A coping survey for yourself

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by recovering4me » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:25 pm

Name: Ellen
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: been free for 15 months 1 week
If so what is your motivation: getting better and finding new ways to cope/stop hurtin the people i love
Favorite coping skills: wrapping myself up in a blanket/reading/a long HOT bath
Coping skills that work the least: erm? when i don't do the coping skills
Safe places you can go: BUS, tammy's house
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): work, feeling lonely, being alone
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: deep breathing, writing if possible, smoking a cigarette
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): keep myself distracted until the urge has passed
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 15 months 1 week
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd:
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): lonliness, feeling worthless
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): BUSSERS!!! and Tammy and a few other close friends.
Proud Member of NOB WHEATS
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Post by Tolby Bear » Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:45 am

:uhhh: :uhhh: :uhhh: :uhhh: :uhhh: :uhhh:
I am new to this so I thought this survey was the best place to start.

Name: Tolby Bear {nickname}
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: trying to stop
If so what is your motivation: tired of having to lie about it
Favorite coping skills: shooting pool
Coping skills that work the least: rubberband on wrist
Safe places you can go: haven't discovered that yet
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): ppl. running late
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: read, write, get busy
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): Trying to figure that out right now.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: unfortunately only three days.
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: I could have refocused my thoughts to more important matters.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Depression, shakes, rapid thoughts.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): I have a few, but it seems no one really understands, and I don't like to burden ppl. late, late at night or early,early in the morn. I work the graveyard shift, and that is when I have my hardest time controlling myself.
~~~~~~Huge BEAR Hugs~~~~~~~
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:49 pm

Name: Amanda
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: I've pretty much stopped
If so what is your motivation: can wear shot sleeves
Favorite coping skills: calling Nicole, take a walk
Coping skills that work the least: markers
Safe places you can go: outside, Liz's house
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): my mom, work, friends
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: hall pass
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): go to guidence
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: about 2-3 weeks
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Called Nicole instead
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): blood, weight
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one):NICOLE!!
*Challenges welcome*
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Post by teacher2B » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:41 pm

Name: Brenda
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes
If so what is your motivation: can wear shorts and short sleaves--SWIMMING this summer, being a role model for my students, in the long run it's just going to make my depression worse, not better.
Favorite coping skills: calling a friend, going on the internet, distracting myself
Coping skills that work the least: anything that imitates si (markers, rubber band, ice, etc.)
Safe places you can go: church, bookstore, starbucks, running
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): making mistakes at work (CRITICISM!), loneliness, being alone, nighttime in front of the TV
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: focussing on the task at hand, not letting my mind "go there"
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): At work, I never SI and never will. I'm a teacher--not a good idea! In general, my biggest safety plan is I will call Mollie and distract myself until I can talk with her.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 4 days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: I shouldn't have left church in the middle of the service but should have stayed and talked with Margaret afterwards and then called Mollie when I got home.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): making mistakes at work (CRITICISM!), loneliness, being alone, nighttime in front of the TV
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: focussing on the task at hand, not letting my mind "go there"
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): Mollie, Jackie, Erica

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Post by wilson » Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:16 am

Name: Eleanor
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: trying.
If so what is your motivation: shows i have moved on
Favorite coping skills: playing music. writing. internet. call/sms someone
Coping skills that work the least: watching a movie i've seen.
Safe places you can go: anywhere there are people
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): moving. change. friends struggling. memories
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: stay focused on the task at hand
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): write. msg someone
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 20mins
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: unknown coz i tried so hard
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): pics. memories. stress. some movies. people i know struggling
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): ummm laura. chloe.
<center>R.I.P. 23/07/89 - 05/11/01
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Post by zombiepeople » Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:23 am

Name: Rachel
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: :star: yup
If so what is your motivation: so that I don't have to hide all the time and feel so ashamed
Favorite coping skills: holding ice cubes, listening to music, writing
Coping skills that work the least: trying to distract myself with something, reading so something like that
Safe places you can go: outside for a walk, on the internet, somewhere out of my room
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): school and grades, parents and other family, bad past memories
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: listen to my MP3 player hiding it under my hoodie, doodling in my notebook
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): maybe talk to friends and listen to music (making sure no one can see me doing it)
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: about three days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: attenpted to calm myself down or use a more effective coping skill
