
tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by matte » Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:16 am

in 2 weeks i am moving away from the place where i grew up. im going to do an apprenticeship all by myself, without all the supports ive worked for hard to put in place where i am now.
theres things to pack, things to get rid off, trash to take out, a car to clean out, people to say goodbye to and miss, places and things to say goodbye to, overwhelm and aching sadness to feel.
how do i do it all without si?

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Post by one out of none » Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:24 pm

Hi, that is a big change, and you're being very brave. But don't underestimate your ability, try and make yourself believe that you are capable of doing this, and maybe it will become easier for you. On a practical level, have you thought about maybe gathering together some bits and pieces that give you comfort if things get tough? Maybe something like a letter or a photo or an object that means something to you and that you can use as a reminder why you don't want to si. Even a number of someone you can call. Also, have you any supports in the place that you're moving to?

Just some ideas, best of luck with the move, I hope it goes really well for you.

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Post by Quiet little Angel » Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:13 pm

i'm moving soon too... i'm coping with it by making a list of all the possitive things associated with moving... like how it'll help me get the dream job and such... maybe you could do that too?

if you want to talk more about fear of moving feel free to PM me... (though i should say i'm not going to miss where i'm moving from, so it's mainly the being responsible for myself all alone part that scares me...)


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Post by vampire_kisses » Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:43 am

Sorry, I don't have much advice. I grew up in the same place too (Kinder-8thgrade) and when I moved, it was because we were buying a house, and it was in the same town, and to the same school, so it was a good thing for me.

Welcome to bus :moo: and lots of luck to you!

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Post by volta » Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:08 am

best wishes to you.

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supports i have in place

Post by matte » Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:33 am

one out of none wrote:On a practical level, have you thought about maybe gathering together some bits and pieces that give you comfort if things get tough? Maybe something like a letter or a photo or an object that means something to you and that you can use as a reminder why you don't want to si. Even a number of someone you can call. Also, have you any supports in the place that you're moving to?
Yeah, ive made a little book of photos of important people to carry around with me, and numbers always in my phone which is always with me, and a stone too. i have already found and had an initial session/interview/getting to know each other with a therapist in massachusetts (where im moving) and will be her 5pm on wednesdays, the first session being the first wednesday im there. i also will have a phone session with my current t the first week im up there.
for practical support, my landlord is pretty cool, lives upstairs, and is very handy with tools and knowing where thing are around town. his girlfriend is sweet too. i know how to get to work from my apartment, and how to get to the grocery store, post office, and laundromat. im in touch via email with 2 of the 3 people who will be doing the apprenticeship with me, and have met one irl. ive joined a local food co-op that carries the kind of foods and personal items im used to.
i think im pretty well prepared, all in all (which im rather proud of, its been hard and scary setting all this up and doing it). its still really big and scary, but i guess its supposed to be...
i just sinceriously need to work on sitting with my feelings. feeling them without having to *do* something about them. any ideas about how to get more comfortable with that, i would love to hear! or, any further ideas on preparedness.

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I've moved

Post by matte » Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:16 am

i thought leaving would be the hard part. its not. being here is the hard part. despite all the wonderful things about being here (cool town, great job starting monday, awesome apartment, spectacular coffee shop) i focus on the negatives. how do i shift my focus?

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Post by volta » Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:21 am

the only advice i have is to keep reminding yourself of the positives. maybe make a list?

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Post by dillon » Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:17 pm

sorea about mi spellin in vis post as i have dificulties wiv it

matte, it sound like you have put sum gud fings into place to help you wiv your move and settling in. Try and focus on reasons why you have moved and all positives vat go wiv it. Maybe if your having a hard part ov a day go down to vat coffee shop you mentioned and get yourself a drink

offers :1hug:

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Post by Roxi » Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:20 pm

I know how u feel, i've just moved in the last month, from the place where i grew up (parents getting divorced.........) It's hard, and you're gonna feel vulnerable, and pretty shit 4 a while- but @ some stage it actually does get better, and even tho things r different- life seems to gradually start feeling more "normal"

Good Luck, hope all goes well
:star: Roxi :star:

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