Secrets(inspired by PostSecret)-Please Stay Safe!

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by VowsOfSadness » Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:13 am

-I started out and I met Garrett and it was cool, but I really liked Matt
>>>>Then I was talking Geoffery on the phone and even though I never saw we sort of clicked.
>>>>Gerrett and Geoffery don't get along as well as they used to.
>>>>I started talking to MATT and I REALLY LIKE HIM!
>>>>Today I hung out with Garrett and Geoffery and Gregg and I had SO MUCH FUn, but as much as at first I felt like Geoffery was nothing much to look at we had so, so, so, so, so *infinity* much fun that he started to grow on me.
>>>>I feel so bad about everything because I like Matt he is so cute but he lives like 30 min. from here, and even where Geoffery and Garrett live is like 15-20 min from here.

IT'S ALL JUST GETTING ME SO UPSET, I SHOULD BE HAPPY RIGHT? No one ever likes me and now I'm over loaded and I know people are going to have to hurt someone, maybe even more than one. I feel like such a horrible person. Like no one ever had to choose before. I like talking to Matt, I like how he's quite, he keeps me guessing and on my toes. He's the kind of guy you run off with when you should be going to class. He's a caught up in the moment type of guy. And Geoff is a great conversationalist and he's funny and I'm not nervous around him

god I better just shut the hell up.

even though it was a great night with Geoffery and Garrett--cause it started out with eachother seeming as though they were going to fight. And it was good atmosphere until the end of the night, when they started talking about who calls me at night when they both do! Garrett mentioned that he talks to me at night, which he does, usually for an hour or so, and Geoffery had to be a "man" and imply that he talks to me at night as though Garrett means nothing, just because I usually talk to Geoffery from like 11:30 pm- 3:00 am. Then there was bad air. And they were both trying to get me to turn sour on each other.

*Challenges welcome*
I always love a :lpurpstar:

I woke up this morning, I suddenly realized we're all in this together.

Drop by my place & say hi :)
Ask me anything!!!

I'm fully Recovered!

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Post by ComfortablyNumb » Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:36 am

*pms ok*

I miss you. I want to fall asleep with your arms around me, and wake up, roll over and be able to see your face. I want you to be the last face I see every night and the last voice I hear. I want to kiss you before I go to work, and come home and be able to know that you are gonna be there. I want to count on you. I want to give you my heart and soul. I want you to count on me, but I won't require you to give me your heart and soul, I know it's hard for you. I love your laugh, your smile and the twinkle you get in your eye. I still love you, and I know that you don't know that, but I wish I could tell you. This is all my little secret babe.

<center> "You said I remind you of yourself tomorrow."
- Kurt Cobain

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-Catcher in the Rye


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Post by Quiet little Angel » Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:22 am

*names have been edited... cause you never know...*

first there was M, but that faded out...
then there was J... never really worked...
then came another J... turned out to be not only gay... but also a cheating lying bastard...
then came R... turned on a plate, said he wanted to kill me with a scissor...
then there was H... never really liked him... but he wanted me for my body, so i stayed with him... for too long... dumped him too late... jealoux creep...
a bit of a thing with T... but that was the beer talking... he just didn't get that...
then i returned to R... never became official... never started or ended... just ran out...
that's when i met J... one night... less than 24 hours... and then the fuckhead never wrote me...

a year goes by... inbetween: L, R, E, M and NP...

then i meet M... and now that isn't even going to start... it's just going to fade before it begins... all because i'm ugly... that's my secret... maybe you say you don't think so... but truly i am...

don't know if this really fits here... but i need it out... and this seemed like the place...

