A coping survey for yourself

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by VowsOfSadness » Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:09 pm

Name: Vows
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: No, and I'm not sure why not.
If so what is your motivation: absent
Favorite coping skills: Books, going out, friends TV
Coping skills that work the least: ice
Safe places you can go: ? ask sarah to hang out or becky or kara
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Homework school tests
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: use pass for five min break
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): none. call kara or becky for help
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free:
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd:
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Big ones: Being in the house alone, not going out, sitting at home, not talking to people in person. Boys. Missing ppl
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): none as of now excpet maybe bill
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Post by Wargasm » Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:49 am

Name: Kristina
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: No.
If so what is your motivation: -------
Favorite coping skills: Reading, Talking to certain friends, music
Coping skills that work the least: throwing things, screaming.
Safe places you can go: school, concerts, mall
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): school, family, friends, myself
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: draw, write letters, think about what to do after school...
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): whenever i have a panic attack i have certian friends to go to...and my counsellor.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free:
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd:
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): when with friends, when alone, when around family, when talking to counsellor
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): Julia, Tom, Nilou,Phil, Cassy.

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Post by shadowavenger » Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:43 pm

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: :star: Attempting to stop
If so what is your motivation: :star: Trying to get better
Favorite coping skills: :star: Listening to loud music, talking
Coping skills that work the least: :star: crying
Safe places you can go: :star: the sixth form computer suite
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): :star: parents fighting, mum's depression, schoolwork, kat, hiding my cuts and not being able to take off my hoodie no matter how hot it is
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: :star: talk to friends, draw on my arm with a pen, write songs, doodle
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): :star: throw away all my tools, talk to people whenever i need to, get counselling
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: :star: 1 week today
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: :star: not picked at my cuts so they could heal
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): :star: my scars, any mention on TV of self-harm/eating disorders/suicide/depression, feeling alone, boredom,
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): :star: claire, bev
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Post by Blake 1 » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:43 am

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: reduce
If so what is your motivation: ppl staring at my scars and asking about them
Favorite coping skills: taking a long hot shower
Coping skills that work the least: drawing red lines on my skin
Safe places you can go: take a walk
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): stress, anxiety, ppl pressuring me to talk, my friends pushing me away
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: maybe one
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): being alone, my friends not including me
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Re: A coping survey for yourself

Post by kickingmyself » Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:33 pm

I think this is good, helps identify where the gaps in coping are so we can work on them.

Name: Sarah
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Trying not to start again
If so what is your motivation: Know I have to find other ways of coping
Favorite coping skills: Long walks. By the time you get home you're so tired you can't do anything but sleep!
Coping skills that work the least: Overeating/starving, overspending
Safe places you can go: I did think none, but then someone else said their car, I agree with that - can just drive away fast
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): University, work, men, family, money, housemates
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Music
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): I don't have one. Not sure what this is even.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 6 days, before that 6 months
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Should have gone for a walk/drive
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Not having the right outfit to wear (know this sounds pathetic but if I'm not comfortable in what I'm wearing I'm a mess!), being rejected by men, being obliged to do things I really don't want to do (e.g. in a work situation), seeing a really pretty & really thin girl, seeing things from my past (people, places etc), disappointments, certain songs...
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): I can't talk to anyone when I'm upset, I have to be alone.

That was quite hard to do, made me think about a lot of stuff. Helpful though I think, cheers!

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Post by marshmallowfluff » Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:40 pm

Name: Sarah, or MiStAkE
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: STOP
If so what is your motivation: making my friends proud
Favorite coping skills: writing, drawing, going for a walk
Coping skills that work the least: elastic band, having company
Safe places you can go: outside :star:
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): school (bullying, work, my friends sometimes) when my parents are shouting, or when someones pissing me off, also if i have too much work, thinking about bad things.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: not going off on my own
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): stay with people all the time, that why i can SI
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 10 days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: n/a
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): school (bullying, work, my friends sometimes) when my parents are shouting, or when someones pissing me off, also if i have too much work, thinking about bad things.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): none
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Post by SpecialBlend » Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:27 pm

Name: Azaam
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes
If so what is your motivation: to stop people form worrying about me
Favorite coping skills: music, confronting them
Coping skills that work the least: confronting them
Safe places you can go: Li's room
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): memories, places that hold memories, bad thoughts.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Stay away from walls, don't be alone
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): i dont really have one
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free:
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: i dont know
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Thinking about her, seeing things that make me remember, things that trigger flashbacks.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): Li maybe. My lifelines left me.
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Post by ebmcs » Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:10 am

Name: ebmcs

Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Yes

If so what is your motivation: Jesus... no more scars... being healthier... not having that as an obstacle in relationships

Coping skills that work the least: Just sitting it out

Safe places you can go: The Smiths.... Granny's....

Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Feeling rejected, feeling unloved, feeling inadequate, lonliness

If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Sing hymns, pray, walk, deep breaths

What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): Praying, calling friends, trying to identify the emotion and work through it, distraction through music, etc.

If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: Almost a month....

If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Called somebody

Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): B, C
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Post by _MessedUp_ » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:02 pm

:lpurpstar: Name: Beki
:lpurpstar: Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Yes, ideally want to stop
:lpurpstar: If so what is your motivation: I don't want SI to control my life and i don't want more scars
:lpurpstar: Favorite coping skills: The internet :) or reading a book
:lpurpstar: Coping skills that work the least: drinking, smoking etc
:lpurpstar: Safe places you can go: my boyfriend's house, the lounge
:lpurpstar: Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Uni work, (like missing deadlines or c/w), my job, my depression, alcohol, feeling isolated, arguements
:lpurpstar: If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Internet
:lpurpstar: What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): Don't have one
:lpurpstar: If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: a month :oops: 3 if you don't include my last slip
:lpurpstar: If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Not drank alcohol
:lpurpstar: Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): arguing, my depression, pictures of SI
:lpurpstar: Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): My bf, or some online friends
:star: "Life is like a beautiful melody only the lyrics are messed up" :star:
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Post by beautiful_facade » Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:56 pm

:star: Name: Emily

:star: Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI?: Yes (reduce)

:star: If so, what is your motivation?: i don't want si to restrict me any more...i want my freedom back.

:star: Favourite Coping Skills: Distractions box, staying with people

:star: Coping Skills tht work the least: Drinking

:star: Safe places you can go: Sister's bedroom (she's away)

:star: Identify stressors: The wedding, scars, money, mum, not able to work, PCT

:star: If at school/work name good coping skills to use: N/A

:star: What is your current safety plan? Stay around people/away from unsafe places

:star: If you are not currently si'ing, how long have you been si free? N/A

:star: If still si'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you si'd?: Nothing, short of waking parents up/phoning NHS Direct

:star: Identify triggers: Fights, mum being offensive, feeling useless, seeing si

:star: Contact friends: bus, otherwise N/A

Thanks for posting this :)

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Post by lilmisstickykiss » Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:40 am

Name: :star: Elise
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: :star: not really :(
If so what is your motivation:
Favorite coping skills: :star: I used to be able to talk to my boyfriend, hugging my dog, taking my medicine and taking a nap
Coping skills that work the least: :star: calling someone because i just cry, talking to my family because they yell at me and i feel embarassed
Safe places you can go: :star: my bed. i never SI in my bed
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): :star: anything triggering past traumas, being yelled at for things i can't help
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: :star: splashing cold water on my face or holding ice cubes (work)
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): :star: i don't have one
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: :star: a few days.
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: :star: i could have calmed down and gotten in my bed, maybe called someone
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): :star: sexual stuff, too many people, anger towards me, yelling
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): :star: i only have my therapist, but getting online helps too

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Post by jagnew_the_funkmisstress » Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:55 am

Name: depends; jo, jordan, josephine
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: i'm trying to reduce it i suppose
If so what is your motivation: oh shit bathing suit season! i just thought of that just now! damnit!
Favorite coping skills: ... i wish i had them...
Coping skills that work the least: pretty much everything
Safe places you can go: nowhere is safe
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): i'm STILL not sure the difference between stressors and trigs lol
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: i scratch myself.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general):none
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: a few days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: ...
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): being around people, making up their thoughts, hearing them laugh, thinking about the past, mostly my mind screwing with me
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): i suppose i could call my friend lorie, or talk to my bf. i actually have friends now i could talk to...
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Post by leemc77 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:33 am

Name: Leeanna
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes
If so what is your motivation: to feel better about myself
Favorite coping skills: 5 minute game, distractions
Coping skills that work the least: too many to mention
Safe places you can go: out of the house
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): work, being alone, being out in public
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: deep breathing
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): don't have one
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: n/a
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: called someone
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): too many to mention
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): Mandee, Lynez, brother

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Re: A coping survey for yourself

