my coping space

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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my coping space

Post by angelic212 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:33 pm

i decided to make this thread to help me cope , i will be adding stuff that i find helpful so i will have it in just one place and then i can print it out and make myself my coping book to carry with me, and see what things help me in my recovery journey!

replies are welcomed!
coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

What's your favourite coping thing?

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

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Post by angelic212 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:38 pm

alternatives to try:

- drawing or writing. for me its drawing, i like to try and visualise the pain i might be feeling, this helps me with trying to understand what im feeling, so i can deal with it better.

- listening to happy or angery music. depending on how im feeling, if im feeling sad i'll try to put on a few happy tunes to pick me up. or if im feeling angery, i'll play hard angery music to vent my feelings.
no depressing music tho (for me anyways) i just find it brings me down if im feeling sad already, or it converts anger to sadness.
i like to listen to depressing tunes when im feeling ok, to try and identify my own depressing feelings (like with drawing)

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make crazy all over the place pictures, with writing and doodling, mostly, just taking random phrases that come into my head and writing them, or taking random feelings and drawing them. what comes out is an all over the place picture thing, with pictures and words

drawing, writing

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Post by angelic212 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:44 pm

If you're going to a tiny island and could take 5 things to help you cope with your emotions what would they be and why are you taking them?

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Post by angelic212 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:20 pm

i found this thread helpful, so im posting some of the replies here and the link also if anyone wants to use this info you can

how to cope with unwanted thoughts


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Post by angelic212 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:24 pm

how to cope with unwanted thoughts:

putting on some music, simply having music on doesnt stop the thoughts but try singing along. It makes it harder for you to think if your mind is on the lyrics

writing down the thoughts you are having and then looking for alternative perspectives, skills and talents you have etc? i keep a little book where i write down my negative thoughts and what might be different views.

write and/or use music (loud) it tends to block out the images /thoughts

another thing i do sometimes is tell myself the opposite of what my thoughts are telling me. for example:

you're stupid, dumb and everyone hates you.
you're not stupid, dumb, and not everyone hates you. There are lots of people that care about you, and love you, would die for you.
you want to SI
You dont want to SI. SIing leaves reminders of bad things. you will feel bad if you SI, you will let yourself down.

Challenging my thoughts gives me a boost of confidence sometimes.
I hope this makes sense!

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Post by angelic212 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:26 pm

Tips For Self-Care
by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

In this day and age of fast living, it can be hard to take care of ourselves. But it's important to find even a few moments here and there where you can do something good for yourself. I've written out a few suggestions -- take what works for you, and discard the rest.

Take time for yourself.
Having time and space to ourselves can help us feel refreshed. Even finding just five minutes where you can close your eyes and focus on yourself can help you feel better. But if you can set aside a larger chunk of time where you only focus on yourself and what you need to do, that's even better.

Do something nice for your body.
It's easy to ignore our bodies aches and pains, or to forget to take care of ourselves. But we live in our bodies. Try taking a bath with some bath salts, get a massage, ask someone for a hug, or just stand up and stretch.

Find some comfort.
We all need comfort sometimes, and it's good to recognize when we do and try to get what we need. You can call a friend, make yourself something warm to drink, wrap yourself up in a blanket, hold a pillow or teddy bear, write in your journal, eat a particular comfort food (whatever food makes you feel good), or find a smell that brings you particular comfort (some common smells are cinnamon, vanilla, lavender, baby powder, lilacs, bread being baked, and coffee brewing).

Transport yourself into another world.
We all need a break sometimes from the realities of our world. You can curl up with a good book, movie, or magazine, or just let your mind drift where it wants to go.

Be playful or silly.
Being playful and silly can bring out the kid in us, and help us feel more light-hearted. You can blow some soap bubbles, throw confetti around, make cookies, blow a dandelion puff and make a wish, watch the clouds and make up ideas of what they look like, hug your dog, rollerblade down the sidewalk, or swing on the swings.

