Handling Stress? *possible SI triggers*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Handling Stress? *possible SI triggers*

Post by Silver_Kitsune » Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:35 pm

I feel kind of stupid posting this, but stress has been something that's really been bothering me lately.

One of my SI triggers is stress. I learned on Friday that my father and my stepmother aren't getting along well, and so my father had to get an apartment for a while. The apartment isn't a bad place at all - it's a little chilly, but it's a nice place to be. Most of my stuff that was at my father's house was moved to the apartment, so it's not like I'm missing anything important.

The problem is: I know that there is a chance that my father and stepmother won't get back together, and just knowing that fact stresses me out. Last night SI was constantly on my mind. It wouldn't let me alone, and I only got a few hours of sleep.

What are ways you deal with stress? Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Post by lollypop » Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:35 pm

I try and do things to stop and look after myself.
I escape in books or watch films. Sometimes I take a bath with calm smelling bubble bath.
Breathing deeply and tyring to relax helps sometimes
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Post by plantt » Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:15 am

no advice atm.... can relate a lot though :roll:
i really need to find ways of dealing healthfully with stress as well :star:

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