm.that.forgettable. » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:56 am

err... this could be hard.

I love my eyes. People say a lot about my blue eyes.
I love my wrists...they're pretty small actually, very feminine.
I love my muscles..haha. riiight. well, I don't have much for muscles, but I like that they make you strong. So I love 'em. :roll:
I love my ears. because I love to listen.
I love my lips. They're shaped really well, and they're not oddly colored or anything. I dunno, I've always liked my lips..

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Post by purplefroggydishwasher » Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:20 pm

*squeeing at the people who ahve repiled*

good job guys! i never thought i could come up with sometihing i liked about me, but i guess it makes you loook at you in parts that make up a whole, and with so many different parts, you can't hate it all. makes you think.

today i had one of those days where you feel guilty about things that happened ten years ago that werne't all that major... but it just kept getting at me. i started off by cleaning and singing to exercise out some of that need to do something with my hands to not hurt me, and now i'm gunna go have a shower and nick some of my sister's ubercool shampoo conditioner shit.

it's not working wonders, but i've not hurt myself when in the past i would ahve, so it gets my vote :)

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Post by Chaocontrol6 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:56 pm

My eyes are definitely something I like, I enjoy the fact when I'm alert I know everything that is going on and catch details others may not see.
I love my smile as well, and how it cheers people up :)

Can't think of anything else yet, but it'll do for now.

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Post by disastercake » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:51 pm

this is excellent!
I love my freckles, my eyes, my lower legs, my sides, my hair drives me nuts but i love it too
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Post by thisshallbeformusic » Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:09 am

*goes to ponder*
i like this one. i'm going journal about it.
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