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): stress with people and school and family, past memories
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): my aunt, my T, my friends Sarah and Pi...um...yup

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Post by beautiful_facade » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:20 pm

Name: Em
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI:
Indeed i am...i'm trying to stop :)
If so what is your motivation:
i'm so sick of the years i have thrown away, of the lies and cover ups and scars.
Favorite coping skills:
Writing..poetry or journal. Watching CSI 8) . Reading. Walking. Just keep mind and body busy.
Coping skills that work the least:
Talking to people irl.
Safe places you can go:
Out for a walk. My bed. Spend time with a particular friend.
Identify stressors (be specific as poss):
Being a perfectionist - slightest failing sets me off. ED issues. Feeling out of control.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use:
Writing poems in notebook/scribbling what i am feeling.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/school/general):
Stay around people - not necessarily tell them i am struggling - just don't be on my own.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free:
A week.
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd:
Not had so much to drink.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss):
As in stressors.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one):
2 friends. Social worker at a push.

Last edited by beautiful_facade on Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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If I bore you, that is that. If I am clumsy, that may indicate partly the difficulty of my subject, and the seriousness with which I am trying to take what hold I can of it; more certainly, it will indicate my youth, my lack of mastery of my so-called art or craft, my lack perhaps of talent…
A piece of the body torn out by the roots might be more to the point.
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Post by Saku » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:31 am

Name: Saku
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: trying to stop
If so what is your motivation: my friend Rachel
Favorite coping skills: talking to friends,being online and away from the "tools", snaping a rubber band on my wrist instead
Coping skills that work the least: talking to friends
Safe places you can go: online or friends house(never can thought)
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Rachel moving soon ,not having any friends in my area, not having any real friends at my school,grades,getting yelled at
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: stay in a crowd
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): ...dont have one..
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 1 day, but befor yesterday it had been 32 days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: not stayed up late thinking about my life and how it doesnt seem real
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): being ignored, realizing my life sucks, not feeling like Im real
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one):Only Rachel

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Post by JustAlittleBitBroken » Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:35 am

Name: Rebecca
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Trying, but not succeeding
If so what is your motivation: I want to be happy again
Favorite coping skills: Right now, drinking or cutting
Coping skills that work the least: Drinking and cutting
Safe places you can go: Ummm....no where
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): My fiance and thinking that he is cheating on me because he lies to me about where he is going and what he is doing and saying he is going to be with a guy friend when in reality, he is a girl that he works with, when he knows she has feelings for him. Finances, and not being able to find a job even after I have put in about 70 applications since the beginning of january
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: I dont work right now, but when I did, I would go outside and have a cigarette, and call my mom
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): I dont have one
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: i am currently si'ing and the last time i did it was last night
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: I truly dont know
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): My fiancee talking to that girl he works with all day, and thinking about all the crap thats happened to me since I was 4 years old, and when my 3 very best friends that I have known for over 10 years blow me off since they all have new boyfriends
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): I dont have anyone that I can call like that anymore. My friends are too busy with their new boyfriends to help me with my issues.

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Post by oneWayOneLifeOneLove » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:47 am

Name: Liz

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Yep Yep

If so what is your motivation: Im tired of always falling backward and having to rely on Si and im tired of alway have the scars

Favorite coping skills: Reading, Coloring, Making friend ship braclets, or calling friends, or Ice, BUS

Coping skills that work the least: Taking a shower, Snapping a rubber band, running, watching TV

Safe places you can go: Probably a friends house or outside

Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Friends, Family, Annoying ppl at my school, Guard, school

If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Drawing circles, going for a walk

What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): umm...i dnt really have one its more to deal with the moment

If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 3 weeks

If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd:

Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): when ppl are mad at me, When i say somthing or do somthing stupid. Basically when i do something i think i shouldnt have

Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one):
surprises at ever stop sign
with its share of wrong ways and dead ends
statistice dnt help you with your future
they only tell u were youve been

Hugs are always welcome :D

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Post by dncn4lyfe77 » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:05 pm

Name: Sarah
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Stop
If so what is your motivation: I've got enough scars, and I know it's not good for me
Favorite coping skills: bubble bathhsssssss
Coping skills that work the least: Exercise or sumthin that revs me up, I need to relax
Safe places you can go: A friend's house or something, or outside i guess
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): When I feel like I've messed up, when someone emotionally hurts me, or when someone is angry at me
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: ahh the art of distraction
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): recognise the trigger, realize I want to cut without getting ready to do it, do some of my DBT skills
