Struggling with triggers of SI

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Struggling with triggers of SI

Post by Candy » Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:26 pm

I am not done any SI for two days now,and I have been using my coping skills and they are helping me,but I notice that weekends are the hardest.There is one person on the bus who has given me some good coping skills,and everyone else has been helping me too. My problem is trying to figure out what is causing this to happen, I started making a comfort book and I have not started making a coping book,cause I am stuck on it. It is so hard to figure it out,before it happens and I have been doing SI for 10 years now,and it is getting so frustrated to deal with. If anyone has any suggestions how to deal with feelings and how to deal with emotions before SI happens,it will be helpful,cause I am getting so tired of this behavior,I want to stop,but it is not easy for me. I already make my shoebox and I have put things in it to help me when I feel the triggers coming on,but I still have a hard time with the nights,cause that is when I am alone with my feelings that are so painful to deal with and negative messages do not help,cause my self-esteem is to low,and I am working on that as well. any sugguestions will be helpful. I am just taking it one day at a time. :star:
I am in a dark place like a turtle afraid to deal with the pain that I do not want to feel,but eventually I will slowly face my pain,like the turtle when he comes out of his shell.

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Post by plantt » Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:27 pm

do you do collages? or mixed tapes? or other sorts of art stuff?
might try pm'ing or emailing angelical dreamer too.... it'd give you something to do & would be something pleasant for her to find when she gets back online :)
replying to people in nest can be a nice way to spend some time too & replies can be easier as you can simply give a hug or something.
hang in there :)

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Post by treasure » Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:01 pm

do you mean night-times in general or when you are in bed trying to sleep?

i often have trouble getting my mind to stop thinking when i'm trying to sleep. i've put a list of things to do on my bedhead recently but even seeing the list every night i still struggle with it :roll:

some of the things i like are - :star: to control my breathing. breathe slow and count my breaths
:star: have an imaginary place i can think about. something that has no negative stimulation, i imagine lying in a hammock on a tropical beach.
:star: to have music playing, softly. it can be a specific relaxation cd/tape, or just the radio. it has to be loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough to be too distracting.
:star: to tense and relax my muscles. i often toss and turn if i'm anxious or something. so i try and stay in the one position and think about my body being heavy or generally concentrating on my breathing.

if you meant night-time but b4 you slee - ie too late to go out, sort of too late to call ppl etc - then sorry if i missed the point, but i hope this is a small help :)
virtual hugs welcome.
shiny place or old place

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