:lblstar: Never underestimate the power of silence... :lblstar:
:lblstar: micro-chipped mental cyber twins taking over NewZealand... :lblstar:
:lblstar: ever reached out for someones hand only to find it wasn't there? :lblstar:
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Post by barnabygirl » Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:50 pm

sometimes i wish the damn p.doc would section me and get it over with instaed of the constant threatening me too.

i feel like giving them the last bits of the puzzle so id go in under that paragraph, but i know it to well

i hold on to the last peace of the puzzle so they cant section me

i dont know what i really want to do
and i dont think i want to find out either

im nto sure im even worthy to die


You can PM me if you Wish, and you can HUG me all you WANT,,

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Post by onlymeallalooone333 » Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:13 am

Notes r fine-pm
* I like to forget who I am(through sex)
*I'm scared of myself
*I'm still worried I'm pregnant
* I'm kinda disapointed that I'm probably not.
Notes r fine-pm
"life's not worth a damn till you can say 'Hey world I am what I am!'"
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Post by silenceBROKEN » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:01 am

PMs are appreciated and okay.

-- I'm more okay than I want to admit to myself.

-- Sometimes, I really do feel as if I am beautiful. I live for those moments.

-- I am a lesbian. I put up with a lot because of it. I hate racism and homophobes, yet I myself can be racist.

-- I'm thinking about getting a genital piercing.

-- I should be doing my homework right now.

-- I wish more people would call me. If I didn't call anyone, I'd never see my "friends."

-- When I'm incredibly upset, I grab my cell phone and look at my contact list. I scrow down and down , looking for someone to call, someone to trust with my secrets. I find no one, but I do it everytime hoping for a miracle.
:cystar: I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd. :cystar:

one slip in November 1010.

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Post by **Jenny** » Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:33 pm

I have many small secrets:

I don't want to stop SIing

I'm a whore because I need to feel loved, I just go about it the wrong way

I know I'm attractive

I have a vibrator

I am not as strong as I make out

I fantasise about SU

I know how I would SU

These are a few, but my biggest secret:

I am so ashamed of my secret. Even the worst person would not do what I did. I daren't tell anyone. It is something I will take to my grave.

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Post by flipflopfetish » Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:10 am

i have not SIed for a long long time. I should be proud of myself but I can't stop looking foreward to the time when I can safely start

and what will happen if i don't need it anymore? will i simply go insane? SU? I am so sick

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Post by mephistopheles » Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:22 pm what? I'm kinda happy, and im just stood here holding it, looking at it, and im terrified of breaking it
“Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”

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Post by Spidey » Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:02 pm

I don't give a fuck anymore.

About haters, about people's assumptions, about things that aren't important or something I need to care about.

I don't give a fuck.

So to all the haters, the idiots who think that my interest in Jrock means I'm a drooling fantarded idiot, to anyone who thinks I'm an idiot, to anyone whose opinions and such are unimportant, to being lame and stupid - fuck it, and or you.

I don't give a fuck.

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Post by Lynds » Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:39 pm

Stuff I wish I could say to my colleagues...

I don't know what I'll do if it all goes wrong and I have to leave. I love my job so much but now those fuckheads have taken over... who knows. I'm so scared, I don't want to have to go. I try to be open minded about the whole thing like everyone else and especially the managers but I can't hide my contempt for the whole thing.

I'm sorry guys. I don't mean to make it difficult for the rest of you. And, C... I'll miss you so much... please don't leave I'll be so lonely without you. Lunchtimes will be so dull-who will I go and buy chocolate muffins with? P is great and a wonderful friend but he's just not you! I really am happy for you but, selfishly, I want you to stay... and you're amazing at the job... you SF geek :wink:


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Post by Callisto » Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:18 pm

PM's ok

I still love him and saying goodbye to him now hurts 20times more than it did when we were together simply because I know we're apart.

I'm scared of losing him to someone else but I know I have to accept that possibility and that's driving me mad.

I'd give anything for him to hug me right now while I cry.

He's the only one who ever really cheers me up when I'm sad and that's one reason I like talking to him so much.


I don't want anyone else, period.


I will always love him, even if he stops loving me.
Last edited by Callisto on Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Strangers_Almanac » Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:52 pm

PMs are appreciated and okay...