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Not give in, not just do it cuz it was easy
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): same as stressors
Last slip-April 19th 2008-----Aiming for 1 week SI free

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Post by xCheerUpFailurex » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:08 am

:star: Name: Heather
:star: Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Yes, I'm trying to stop.
:star: If so what is your motivation: So my new boyfriend won't find out.
:star: Favorite coping skills: Thinking of how pround he is of me..
:star: Coping skills that work the least: Rereading diaries
:star: Safe places you can go: Nowhere to run
:star: Identify stressors (be specific as poss): different things at differnt pressure points.. sometimes just people saying something that hurts(criticizm)
:star: If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Keep a focused mind
:star: What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): Stay away from the bathroom (unless URGENT)
:star: If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 2 weeks
:star: If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: IM NOT YAY!!!!
:star: Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): different everyday!
:star: Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): :( NONE.. no one knows
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Post by Scarletribbon » Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:12 pm

Name: Maria
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Trying!
If so what is your motivation: it distresses my husband and I can't show my arms or legs in public!
Favorite coping skills: cutting, bullimia
Coping skills that work the least: bullimia
Safe places you can go: local woodland
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): feeling bad about myself or angry that I didn't do something right, or inadvertantly hurt someone else!
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: have none - tend to rush home and if that's not possible, wait and wait in anxiety until I get through my front door and quickly run upstairs to cut!
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): seeing therapists
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 3 days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: been a bit braver and ridden out the pain!
:star: :star:
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): anger/disgust towards myself; whenever I feel inadequate or panicky. Agitated or anxious; it always calms me down!
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): my husband knows, but I still find it difficult to share the bad moments - even though he is fully understanding, I still feel ashamed and secretive when I have cut!
SCARLETRIBBON ~ "In the beginning, there was nothing... which exploded"!!!

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Post by NobodyToYou » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:30 am

Name: Nobody
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: stop...mostly have, but slip occassionally
If so what is your motivation: I don't want to be a person who has to SI. I want more out of life than just numbing out for a few minutes and not being able to cope.
Favorite coping skills: sleeping, reading, distracting computer games
Coping skills that work the least: thinking or writing too much without feedback from others...my brain can get to be a pretty dark place sometimes.
Safe places you can go: don't have any...if I really want to SI, I can find a way.
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): health problems, interpersonal stuff, job issues, family stress, fears about money
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: focus on work and try not to think. Get really involved in helping with someone else's problems for a while.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): try other ways of coping first, get distance, wait out the negative feelings.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: um...I will have to count. I think it will be a month tomorrow. But I may have the date wrong.
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: followed my plan instead of acting on impulse.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): overwhelming negative feelings...can be sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, etc. Often interpersonal conflict bothers me the most, but other things can also lead to these.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): none. No one knows.

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Post by wilson » Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:37 am

:bluestar: Name: Eleanor
:bluestar: Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Indeed
:bluestar: If so what is your motivation: I'm sick of having to pay for first aid stuff and having to always wear long sleaves
:bluestar: Favorite coping skills: Writing, walking
:bluestar: Coping skills that work the least: crying, writing
:bluestar: Safe places you can go: a friends house or the loungeroom
:bluestar: Identify stressors (be specific as poss): family arguments, flashbacks, certain names, lack of sleep
:bluestar: If at school/work name good coping skills to use: work myself harder, play sport
:bluestar: What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): to find a group of people and talk about a completely unrelated subject
:bluestar: If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 2 days
:bluestar: If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: called a friend
:bluestar: Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): arguments, certain names, flashbacks
:bluestar: Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): C, L, J
<center>R.I.P. 23/07/89 - 05/11/01
R.I.P. 1953-2008

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Post by Tolby Bear » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:52 am

Name: Tolby Tolbert

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes

If so what is your motivation: to be honest so others will leave me alone and to stay out of the hospital at the moment.

Favorite coping skills: Shooting pool, writing poems, watching T.V.

Coping skills that work the least: soaking in a bath

Safe places you can go: No where at the moment.

Identify stressors (be specific as poss): others being upset at me, friends leaving or dying

If at school/work name good coping skills to use: writing poems or stock

What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): to continue reading things in BUS

If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: only one week

If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Called someone or talked to someone at home.

Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Certain smells, red and beige older suburbans, certain names (one of which is my first name in which I don't go by~~~~~Darn that man.)

Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): Pam, and the rest I am not sure about anymore.
Last edited by Tolby Bear on Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
~~~~~~Huge BEAR Hugs~~~~~~~
~~~Do something Constructive;~~~
~~~~~Instead of Destructive~~~~~
~~~~~~What ever you do~~~~~~
~~~~~~~Make it FUN!!!~~~~~~~


