Your life in 5 years......?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by beautiful_facade » Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:59 pm

In five years time i'll also be 26

*i will have found some direction
*i'll have finished university, and be in a job doing something worthwhile, and something that i love
*i will have had some work published and be working on my book
*i'll be settled in my own place
<center>The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes but in having new eyes.

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If I bore you, that is that. If I am clumsy, that may indicate partly the difficulty of my subject, and the seriousness with which I am trying to take what hold I can of it; more certainly, it will indicate my youth, my lack of mastery of my so-called art or craft, my lack perhaps of talent…
A piece of the body torn out by the roots might be more to the point.
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Post by Wandering » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:25 pm

In five years I'll be 24 (eek!). In an ideal world, I'd have got over the whole SI thing, would have found some way to move to new zealand, and would have a secure job that I enjoyed, a partner, a dog or two and an icelandic horse. Not likely to happen, but you know what they say, its better to aim high...

Andi x
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Post by splitimage » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:47 pm

In 5 years time, I'll hopefully:

1) Be sober - because I never want to have to do rehab again.
2) Own my own home or condo instead of renting
3) Be in a healthy relationship
4) Like myself more than I do now.
5) Play the harp well enough to justify going into debt to buy a concert grande pedal harp - a Lyon & Heally style 100 specifically.

"Don't go searching for a mermaid son, unless you know how to swim."

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Post by Scatterbrain » Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:24 am

I will be 22 in 5 years

Hopefully I will

1. have graduated from gonzaga university
2. be working as a counselor
3. have at least 2 cats
4. either dating or married to a great guy
5. have traveled to Europe
6. be completely SI free and never think about it
7. have no more OCD symptoms
8. be an adult volunteer at the youth group at my parish
9. still be in touch with my good friends from St. Andrews!!
10. and best of all BE HAPPY

"The impossible just takes a little longer."
- HCJ (1/9/25- 2/26/08 )

"That there, that's not me/I go where I please/I walk through walls/I float down the Liffey
I'm not here/This isn't happening"
- "How to Disappear Completely" Radiohead

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Post by little pixie dust » Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:27 pm

In 5 years i will be 20. Scary

1. Have finnished highschool for a few years whoop!
2. Move abroad
3. Might no what to do with my life.
4. No more SI..

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Post by tzanti » Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:59 pm

5 Years time...I'll be forty. FORTY!!! :o

I'll still be in VFX (It's amazing the difference having a fun job makes to my life.)
I'll have a flat (I expect I'll still be single and a whole house would be extravagant) in London - Maida or Hampstead - or here in Bristol.
I'll have the same good friends I have now.
I'll have made it to Antarctica just once.
I'll have loads of prints by Vettriano, Hopper, Spain, Titchner, Elmore, Rothko and Mondrian.
I'll drum when I'm down (but just as badly as ever)

I'll remember SI and depression as small unhappy things in an otherwise unremarkable life.

No hugs please.

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Post by half/hearted » Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:21 pm

in 5 years I will be 22. Hopefully I will be at a good college pursuing something I want to do for the rest of my life (probably graphic design--nothing's written in stone though). SI free...but still on bus to help others. At a healthy weight and still at least going to occasionall weight watchers meetings. Living in an apartment, finally away from my mother...and, if I may include my greatest wish...hopefully in a relationship of some kind with a person I love.
Please be gentle with me.

you will fly and you will crawl
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Post by ChaseThisLight » Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:31 am

In five years I will be 26.

Ideally I'll be graduated from law school for about a year. And I'd have a job prospect. I'd also be somewhere that isn't here.
Cuz' you know, I don't do sadness

No one controls your destiny. Even at the very worst - there is always choice - Gregory Maguire Wicked


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Post by Cassandra » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:46 pm

In five years, I'll have been two years out of college with a double major in film production and theater design. I'll be living in LA (my fiance graduates one semester ahead of me and is moving first) and, HOPEFULLY, have a job by then, but it's Hollywood, so who knows? :-P. Wish we could have our own studio. Might be married. More than likely just get a common law marriage for the tax breaks. So much more but dreaming blows.
"You don't want baggage without lifetime guarentees. You don't want to watch me die. I just came to say good-bye, love, good-bye love... goodbye-love, hello disease..."
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Post by Peege » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:30 am

in five years, i may be 28.
i will have found some dreams to hold on to.
and maybe someone to hold on to me.

