what does doctores say?

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what does doctores say?

Post by barnabygirl » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:34 pm

My doctor dont know that i SI even though she has been my doctor for years and years, i have always managed to hide my scares. However now she called me in for an apoinment after talking with my therapist, and i am so sceared she will measure my bloodpreassure or something and see my fresher cuts, they are not so easy to hide anymore....

So i wonder how did ur doctors react to it?
My doc is like very strickt and ,,, controlling in a way. i am so nervous about it. I am sure she will say something bad and not be one bit understanding.... :(

What will i say and do?


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Post by Neviah » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:47 pm

Hi sweets. My doctor doesn't know either and that's the reason I'm keeping quiet.

Just try to make yourself as comfortable as you can. Maybe tell her first before letting her see.. I don't know.. good luck though xx

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Post by dbms » Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:51 am

My doctor was very understanding. When she found out she most of all wanted to make certain I was safe and had access to the help I required. It was very threatening though. However, I had built it up more than it really was. In the end I recieved the help I needed and have another person who is there to help me.

Are you concerned about how your doctor will react or what (s)he may ask of you? If it is causing you anxiety perhaps you could ask your therapist what thier conversation was about and how to deal with your doctor. Mine has offered to talk to my doctor with me of on my behalf if I think it necessary. Take care.
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Post by barnabygirl » Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:41 am

thank you all for replying..

The deal is, that my therapist dont seem to be very understanding about it either, and she has allready spoke with my doctor.
I have GAD and PTSD.. and they want to put me on meds for it. so that is the reason why im going to the doctor in the first place. I have seen that on some of the SSRI meds, SI can be one of the sideeffects, so i do think i should talk to her about it, so she dont put me on those meds. But its just so unbelivable hard, probably because of the GAD.
I just feel so ashamed and vounerable bacuse of SI. that she will use it against me or something... does that make sense? i want to handle this.. so badly and be on top of it..


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Post by dbms » Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:47 pm

Makes a lot of sense. I think your feelings are entirely natural. Some SSRI's do have some unpleasant side effects. I know from experience. So letting the doctor know what your concerns are up front may save you a lot of grief latter on.

I had change medications a number of times because they were not working or side effects. As well at the time I only took out what I needed for the week so I did not have so many around. It was uncomfortable talking to the doc about it but it was worth taking that step. A huge part of being ill is the silence, shame and feeling of vulnerablity, a part of recovery talking about it with people who can help us. Take care.
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Post by treasure » Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:31 pm

you wont know what affects it will have until you try specific meds cos they work differently for everyone. catching up with a dr can help to monitor side-affects, if you can tell her about si she can keep track of whether it gets worse. you can tell her you don't want to show the scars, or warn her so0 she doesn't react too strongly?

i don't remember when i told my dr about si but she is pretty understanding of it. maybe you can write her a letter rather than say it face-to-face? she is meant to be a support for you, i hope she wouldn't treat you badly if she knew.

i hope it goes well.
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thank you

Post by barnabygirl » Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:38 am

Thank you so much for replying to my post. This forum seems to contain so many ppl that really care about each oter :)

I will take everything you have said into concideration. I might ask my therapist today if she has told her, if she had, it would really ease the burden.

i just love this forum :) i hope to stay here and get rid of my SI with ues all :).. i feel so among ppl that say things that i think, but doesnt say. if that makes sense

:1hug3: for all of you


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Post by barnabygirl » Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:17 am

I spoke with my therapist about it, and she said if my doctor doesnt understand shes a lousy doctor :o ..
And she said that if she seem hard on the outside, it only means that shes a real softy on the inside.....

:roll: i dont know,,,, uhmm....


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Post by dbms » Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:25 pm

Good for you glad you talked to the therapist. Take care..
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Post by falling... » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:58 pm

hope it goes ok...
if you get a bad response, could you change doctors to another which may be more sympathetic and understanding about SI?
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Post by barnabygirl » Mon May 01, 2006 9:15 pm

im going there tomorrow :-? i am soooo nervous now.. yeah if shes bad i can change to an other one... but i feel like i cant handle her being like that now,, that i just break down if she is,,...


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Post by Yisraela » Mon May 01, 2006 10:59 pm

It's not your bad if she is going to be insensitive, it's her's. But, worrying about it isn't going to help anything. You're only making yourself sick with worry. Try to settle down, take it as it comes if you can.

I really hope it works out alright for you in the end.
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Post by barnabygirl » Tue May 02, 2006 10:55 pm

i decided to do that, just take it as it came,, and the issue never came up, and she never needed my arms for anything,, so i got off the hook,, the most important thing i recon is that my therapist knows about it,,

Im put on SSRI now so we will see how it goes.. i didnt really want this,, but "they" decided its what i needed.. even the doc said that i didnt look very happy about it, yet she gives it to me,,

But anyways i got off the hook, so now i can relax for a week til i go to the therapist next,, last time she asked me to pull my sleves up,, but i said no.. it made me feel so small when she did that,, i hope she dont do that again,,,


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Post by Yisraela » Wed May 03, 2006 1:57 am

Agh! I'm so glad for you! :blush:

I was wondering when I signed on, how the doc appt went. I'm glad it's okay.

I know what you mean, about people asking you to pull up your sleeves. It's the most ashamed I've ever felt in my life. Like you're a kid again.

But, don't you have the choice of meds? Is there an agreement, like, 'take them or I take you to a hospital' or are you taking them because they give them to you. If you don't voice that you don't want them, then they'll think that you're okay with it in the end?

Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm glad it turned out okay though.
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Post by dbms » Wed May 03, 2006 3:10 am

Hey there, glad it went well. I know what you mean about the sleeves thing my doctor wanted to see - it was very uncomfortable. I guess from my point of view having the doctor and therapist in the know actually helps me stay safe. I make it a point to tell my therapist if I self-harm and I really hate having to tell her so it helps me not to SI. Anyway take care, thanks for letting us know how it went. I was wondering how it went for you.
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thank you again

Post by barnabygirl » Wed May 03, 2006 7:54 am

Thank you again for all your replys. i must say bus is the nicest forum i ever signed up for :) just love the ppl here :D

I did voice my opinion about meds so many times, i bet they are sick of hearing it.. but i ran out of arguments, and i got tired from listening to that i dont cooperate, and being stubborn, and not making the right decitions for my self.. etc,, its like they pearpressure me into doing "the right thing".. i still dunno if its right, but oh well..
I dont htink they can hosptilize me til i put my self in significant risk.. i bet they wish they could.. :roll:
They make me feel like a kid sometimes,,

I dont have to tell my therapist about the SI she always ask.. and it feels like i have done something illegal every time...


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