Post by April » Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:53 pm

Name: April
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: I'm tryng to stop completly. It's been reduced for years.
If so what is your motivation: The scars. I can't cope with any more.
Favorite coping skills: Surrounding myself with people.
Coping skills that work the least: I cant say I've tried that many to be honest.
Safe places you can go: Out of the house.
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): My relationships are the main ones at the moment.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Just deal with it.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): I don't have one. I won't SI unless I'm in my bedroom alone.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: Almost two months
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: Frankly, after what happened I needed to slip or I might not be here.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): HIM
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): I don't. I don't want to become that person.
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Post by Silme Lor » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:23 pm

Name: Silme
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Not really.
If so what is your motivation: //
Favorite coping skills: Going out of the houes.
Coping skills that work the least: Trying to distract myself. Usually just makes me want it more.
Safe places you can go: Anywhere that I don't have access to potentially dangerous objects.
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): Grades, parents, weight, feeling like I'm not part of reality.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: Snapping rubber band, digging pencil into multiple sheets of paper.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): Don't really have one.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: SIing
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: I don't know.
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): Almost anything and everything.
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): Don't have any.
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:56 pm

Name: vows
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: stopped
If so what is your motivation: No scars, no drama, love myself and god
Favorite coping skills: The bible, going to Liz's house, leaving to calm down, being alone.
Coping skills that work the least: cutting
Safe places you can go: Liz's house! Grandma's House!
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): competition, yelling
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: use hall pass
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general):
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: hmm a long while
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd:
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): yelling, being alone, bored
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one):Liz!!!
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Post by flipflopfetish » Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:49 pm

Name: emily
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: no, not ready yet :oops:
If so what is your motivation: see above
Favorite coping skills: fear of being walked in on, going online
Coping skills that work the least: drawing on my arms
Safe places you can go: my closet, sometimes
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): grades, feeling fat, feeling unpopular, feeling misunderstood, paranoia... i'm sure there's more
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: none
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): safety plan??
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: n/a
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: don't understand question
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): seeing couples/happy people, being ignored, again there are more i can't think of
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): BUS

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Post by JustSmurfy » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:56 pm

Name: Rebekah
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: Yes
If so what is your motivation: I think its an unhealthy and addictive way of dealing things and dont want to be a slave to it
Favorite coping skills: holding ice on my arm, talking about things, journaling, hitting things with a plastic baseball bat
Coping skills that work the least: sleeping, eating
Safe places you can go: my room
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): fights with people, flashbacks, somoene being mad at me
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: n/a
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): n/a
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: I've messed up lately but before that 5 months
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: I could have worked things out with my mom and talked to her instead of feeling like I had to cut to get her to see how much I was hurting
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): flashbacks, anything abuse related, people saying certain things to me
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): my mom. jill, randy(my therapist), dorothy
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Post by Neviah » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:36 am

Name: Bex (Neviah)
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes, I want to stop
If so what is your motivation: My boyfriend, my health, my skin.
Favorite coping skills: thinking of my boyfriend, shredding paper, cooking.
Coping skills that work the least: ice cubes, elastic band.
Safe places you can go: Ben's house (cant go there often :( )
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): contact with people, not seeing ben, fighting with people, being told what i'm really like by someone who hasn't a clue.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: sit in the library and take deep breaths, elastic band around the ankle.
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): i haven't got a plan, just remove myself from troubles.
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: 1 month on monday.
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: think before reaching for a weapon
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): people being mad at me
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): phil, ben, richy, amy and amy.

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Post by b3autifu2l37 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:50 am

Name: brittany
Are you currently trying to stop or reduce SI: yes
If so what is your motivation: that it's summer.. hard to hide scars. also my boyfriend has been with me every step of the way and i don't want to dissapoint him.
Favorite coping skills: coloring.. music.. sleeping works too.
Coping skills that work the least: talking about it
Safe places you can go: ?
Identify stressors (be specific as poss): arguements.. but i usually get depressed at night time- don't know why that is.
If at school/work name good coping skills to use: if at school i usually write a long paragraph about an object i see and describe it.. it makes me concentrate on something else
What is your current saftey plan (for work/shool/general): ?
If you are not currently SI'ing how long have you been si free: one month and 23 days
If still SI'ing what could you have done to change the outcome last time you SI'd: kept myself more busy and actually tried to stop the urge
Identify triggers (be as spec. as poss): seeing other people's scars. depending on my mood, hearing people talk about it.. if i'm in a negative or vulnerable mood it triggers me
Contact friends (people you may call when you are upset or have a slip, it is good to have more than one): i don't like to talk over the phone after i've done it.. it makes me feel awkward. i'd much rather talk online or email someone.. and just my boyfriend. over time i might tell a close friend.
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