I am 110% sure I've developed an ED. It happened because I was sick of watching my sister become who I... Become who I was. I hide the ED with being "Healthy" and being veggie and most recently vegan. Maybe its not an ED at all. But my mother makes me feel bad that I've lost weight.

(Note: I'm still concidered overweight. Maybe even obese still, for my height)

I still SI, I SIed more after a guy, John, told me I was being childish. Yet, if The Boy ever asked I'd do my damndest to stop. He has said he doesnt like it, so I do try. But he's never came out and asked me to stop.

Thats all for now I suppose.

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Post by broken_annabelle » Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:06 am

*PMs okay*

I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian.
I feel so immature because I'm 21 and I've never been in a real relationship.
I don't believe anyone will ever want to date me.
If anyone ever did want to date me, I'd assume they had an ulterior motive and I'd probably wreck the whole thing.

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Post by sockr28 » Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:57 am

comment and pms ok

i have only told one person that i SI...didnt go well, but sometimes i want to yell it from the rooftops!

i want J really bad but he doesnt even know it

everyone thinks that i am happy and have a perfect life, yet i hate it almost everyday

i am an alcoholic

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Post by 1whoruns » Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:56 am


I smoke pot every day......several times a day.
I drink and pill pop to escape a feeling I have in the pit of my stomach.
I think Im mentally ill and believe Im at risk for su.
I think my dad might of smothered my sister and thats why she was born normal and was diagnosed with cp later.
Ive had sex with more than one person more than one time.
Women always come on to me,and Im always flattered.
I thought more than one time that I would be killed by my ex.
I would cut again If I thought I could get away with it.
I really hate myself.
I wanted to kill my ex while he slept.
I am so fucked.
If you are what you eat Im fast,cheap and easy.

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Post by last_day » Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:26 am


I started cutting again. Not because I'm depressed, but because I want to be.

I love you so much, but I hate you at the same time. You promised you would be here for me, but you aren't. Why'd you do that??
The lightning and the thunder
They go and they come
But the stars and the stillness
Are always at home.

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Post by ComfortablyNumb » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:12 am

*pms fine*

*Let's get one thing straight right now. I love you to death, and I know that I will always love you, I can't change that. And I miss you like hell, I do, there's no lying about that, and the other night when I told you that I meant it, but I can't sit around and wait for you to say you want to be with me again. I know it will never happen. We had our run, it was fun, and I guess it's over. I cried when you broke up with me, and I've cried over you since, but baby I can't do it anymore. I'm too young to spend my time waiting for someone to realize that they want to be with me. Our timing is for shit. And I don't think we will ever be together again. The reason you broke up with me, it made sense, and you were right, so I don't see us together again. I know it sounds harsh, and I know it sounds horrible, but I could never actually tell you all of this. Becaue truth is, I still hold out some hope that one day maybe our timing will be perfect, if only for a little while. But for now. I'm moving on.

* Yeah, I am moving on, and I think I may even be crushing on someone else. and that makes me really happy right now.

<center> "You said I remind you of yourself tomorrow."
- Kurt Cobain

"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."
-Catcher in the Rye


my place </center>


Post by kkandb » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:13 pm

i've sent the following cards to post secret. none have been put up yet, but we'll see.

i drink too much and hope that someone worries


[picture of SI]
i'm not looking for attention
and i don't want your help
and you probably won't understand
but it might be nice to see you worry
because then i might be worth fighting for
(i'm sorry)


i stole more nail polish in one afternoon that i will ever use in my entire life


[on the cover of the book "the women who lost her heart"]
my therapist gave me this book.
i think it's a piece of shit.
so i'm tearing it to pieces and sending them to you.
it feels good!


i think i'm beautiful
and i'm willing to wait for someone who agrees.


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Post by irishpecas14 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:09 am

i've let it go... i've let you go... finally :)


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