Take a mental health day.
When you need to really take care of yourself and you're fed up with work, take a day off work, and then do whatever you heart wants to. Make the day all about things you want to do. A mental health day can help more than a week of Sataurdays.

Take a walk in nature.
Sometimes we forget to notice the world around us. Reconnecting with nature can help us feel more grounded and calm. You can go for a walk in a park, look at and feel the trees, really notice the sky, and breathe.

Do something you've been wanting to for a long time.
Is there something you keep putting off for when you have more time, or for a better time? Why not do it now?

© Kali Munro, 2001
this was posted by limestone

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Post by angelic212 » Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:29 pm

so i havent been here in a long time , i promise to keep this post up to date.

i have started working on a recovery notebook for my eating disorder.

i have stopped self harming its been like 3 years since i last self harmed but i still struggle with ed issues.

so now this is going to be my coping place for my ed issues.

feel free to use any of the information that i put on here .

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Post by plantt » Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:03 pm

what sorts of things have you found helpful to put in your recovery notebook, Maria?

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Post by angelic212 » Wed May 03, 2006 2:47 pm

this is something i posted before, but its a good reminder!

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Ten Commandments to Remember During a Panic Attack
Adapted from Fensterheim, H. and Doer, J. "Stop Running Scared!"

1. It does not matter if you feel frightened, bewildered, unreal, unsteady. These feelings are nothing more than an exaggeration of the normal bodily reactions to stress.

2. Just because you have these sensations doesn't mean you are very sick. These feelings are just unpleasant and frightening, not dangerous. Nothing worse will happen to you.

3. Let your feelings come. They've been in charge of you. You've been pumping them up and making them more acute. Stop pumping. Don't run away from panic. When you feel the panic mount, take a deep breath and, as you breathe out, let go. Keep trying. Stay there almost as if you were floating in space. Don't fight the feeling of panic. Accept it. You can do it.

4. Try to make yourself as comfortable as possible without escaping. If you're on a street, lean against a post or stone wall. If you're at the cosmetics department of the department store, find a quieter counter or corner. If you're in a boutique, tell the salesperson you don't feel well and want to sit for a while. Do not jump into a cab and go home in fear.

5. Stop adding to your panic with frightening thoughts about what is happening and where it might lead. Don't indulge in self-pity and think, "Why can't I be like all the other normal people? Why do I have to go through all this?" Just accept what is happening to you. If you do this, what you fear most will not happen.

6. Think about what is really happening to your body at this moment. Do not think, "Something terrible is going to happen. I must get out." Repeat to yourself, "I will not fall, faint, die, or lose control."
7. Now wait and give the fear time to pass. Do not run away. Others have found the strength. You will too. Notice that as you stop adding the frightening thoughts to your panic, the fear starts to fade away by itself
8. This is your opportunity to practice. Think of it that way. Even if you feel isolated in space, one of these days you will not feel that way. Sometime soon you will be able to go through the panic and say, "I did it." Once you say this, you will have gone a long way toward conquering fear. Think about the progress you have already made. You are in the situation.

9. Try to distract yourself from what is going on inside you. Look at your surroundings. See the other people on the street, on the bus. They are with you, not against you

10. When the panic subsides, let your body go loose, take a deep breath, and go on with your day. Remember, each time you cope with a panic, you reduce your fear.

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Post by angelic212 » Wed May 03, 2006 9:34 pm

2 things that have helped me so far in my recovery are

writing positive affirmations, or listening to affirmations either on a cd or in my ipod, affirmations that i have downloaded.

the other thing is to make a coping bank, this idea is from the something fishy website for eating disorders

you take a small box or container , decorate it any way you want , put slips of paper in it but you write coping alternatives in them, and put them in the container and when you feel like doiing something negative , you go to your coping bank and take one slip out, and do that alternative and so on, i made mine last night, but i have been using my coping alternatives until i read about this idea i think this will help me.and i thought it might help you all.!!!!

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Post by angelic212 » Wed May 03, 2006 9:36 pm

forgot to add something else that has helped me,

make a recovery cd of positive songs, and when y ou feel down or depressed listen to it, sometimes we listen to depressing songs but what if we have a positive cd of songs!

