Which helpline to ring?

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Which helpline to ring..?

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Which helpline to ring?

Post by xStarBright » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:41 pm

OK, so BUS has been completely fantastic, but I think I need to actualy "talk" about my problem's (the councilers told me I didn't need help).

So, while my parent's are out I'm going to ring either Samaritan's or Childline. I'm scared of ringing Childline, because, I don't know, I just am. I feel more comfortable about ringing the Samaritan's, but I'm scared at both.

I get the feel that Childline is "better", but I don't know, and I'm not sure I'll have the corauge to call, so I'm just planning it, so I don't have to actualy think about making the call.

Anyone ever rang one of the two? What are your personal experiences? (Just to help me decide..)

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Post by Chaocontrol6 » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:34 pm

I haven't rung any helplines, so I can't say from my experiences what are best, I've just heard about childline a lot more and they just seem better from what I've read about them and how they reach out to people in our situation, or any situation for that matter.

that's just from what I've seen, so don't take that as a firm choice, but I'm voting Childline....

Best of luck whoever you ring :)

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Post by Licentia Poetica » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:56 pm

I used to ring Kidshelpline here until I turned 18 and then you can't use it anymore, and now I ring lifeline which I think is your hopeline if you're in the US. Lifeline seemed scarier to call because it's an adults thing but I have found it soooo much better.

Maybe you should try both? Call one, see how it goes, and then try the other. The thing about the phone is you can always hang up :)

The first time I called, I blurted out that I self harm to some guy and then hung up before he responded :roll:

There's something about the Samaritans in Sourcebook if you want to check it out. Sorry I don't have time to find you the link.

Well done on deciding to call, and it's okay to be scared :clover:
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Post by recovering4me » Tue Dec 25, 2007 2:12 am

hey girl. hope you got up the courage to call. i voted childline because ive heard a lot of good things about them
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Post by lily_trying » Tue Dec 25, 2007 12:10 pm

Although I know I would benefit from it/need it, I have yet to have the courage to actually ring any of the helplines. So I have no personal experiences to offer with them... I have used the samaritans e-mail-based support a handful of times. They were *very* helpful a few of those times, and once or twice not as helpful -- I think it probably depends on how the messages translate via writing, or depending upon which volunteer reads & responds. I think there's a thread on the samaritans e-mail support in the sourcebook. I'd imagine it's probably a good first step to try if one is nervous to call (which is why I've tried it).

I would say to go with your instinct on which you would feel more comfortable with first... and I also like the idea posted below of trying both.

Speaking as someone who's never had the courage to ring the lines I think it's very admirable of you to be planning the call out... best wishes & luck! :star:

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Post by xStarBright » Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:52 pm

Thanks everyone!

Even though everyone's swaying towards childline..

I chose samaritan's because I was so afraid of calling childline. They were really, really helpful. :)

I didn't wanna speak at first..

So they kinda asked me how my day had been & it went from there.

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Post by lily_trying » Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:30 am

I'm so glad that the samaritans call was helpful for you -- and thank you for posting & sharing the feedback/experience on the call! :star:

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Post by disastercake » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:15 pm

Do they really help?
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Post by Licentia Poetica » Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:56 am

It depends.

I use crisis lines nowadays for the bad moments - when I'm feeling vulnerable or alone, or even calling up and trying to distract myself from bad feelings by talking about some random topic. It's kind of someone there to listen to me at times my doc/ T aren't able to.

Sometimes I just need to sort my thoughts out and I want someone to sit there and listen to me say lots of random stuff and it helps me get it sorted in my own head. Or sometimes I want an opinion on something, or someone to confirm my decisions or whatever. It helps because depression/ self hate/ etc can sometimes really cloud my thinking and I need someone without that cloud to give it to me straight.

Back a few years ago before I had regular professional support in real life, the crisis lines were more to actually take the place of that - I'd tell my whole story, etc and we;d work through thughts and feelings and how overall I could get my life back on track. It wasn't enough for me though, the guy that I used to call eventually said that I needed more help than he could give. And that really hurt, for a little bit but then I realised he was right.

Sometimes you can get the odd strange person who says something ignorant or accidentally upsetting - don't let it deter you, call again and talk to someone else, or try a different helpline. There are always people who don't understand certain issues (for example one woman I found was a bit ignorant about my eating disorder and said something stupid, which actually made me feel better because I was annoyed at her instead of upset hah, :roll:)

But yeah, if you're not seeing anyone in real life because you can't or you're scared to - the phone can be a great way to learn to open up about talking to people. That (and bus) is eventually what convinced me and helped me to seek help for the first time, and it made me realise how many of my thoughts and feelings were incorrect or not based on reality, and that they could be changed.

Basically, my point :roll:.. is it's just an anonymous stranger over the phone, you can hang up if you want to - so what do you have to lose?
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Post by xStarBright » Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:04 pm

Samaritans helped me a hell of a lot.

But like Licentia Poetica has said, it depends which volenteer you get.

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Post by disastercake » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:26 am

I think I might have to try one next time I'm having a really hard time. There are a lot of times where I feel like things would be better if I just had someone to TALK to, so a hotline would solve that problem
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Post by WildChild101 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:05 am

I've been considering phoning childline for a long time
like tonight, i managed to type the nimber in my phone, but i ended up sat there looking at it and got too scared.
If anyone has called them before...id be grateful to know what they say to you or something...

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Post by Licentia Poetica » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:35 am

I think everyone does that the first time.

What you talk about is on your terms. The first thing they usually say is something like "so how are you going today".

To which you can say.." I'm really depressed and feeling shitty about xyz", or "I dunno, how's the weather where you are?"

If they're a good counsellor, they're good at making you feel okay about talking to them.
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Post by WildChild101 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:42 am

i really hate being on the phone, but i reckon i want to give this a go.

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Post by Cellardoor » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:39 am

I have allways found the samaritans very kind, very helpful, and calming.
Ive had less success with childline, i once found them quite invalidating, which was upsetting. :)

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Post by Holi » Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:51 pm

Never called Childline, but I've called the Samaritans 4 times so far. It's odd thats it's followed a pattern, the first time I called them, I was sorting testing it and just felt a bit down and we chatted, then I went out. When I got back home I was VERY unstable, and talking to the woman on the other end helped incredibly, and stopped me from SIing. The same pattern came again, I called them feeling a bit down, about 1 hour later, I got very suicidal, so I called them again.
It does depend on which helper you get, but I find that good helpers can be wonderful and sometimes you really just need to talk to someone. And if it doesn't work for you, just hang up and nobody ever needs to know.

Well thats my 2 cents (euro cents of course)

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Post by pelagic » Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:02 am

These calls are 100% anonymous and confidential, right? I want to call one but I am scared someone will tell *paranoid*

Never heard of Samaritans? :oops:
What's their number?

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Post by Licentia Poetica » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:05 am

Yes, they are confidential. Some of them are even free calls, and most of them won't show up on your phone bill.

If you're in a serious crisis, ie (very actively suicidal) they will strongly suggest you let them call a local crisis team though.

I am unsure, but I think the samaritans are UK based http://www.samaritans.org, but I think you should find them elsewhere if you type in samaritans and US in google. I know there's an aussie one. Or try looking in the front of your phone book.
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Post by Licentia Poetica » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:27 am

actually, here you go samaritans
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Post by pelagic » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:54 am

Thank you :) !

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