Disabilities and SI

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Disabilities and SI

Post by Geordie » Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:57 pm

Hello, I'm Geordie and I am (according to doctors, specialists, and bitchy kids at school) a CRIPPLE.

I can walk (most of the time... occasionally...) but stairs, dancing, running, any kind of sports are a problem. It's frustrating, and on more then one occasion it's caused me to want to SI.

So I gotsta thinkin'; how many of you SI because of something like this? And how do you cope with not being about to do things you should be able to do?

I'm sure there is a better way to phrase it, but it's late, I'm tired, so sue me.

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Post by butterfly_of_christ » Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:38 pm

hi i am in a wheelchaor have been now since 13 july 07 my seflharming has got a lot worst since then as i am unable to do thinks on m own and my whole life has changed no longer able to do sports and that.

people say thinks to me and i feel realy bad abut and end up cutting

hugs to you huni

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Post by FlyingOnBrokenWings » Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:57 pm

I do not have a physical disability. However, I am dyslexic, disgraphic and have other learning disabilities. On top of that I am hard of hearing - projected to be Deaf by the time I'm 30 (I'm 22 now).

I will admit that sometimes my disabilities play into my SI. I have an image of myself as stupid, hopeless and worthless. Those feelings come from my dyslexia, disgraphia and LD. Before I knew why I had such trouble with learning - I had been told by teachers that I was dumb. When I'm struggling with school (I'm in graduate school) the old fear that I am stupid comes back.

When I go to a meeting and have to ask people to wear an FM system or have an interpreter so that I can hear the meeting, I feel stupid. I feel like I'm such a burden to others. I really dislike it.

I try to cope with it by realizing that I am not my disabilities. If people want me to be a part of a meeting, they understand the need to wear the FM system or have an interpreter. If they want me to be able to read minutes, they understand they have to send them to me in a certain way so that I can format them for my programs that read them to me. I realize that I strive to have a normal life, but for me normal isn't going to have the same appearance as it does for others. Normal is going to be having others help me so that I can participate the best I can. And because I make the effort to be a part of the organizations, the people there are 9 times out of 10 more than willing to help.

I'm here to chat if you want to.
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Post by Licentia Poetica » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:59 am

Personally, I think crippled is a horrible word for them to use.

Sure, some things are more challenging for you than others, but that doesn't mean you are worthless or stupid or less capable than anyone else.

I don't have a physical disability, but I am registered at uni as having a permanent disability because of my mental illness. And I would say that often the reason I self harm is because there are things I feel I am incapable of doing. Like getting out of bed, or keeping up with my work, or getting on with my friends, or feeling worthwhile. Those are sometimes the limitations that my "disability" presents me with. There are some things that are totally out of my reach (like doing a normal number of credit points like everyone else at once), and other things that I can learn to do in ways that are specific to me (like keeping up by getting extensions, etc.).

I would imagine that it would be similar for you. While there are things beyond your reach, there are things you can work out ways of doing which make it possible for you.

Sounds like you're feeling pretty awful about yourself because you're disabled, I'm sorry that's the case.

If it means anything, there was a girl with cerebral palsy(sp?) at my school in a wheelchair. And she competed in every race at the athletics carnival (and actually, too, in the swimming carnival) and even though of couse she came last, you wouldn't believe how many cheers she got :) :D

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Post by Geordie » Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:53 pm

people say thinks to me and i feel realy bad abut and end up cutting
People saying stuff to me used to bother me a lot. I had people at my job telling my manager to fire me and hire someone who could work properly.

These people are a joke.

Just think. The main reason people are cruel to other people is to make themselves feel better about who they are. How pathetic do you have to be if all you've got going for you is that you're not in a wheelchair, or that you can walk without a limp?
no longer able to do sports and that.
It sucks having to give up things you love because of something beyond your control. I used to be an avid dancer; ballet, jazz, hip hop, you name it. These days, dancing at a school dance is nearly impossible. Have you thought about taking up a wheel-chair sport, like basketball? Just a thought :)
I had been told by teachers that I was dumb.
Oooh that makes me mad! People who are going to tell kids who arn't keeping up that they are dumb shouldn't be teachers. The fact that you've made it to graduate school despite learning difficulties means you clearly arn't stupid.

Thanks for the offer.
...you wouldn't believe how many cheers she got
There was a boy with severe Down's SYndrome at my primary school. He would run races and the whole school would cheer him on. It was really nice.