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Post by plantt » Fri May 05, 2006 12:54 am

what sorts of songs are on your cd?

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Post by angelic212 » Sat May 06, 2006 1:14 am

today i have been working in my recovery book and i worked on it yesterday too, it has helped , i have recovery tips for eating disorders and i also have some alternatives that help me , and a few other stuff, i will work on my recovery book tonight but rigth now im going to take a nap and wake u p later so i can do some more work,

im goign to take a look at my self help books and workbooks to see what i can find that will help me for my recovery notebook

i had a major anxiety attack today , im still getting over the anxiety , i didnt make it to therapy today i just couldnt get out of my house, cause of the anxiety , it was really bad, im going to take a nap now, too tired, physically and emotionally,

will post more later on how im doing and how is my recovery notebook comming

on my recovery cd the songs i can remember at the moment that i have , are: i will survive,
reach ( by sclub 7)
hero by myriah carey
we are the champions
i can see clearly over ........ i dont know the name of the song is
you are my hope

and lots of others , i can t remember right now

well gotta go take a nap not feeling well.!!

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Post by angelic212 » Sat May 06, 2006 1:16 am

i have put the mixed cd recovery songs in my ipod and i also have affirmations that i downloaded from the interrnet, and they have been helpful, yesterday i was reallly anxious too and i listened to my affirmations and it helped, i think maybe i will do that tonight too!

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Post by angelic212 » Sat May 06, 2006 4:59 am

What to Do With Your Feelings
by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist, 2000

Intense emotion can be overwhelming for all of us. And if you're just opening up to an emotion, it can feel very raw. No matter how experienced you are with your emotions, we all need help sometimes to know how to deal with them.
Learning to recognize and stay with our feelings is a valuable experience. We can learn that just because we feel something, we don't have to act on it. Or that we can be angry and choose how to respond rather than let the anger control us. The more we know how we feel and ways to feel, release, be with, or let go of our feelings, the better we feel about ourselves.

How do I know what I'm feeling?

If you don't know how you feel or how to get in touch with your feelings try the following:
1. Try to identify how you feel by:

• Sitting quietly for a moment; you might want to close your eyes, and then wait and see what you notice from inside.

• Noticing how different areas of your body feel.

• Focusing on the areas of tension, breathe, and see if anything comes to your awareness. You don’t have to think about it.

• Noticing whether any thoughts, images, feelings, memories, sounds come to you. If nothing comes, that’s okay. You may still want to continue.

• Asking yourself how you feel, and being aware of what comes up including any images, memories, thoughts, songs, colours, and feelings. You don’t have to figure anything out, just be aware.

• If nothing comes to you, that's okay. Sometimes that happens. You may still want to try again, another time.

2. If you know how you feel but aren't sure how to get in touch with your emotions more fully, or what to do next, try acknowledging your feelings. The following might help you to do that:

• If you know how you feel, let yourself know that this is how you are feeling right now, and that’s okay.

• You don’t have to know where it is coming from.

• You don’t even have to know what to name it; you may simply know that you have a lot of pain in your chest.

• Breathe through it.

• Let your feelings just be there.

• You don’t have to do anything with them, just accept that this is how you feel.

But where do these feelings come from? They just seemed to come out of the blue.

If you want to understand why you feel a certain way you might want to:

1. Identify the source of your feelings:

• Know that you are not being "silly" or "crazy" for feeling how you feel; your feelings are there for a good reason.

• Turn inward, and ask yourself what are these feelings connected to.
• Wait and see what you notice. You might just know. You might remember something, see an image, hear a sound, notice tension in a particular area of your body.

• Try not to analyse, interpret or judge what comes to you. Be open to what you notice.

• Go deeper. We may think we already know why we're feeling a certain way, but sometimes there is more to it than what we think. Being patient and receptive helps us to go deeper.

• If nothing comes to you, that’s okay, too. It helps to just let yourself feel

What do I do with these feelings?