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Post by flipflopfetish » Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:07 am

In 5 years, I'll be 22. Ideally, I'd be in a stable relationship with a nice guy, have learned how to play guitar and maybe be in a band! Also, I'd have a lip piercing. But most importantly, in five years hopefully I'll have more experience with life instead of living in the protected, rich environment of my school. Oh, and not feel like an outsider.

Dream on, honey :roll:

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Post by Forget Me » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:58 am

id be an A law student. i would never blush anymore. i would win mooting contests and give awesome speeches. id never get depressed anymore.

id have the life i was going to have
but its not going to be mine anymore, its going to be someone elses.
i hate them
i wish i knew who they are
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Post by Licentia Poetica » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:06 am

:star: I'll be in my last year of uni.
:star: I'll be able to speak French fluently (trilingual go me)
:star: I'll hopefully have some sort of label started.
:star: I'll be and feel loved by someone special.
:star: I will no longer struggle with depression every day. That's not to say I will be free of it. But on a good day, I won't even think about it anymore.
:redstar: the time to tell a person you care is now :redstar: the paper crane chain of hope :redstar:


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Post by xanemicroyaltyx » Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:36 am

In 5 years time i'll be 23:

- I'll have finished Uni with a degree in Psychology
- I'll be living with Tom
- I'll be engaged
- I'll be starting my degree
- I'll be thinking about children, but not to have for a few years
- I'll be as happy as I am now :)


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Post by Catylyx » Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:23 pm

in 5 years i'll be almost 23:

* I'll have graduated college.

* I'll be looking into (or already acquired) an apprenticeship for tattooing.

* I'll be married to the love of my life, D.

* I'll finally have a stable mind. (even if my life is crazy. but a good crazy)

* Me and D will be talking about having our first baby by then.

* I'll Be Happy.

* and i'll be strong and secure in my faith. (or at least...moreso than i am now)
<i>I am innocent and I have been set free
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I am innocent</i> --Third Day
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Post by red umbrellas » Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:59 am

I'll be 25.

So I'd like to be married and loved - by the most amazing man in the world whoever he may be.
I will be thinking of having children soon...but probably not right away.
I will have written my first novel-maybe published.
I will have a circle of close, caring, fun friends.
I will have a home full of books and cds and prints of old travel posters.
I will have a job I love, and don't mind going to each day.

I will feel secure and happy...more often than not.

And so that's what I hang in for, day after day...the hope for all this.
Last edited by red umbrellas on Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Neviah » Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:03 pm

In five years I'll be 21.
Hopefully i'll be;

:star: Moved in with ben
:star: qualified
:star: working in a hairdressers properly
:star: Happy and successfull.
:star: A known hairdresser
:star: On my way to Fame.

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Post by 5th section » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:21 pm

In 5 years I'll be 30
* stopped being weird & able to open up to people & let them get close to me
* playing music - a lot of it - and not needing the dole in between!
* either back with J. (unlikely) or with someone just as wonderful (even more unlikely! Might have to settle for less on this one!!)
...then one day I realised that the people you see in waiting rooms and car parks and on trains are really far more interesting. That they all have whole novels inside them, a fabric of scar tissues, photos and memories. They are comedies and tragedies and - more often - both at the same time.
- Anna James (1984-2007)

son of ultimate starshine / brother of Eisa & Sprink / Birdie's ornithologist / married to Mande / Chey's uncle
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- my band (or more accurately, the band of which I am the bassist) some SI/SU triggers in lyrics...proceed with caution...


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Post by Callisto » Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:01 am

I've posted here once but I'm doing a new one because I've had some big changes lately...

My life in 5 years:

~I will be happy
~I will be doing a job I enjoy/graduating
~I will have friends
~I will feel loved
~I will have my own place to live
~I will be proud of myself
~I will be happily single/in a stable relationship

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Post by Not_what » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:24 am

In 5 years, I'd be 25 - scary!

I'd have my own house, either with friends or with a boyfriend
I'd be a world class playboater
I'd live somewhere other than England - pref. Australia
I'll have been to disneyland!

Oh dear, this thread has made me realise I don't have any goals! I think I'll just go with the flow :roll:
*It is only in darkness you can see the stars*
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