:) [/quote]

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Post by Catkin » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:38 am

I have a physical disability and I do find it can make things more difficult, I remember when I first started to Si and that was when I became ill and couldn't cope. I was being treated so badly at the hospital and it all started from there.

My Si is not all down to my physical health as I didn't have a good childhood either but I know it did not help and I can remember so many times I would Si to try and get me through the pain.

Your not alone in this and I know how hard it can be, it can be very frustrating when you so want to do something but can't because your body is stopping you.

If you ever want to chat feel free to PM me anytime :star:
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Re: Disabilities and SI

Post by Spidey » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:00 am

Geordie wrote:Hello, I'm Geordie and I am (according to doctors, specialists, and bitchy kids at school) a CRIPPLE.
gaaah i hate that word. that and "handicapped". damn, i'm not one of those politically correct people but damn they make it sound like you're unable to do ANYTHING...
So I gotsta thinkin'; how many of you SI because of something like this? And how do you cope with not being about to do things you should be able to do?
i'm multiply disabled and i can say that i've never si'ed because of my disabilities...at least they have not been a <i>direct</i> cause as to why i si. usually that's self-hate and lack of emotional control.

i'm not able to do a lot of things. like you, i can't run or dance or play certain sports anymore (but i can still swim!). it makes life bummerish and difficult, and i have endured a lot of discrimination and ill treatment from society/doctors/etc, but it's not been a cause of my si.

anyway, welcome to the board! :wavey: :moove:
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Post by red_viola » Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:16 am

I have a lisp (I talk funny)
Not good for the self esteem
And super annoying when someone says "Wait what?" Or "Whoa do you have an accent, you talk funny"
Or when speaking in front of the class.
Oh and there was that one time the speach teacher at my 5-6th grade school came up to me and said "I'm concerned about the noises your making....your talking." She was mean anyway.
I don't know..I used to beleive that if I didn't have this lisp that my life wouldn't be so screwed up. I can account half the bad stuff happening because of it. Oh well. (Last year, there was a kid convinced that I was from the UK (I'm from the Midwest in the US) and he always asked me if I was British. Never could convince him.)
ruby :star:
My apologizes in advance if the above post makes no sense. I do that a lot.
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Post by butterfly_of_christ » Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:59 pm

hugs to everyone here we are all the same i personaly not get why people pick on you because you are in a wheelchair, cant work and that but it is not are fault. why are we being penaie for it.

hugs to every again hope you all ok


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Post by vampirelover » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:12 pm

I will admit that sometimes my disabilities play into my SI. I have an image of myself as stupid, hopeless and worthless. Those feelings come from my dyslexia, disgraphia and LD. Before I knew why I had such trouble with learning - I had been told by teachers that I was dumb. When I'm struggling with school (I'm in graduate school) the old fear that I am stupid comes back.

i can relate to this as i have dyspraxia
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Post by Geordie » Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:03 am

It's so sad that people use things we can't control as reasons for teasing or mocking. But as I said earlier, if the only thing someone has going for them is that they don't have a disability? THat's pathetic. Let them mock. What they say doesn't have any meaning. It's just talk.

My disability hasn't really effected my self esteem, but it does frustrate me a great deal. I'll try to do something I could before it got so bad, and I won't be able to, get frustrated, SI.

:1hugs: all around, I say!

(and a muscle in my leg is twitching. I'm never going to get used to that :o )

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Post by Chaocontrol6 » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:36 pm

Yeh I've always been considered the "fat" one, which I can't help half of because of having to take loads of medication because of a kidney problem I had, I really hated that, and the fact I sometimes struggle to understand the basics first time round because of autistic tendancies, and people laugh at the fact that sometimes I can't think of things to say or whatever, and laugh back, I get frustrated, it builds up and I SI-ed sorta thing. Not the greatest thing and it's a shame people without disabilities are so narrow-minded!!! I wish they'd at least educate themselves about these sort of things, or have it more educated so they have a better picture.

One thing people always seem to take the total p*** off are what they call "spaztics" or those that are mentally retarded, but use the term "retard" to totally abuse them, I mean they may not act like a "normal" person (I HATE saying that) but they have a life, they do have feelings of their own and we should respect that, simple as!!

So yeh, there's my rant in this topic.

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