2. Express or release your feelings.

Even if you don't know why you are feeling this way, you can still express yourself in the privacy of your own home.

• Focus on how you feel. Open your mouth and let a sound come from that feeling.

• Move with the feeling. You can dance, stomp around, kick, hit something.

• Scream. If you are worried about the sound, you can scream into a pillow
• Cry. If you feel like crying, give yourself permission to do this.
• Write or draw from this feeling place. Don’t censor yourself, let the feeling do the writing or drawing.

• Say out loud what you need to say to someone.

• Tell someone supportive how you are feeling.

It's too much for me. I can't take it any more. What do I do?

1. Comfort and reassure yourself:

• Talk to yourself as you would a friend. Be gentle and kind.

• Reassure yourself with whatever you need to hear, for example, "I’m okay, I’m safe."

• Curl up in a comfortable chair/bed with a blanket, a warm drink, a good book, or watch a show on T.V.

• Do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to something special, take a bubble bath, go to a spa, get a massage.

• Talk to a supportive friend. Ask for what you need.

2. Take a break from your feelings:
Sometimes feelings become overwhelming and you need a break from them. This doesn't mean denying that they are there, only that you need a break and will come back to them later when you are rested. After taking a break, it is important to come back to your feelings. They may have changed, and that's okay

• Create a safe inner place. Let your imagination create an image of something(s) that represents how you are feeling right now. It may be concrete or abstract. Take your time, let your imagination develop this fully. Then imagine a protective bubble around this image, separating yourself from it. Look at the image. Notice that it is still there, but separate from you. Your feelings are still there, but you are not in them right now. You have a choice, you don't have to be in your feelings right now. Let yourself take the break that you need. Taking this break will mean that you will be better able to deal with them later. You may want to imagine yourself in a safe place -- any image that you choose.

• Remember times when you felt good. Let yourself relax and get comfortable. Breathe gently. Remember a time when you felt good, loved or calm. It could be something that really happened, or something that you create, like being near a waterfall. Imagine being in this situation or with this person, and feel all of those pleasant feelings. Feel your body shift from what you were feeling, letting those feelings go. Let yourself feel more relaxed, comforted or at peace. Stay with this memory or image until you feel really connected to it.

• Exercise vigorously. This can help you to relax, feel energized, and generally feel better.

• Do something that relaxes you.

• Do something that absorbs your attention fully. This can help you to shift out of how you are feeling.

• Get a change of scenery. If you have been at home or in the same room a lot, maybe you need to get out, even if only for a walk around the block. Change your patterns. If you always go home after work only to feel stuck in your feelings, maybe you need to do something different -- go see a concert, a movie, or have dinner out, something that makes you feel good. Doing things to take care of yourself alone may be better than going home alone.

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Post by whypie » Sat May 06, 2006 4:46 pm

This thread is fantastic, because not only does it help you but it helps others too as you have a lot of ideas in one place. Fab idea :D
[My Place]

*Hugs are always welcome*

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Post by angelic212 » Tue May 09, 2006 10:58 pm

two other things that help me cope with anxiety is coloring and playing with play doh they are both good coping alternatives and they are both fun

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Post by plantt » Wed May 10, 2006 3:08 am

could you get fun colors of food coloring & new coloring books & crayons... to use specially for when your parents are gone?

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Post by angelic212 » Thu May 11, 2006 4:52 am

i used play doh today in the afternoon and i did a few drawings and it helped me cope today, i was really anxious and i also watched the disney channel, some favorite tv shows i love, i felt like a kid again. and i felt safe
i m proud of myself because i was able to cope , i remember posting about play doh and coloring here, and i did just that!

i was drawing a little while ago too! i love drawing , it really helps me , im looking for things to draw, do any of you have any ideas of what stuff can i draw? to practice my drawing

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Post by angelic212 » Thu May 11, 2006 4:58 am

oh by the way i like my new avatar , its fun! i need to add fun in my life! thats why i chose this avatar! hehe :star: :tongue:

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