Post by _____iamacliche » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:55 am

Name: ameh
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: stop [am currently in recovery]
If so what is your motivation: the fact that i don't need it anymore.
Favorite coping skills: music, writing, msn, phonecalls etc.
Coping skills that work the least: me giving myself a time out.
Safe places you can go: my room.
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): school, family etc.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: music, writing.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): thinking about why i should get through the day, listing all the positives.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: nearly 6 weeks :)
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: n/a
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): not talking about things as much as i should.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): K, K, M, C, L.

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Post by Chis » Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:17 pm

Name: David
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Trying yeah.
If so what is your motivation: I have several friends that support me, and I would like to not have to lie alle the time.
Favorite coping skills: Drown myself in wow-playing, play some bass while listening so my favorite music, headbang, being with my best friends.
Coping skills that work the least: Drinking, talking about hate, anger, frustration and such feelings. Being with my friends (the reason I put this both under favorite and least working coping methods is, that it fully depends on what mood I am in. Sometimes it works being with friends, sometimes it doesn't).
Safe places you can go: Mostly my best friends place.
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Usually my mom (I just get so worked up and frustrated/irritated for no real reason when I am around her), talking about my emotions to someone that I don't really want to open up to (if someone for example asks me about my depression etc), listening to some really sad songs.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Try to keep as focused and busy on what I am doing and not let my mind wander off to sad thoughts.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): Don't have one. Gonna work on that these weeks while I have my summer vacation.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: Almost two weeks now.
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Well what I shouldn't have is a stupid knife lying right next to my computer where I spend most of my time nowadays.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Seeing my older brother go off (he lives mostly with my dad and I live mostly with my mom. It's more convenient unfortunately). Family arguments - especially with my mom, getting angry at myself because I fail at tasks I have to do (even if it's just a small thing, like forgetting to buy groceries etc), getting rejected; again even if it is something that doesn't really matter or that has no significant importance at all.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): I have three gals that are wonderful and whom I can talk to about everything. Then it's my two best mates whom I still haven't told that I SI yet because I lack the guts to do it. I will eventually though. That's a promise I have made to myself.

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Post by silver_smurf » Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:35 pm

Name: silver smurf

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Yes, I'm trying to stop.

If so what is your motivation: My future job. I want to teach, and I don't want to wear bandages all the time or try to explain them to my students.

Favorite coping skills: distraction - word puzzles, walking my dog, being on the internet.

Coping skills that work the least: breathing, experiencing urge as a wave; I think that puts too much focus on the urge for me.

Safe places you can go: outside for a walk or staying at work, being somewhere public.

Identify stressors (be specific as poss): being depressed and not able to work, leaving work early or any other reason to not be working when I should, expectations at work...yeah work in general right now.

If at school/work name good coping skills to use: taking a break and going outside, using the internet or doing some puzzles - not going home.

What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general) : I'm not sure exactly what a safety plan is. I would call my best friend and talk to her about whatever or I could take a walk outside - these are more coping skills.

If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 4 days

If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: I could have gone to work instead of trying to work at home. I could have called someone or used some of the other coping skills listed here. I could have thought more about the consequences and the reasons for SI and maybe wrote down why I didn't want to do it.

Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): being depressed, tired, and not working. Thinking about the future involving work that I don't enjoy. Thinking about lack of connections. Lack of purpose. Thinking of things that relate to those things.

Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): A, A, L

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Post by ellieru » Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:09 pm

Name: Ellie

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes, trying to reduce
If so what is your motivation: my friends and people i care about who have done so much for me and want to show people i can do this and am not letting my mom and everything from my past win

Favorite coping skills: drinking, music, shouting and going off on one

Coping skills that work the least: writing things down, talking about my feelings

Safe places you can go: pub, public and crowded places, C's house

Identify stressors (be specific as poss): being unemploed and desperatly needing a job but always being turned down, feeling guilty about not being there for others and people i care about. the past - having it my head and feeling useless that havent 'moved forward'

If at school/work name good coping skills to use: doodling, scribbling on paper, playing with piece of blue tac

What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): being and staying around other, concentrate on breathing, go outside for a cigarette

If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: almost a full day

If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: talked to someone - made sure i wasnt on my own

Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): words - get triggered easily about my past which leads to SI - words such as m*m, f*mily and others cant even write.

Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): not that anyone knows but L (my mate i live with), C, F and L

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