Your life in 5 years......?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by red_viola » Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:34 am

Wow, for some reason I typed this out the first time I read this thread but didn't post sooo
Well...for starters..I'd like to still be alive :)
And I'd be starting college..
From this very second? Going back to school from winter break? Or deciding what to do during my J-term home. I think I'll stay home on J-Term..first year at college after all :)
And I hope to have had atleast one relationship and to still be caught up with all my current friends..especially the new moving away next summer and however more after that.
And be in a good college of my choice..but to get far away from this state. (My sisters call all the colleges within 200 miles 'sleep away camp' so I can't go to them..even if UW-M is a dream or other current favorite..and Smith in far far away land..)
Oh and I hope to get this thing where I randomly ramble about myself done with and stop doing it.
And to lose this frikken lisp.
And to just be all around happier. :)
:star: ruby :star:
My apologizes in advance if the above post makes no sense. I do that a lot.
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Post by ultimate starshine » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:56 am

in 5 years time, I would like to have passed all my exams through university, and currently just finishing my course i have to do after niversity. I would also like to be happy with a guy!?!?!?!?!?
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Post by vampirelover » Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:02 pm

I will be 21 and hopefully SI free at Uni studying criminal psycology or marine biology. With my friends by my side and hopefully a better relationship with my family.
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Post by funkymusic » Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:20 am

I'll be 20, and successful at my first year of college. I'll be at a school that fits me with a really good band and a good program for whatever I'm interested in at the time (hopefully writing or relations). I'll have a nice, caring, steady boyfriend and lots of friends. I'll be able to manage my ADD and depression, and I won't SI or misuse any drugs.

One can dream. Who knows? Maybe it'll be true.

If we're going with fantasy -- I'd be a world-class instrumentalist and musical therapist on the side that performs in the pit band for Broadway shows and on stage in a quartet and is world famous among instrumentalists. :P

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Post by Blake 1 » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:41 pm

I would be married to the most wonderful person ever, have a great job, live in the mountains, play an instrument very well, be happy forever.
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Post by KittyCath » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:57 am

Hopefully finished with graduate school and working. Able to control myself, happy and in love with life.

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Post by searching_for_solace » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:54 pm

In five years I will be 21.

be driving
be finished with highschool and some collage?
have a girlfriend, and get my family to accept her.


and this girl just walked in from my old school and started talking to me about her career, plans for the future, highschool and classes and junk. I was like whoa that's weird.


Have my own resturaunt or be in the process of setting it up.
be able to wear short sleaves without glaring proof of my past mistakes.
have a buncha friends, close friends, too.
merit in a few competitions for photography
photograph a few more weddings
someday be a bride to the most beautiful, caring bride.
keep in touch with my old friends
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Post by nadine-cee » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:59 pm

In five years I will be 19

I want to be on my gap year, in africa or something. Free of SI, pritty, and maybe with a fue other mates.

I would allso like to have a lover :roll: not that that will happen.

Gosh I do like dreaming.
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Post by TheRockingHorse » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:06 pm

in 5 years i will be 18...
i would like to be getting accepted into good colleges, not have gotten kicked out of my school :-? (hopefully that wont happen) and be getting scholarships for basketball (dream on)
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Post by Jamas » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:57 pm

In five years:

-I will have my law degree and be working for a nonprofit organization (like the EFF or the Bazelon Center) as a lawyer, litigating precedent-setting cases. I will have a clear plan for student loan repayment.
-I will be married and be planning for a child.
-I will own some land with a garden and be paying a mortgage on my own home.
-I will have a healthy relationship with my family members and visit them regularly.
-I will have a wieght that allows me to do the kind of physical activity that I enjoy without getting tired; I will have good cholesterol and good cardiovascular strength, with lots of oxygen getting to my body.
-I will be able to concentrate and focus during the day, and will be able to keep my intrusive thoughts and impulsive speech to a minimum.
-I will be surrounded by friends, with whom I will find the time to spend together.
-I will be a regular participant in a spiritual community and in a mutual service fellowship.
-I will be able to defend myself in times of need.
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Post by Belle » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:49 pm

In 5 years time i will be 24, and hopefully ...

* teaching in a good school, near to my real home so i can keep in touch with friends and family
* living in a flat or house with my best friend or a boyfriend
* be SH free
* be ED free
* be happy with myself and my life

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Post by kalayla » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:54 pm

i was gonna post up here then wen i put that i would 22 in 5 years i freaked out and couldnt do it
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Post by snowangel_03 » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:16 pm

in five years time...
  • i would love to be married
    have a second child
    live in a nice house
    have a fantastic job that i love
    be free of si
    free of bad food thoughts
    free of depression
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Post by lucky_lenny » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:29 pm

In 5 years time?
I would like to be cut-free
I would like to be thin but not overly so like now and unable to think of myself as such
I would like to be in Asia being an archaeologist, having finished uni
Or doing a Masters degree. In something.
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:51 am


a prison psychologist.... that's what I really really want to be. But I suppose that would take a lot more than 5 years time, but I mean best case senario lol.
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Post by zombiepeople » Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:45 pm

In five years I'd like...
to be able to recover from my ED

to be for the most part SI free

doing well in college

studing food science, nutrition, and culinary arts

getting a good job in a career that I love

moving out of the house

maybe getting in a healhty, loving relationship and thinking about starting a family

get off of my medication? (that probably won't happen and if not I'm ok with it)

I'll be 21, so hopefully not become an alcoholic (runs in my family)

Be able to enjoy life more without constant thoughs of SU
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Re: Your life in 5 years......?

Post by versarian » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:13 pm

I hope for all of these to be true:

- I'll be married. :heart:
- I'll be physically healthy. (both fit and at a healthy weight)
- I'll no longer rely on SI.
- I'll find myself beautiful.
- I'll be financially independent.
- I'd have written at least one book. (Written - not published.. But that would be great, too. :osmile: )
- I'll be happy. :osmile:

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Re: Your life in 5 years......?

Post by strider 151 » Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:30 pm

i will be 19......scary


i want to be 100% SI free, with no ED tendancies, serving god with all my heart. I want to be in university studying to become a vet, maybe in a relationship with a guy but thats not too important

i would love to have completed my biography

i also would like to get along with everyone, and have a calm, happy life
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In the end, it doesnt matter where you have been or who you were,
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Re: Your life in 5 years......?

Post by pelagic » Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:41 am

Hmmm... I would like to have seen some of the world...
Be happy, I don't want to be living beyond my means...

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Re: Your life in 5 years......?

Post by flawedinsomniac » Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:21 pm

In five years I'll be 23. I'll hopefully be done with my undergraduate degree(s) and either working in my field or going to graduate school. I'm sure I'll still be living where I do now, but I'd like to move away as soon as I can.
A happy life consists in tranquility of mind -- Cicero

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