replacing SI

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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replacing SI

Post by Random Idiot » Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:13 am

how do you replace SI with a better coping method? i dont SI much anymore, its like theres a voice telling me its bad. but i havent replaced the SI with anything else, so its hard. i dont have anyway of coping with things. i dont know how to cope.
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Post by purplefroggydishwasher » Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:30 am

That is a difficult question, in that I have not actively reaplced teh coping method. It jsut kind of happened.

When my mood was cycling, I did not si, becasue my moods were ever chaning. I was never down for long.

Nowdays, I do self injure, but not as bad as before. I think I change my mood using music. Music is a very strong thing for me, which influences my mood.

When I feel angry, I listen to angry sounding music. Loud as i can, and do something very physical, such as push ups, situps, cleaning my room. Something intensive. Somehow that calms me down. Tires me out almost.

I don't change my moods in that I listen to happy music when I am down... I tend to listen to sad or mellow music. Happy music when I am sad just irratates me.

I think the music comforts me, like a display of how i feel. I allways have my mp3 player or cd player on me, so it is there when I need it.

Sometimes when I am raging [the rage, intensity of feeling leads to the SI] I go to the beach and fight against the waves. Run into them, stand tall and let the waves batter me. Though, you probably do not have this option, I just happen to live very close to a surf beach.

Sorry about the long post, that proabbly won't help you much. I hope it does though.

Good luck with it mate

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Post by treasure » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:27 pm

i think learning to cope doesn't always mean finding a physical activity that helps in all situations you used to have si urges. there are different thought processes, telling yourself "i won't si" as small as that might seem, that could be one of your coping mechanisms... and other situations might require a different way of dealing with it, like with distraction, or dealing with feelings rather than blocking them, or talking through problems rather than being alone.

what helps you cope *some of the time*? although it might not work as *well* as si, its a choice to use the more healthy options and eventually the 'habit' of si will be replaced by the habit to use any and all other ways you have to cope.

*hopes i'm not being too negative*
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