Place of Dream Meanings

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Place of Dream Meanings

Post by whypie » Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:28 pm


I decided to set this place up because I have a strong interest in dreams and I have various sources that help me to interpret dreams to discover what they mean.

It is very interesting, usually very accurate and can give you insight into any problems you may be having.

Basically I thought it would be a good idea to offer this to other people.
I also thought it would be a good distraction from SI for me as I can't really write good poems or draw.

Some information on dreams

Five minutes after the end of the dream, half the content is forgotten. After ten minutes, 90% is lost therefore it is a good idea to write down what happens in dream when you wake up.

Trying to remember dreams can actually benefit you for many reasons:

:star: Your dreaming mind has access to information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. Your dreams may reveal your secret desires and subconscious feelings.

:star: In remembering your dreams, you will have an increased knowledge about yourself, bring about self-awareness and self-healing. Dreams are an extension of how you perceive yourself. They can be a source of inspiration, wisdom, and joy.

:star: Learning to recall your dreams may help you become a more assertive person. In remembering your dreams, you are expressing and confronting your feelings.

:star: Remembering your dreams can help you come to terms with stressful aspects of your lives.

To understand the meaning of your dream all you have to do is leave a post here describing:

:bluestar: the events of your dream
:bluestar: how you felt
:bluestar: who featured in your dream
:bluestar: if you knew the person/s who featured in your dream
:bluestar: how you reacted to them
:bluestar: where you were
:bluestar: any objects you remember
:bluestar: any colours you saw
:bluestar: any sounds you could hear
:bluestar: anything else you think is significant

I will then send you a pm telling you what your dream means.

Don't worry if you cannot remember all of these things, a dream may not even contain all of these anyway. Just remember what you can.

As many people have correctly mentioned, I can give you general meanings but it is up to you to decide what they truly mean. Your feelings, thoughts and any events that are happening in your life should be taken into account. In your pm questions will be raised to help you do this.

However, please don't feel you have to leave a dream to be interpreted. You can, if you wish, just post dreams you have. If you don't want a reply with dream meanings in just simply put 'NO PM' at the top of your post.

If you have a question to ask or would like to leave feedback please post it here, rather than sending me a pm.

Thankyou for visiting :D

Dreams interpreted: 3
Last edited by whypie on Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Emma Wallace » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:05 pm

I have a recurring dream, well I had it a few years ago. That's why I still remember some of the details. And it's a weird dream, but I had it more than once, so I'm curious. If you can make anything of it I'd be curious, but if you can't, don't worry.

I'm driving with my family, I think in a station wagon, and we pull up to a house I don't recognise. There's this thing on the side, where people park cars not a garage, just another wall and a corrigated roof, but it's really small, short. The car somehow fits.

Then I'm walking through a carnival scene, alone I think, and there's a clown with balloons. He holds a balloon to his chest and falls backwards into the river.

Then I'm on a jungle trail with swinging bridges that have missing planks. It's a very hazardous trail. There are two girls that lived down the street from me. They were popular, but nice enough.

We emerge from the jungle trail onto a beach with huge waves 20 feet high. And then the waves die down and there are these ski-do/helicopters sitting on snow. And I know that we are supposed to guide the people in them somewhere, but I don't know where.

Yes, I realise this is a very weird dream.
Anyhow, thanks,

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Good idea this.

Post by silent-no-more » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:31 pm

i often have dreams that i think have a meaning. so i write them down.

Here is a short one i had the other week.

I was out side on a pathway. There was a young man and his father there also. i didn't know either of them. the young man had DID (Dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personality disorder as it used to be known). The young man had a piece of card tied round his neck with string. On it was written 'My name is callum. I am split at the moment, please can you call me by my name and talk to me so that i can come back.'

His father was trying to teach him how to put it round his neck when he needed to. The young man does so and it works, it brings him back.

The next thing is that it was me splitting off, feeling anxious and trying to remember what to do, how to put the notice round my neck.

Then i woke up. i was feeling very strange when i woke. a bit anxious, The dream felt very real.

Good luck with this one, as i said i have more written down but they are quite long.

I only know as much about myself as my mind can work out under it's current conditions.
And it's current conditions are not good.

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Post by silent-no-more » Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:10 pm

Thanks Whypie. you're interpretations are all spot on to what is going on in my life at the moment.
I only know as much about myself as my mind can work out under it's current conditions.
And it's current conditions are not good.

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Post by whypie » Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:11 pm

:D Woo!

I'm glad it was accurate for you :)
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Post by marshmallowfluff » Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:48 pm

ive tried to type up my dream 3 times but my internet keeps d/cing when i post it :x tis v annoying. 4th time lucky, maybe?

i was swimming. I was self concious cos of the scars on my legs, so i wore shorts that went down to my knees, but you could still see the ones below my knees, but i wasnt bothered about them (am not bothered IRL about them, but am about the ones on top of my legs) anyways, the swimming pool was quite big and one end of it was really, really deep and you couldnt go in there unless you were less than 6ft tall :-? the next thing i remember is walkingalong this dirt track between these green cabin/hut things. my sis was there and she was wearing a red hat? we had to go in a straight line and follow down the path - my sis was kind of acting like a lolly pop lady and telling everyone where abouts to go. she asked if id cut again, and i said no, they're just scars

next we were in this cafe/restaurant thing. Everyone else was gunna order a meal, but i only wanted a milkshake cos i had a head ache. Two people i knew from primary school but am no longer in contact with were at the restaurant. They're called Rosie and Lee. I dunno why rosie was in my dream cos i havent seen her or heard from her since i left primary school, but i saw lee in cleethorpes the other day and i was thinking about him last night. The cafe was colours like pink, blue and yellow and was lit up by different coloured lights to make everything brighter. I was sat on this roof thing and rosie and lee were sat on either side of me (i was in the middle) They were both laughing, but i was crying (duno why) and there was about a 1 meter gap between each of us.

thats all i remember. if you need anymore detail i can try give you them.
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Post by whypie » Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:32 pm

Hey, thanks to mistake for posting, I will do that for you tommorow for I am struggling not to fall asleep right now :-?

Just to let everyone know that this thread will be moving because I'm not allowed to have 2 places. And rules are rules.

So yeah. Dream will be with you tommorow mistake. :D

Keep dreaming everyone and keep me busy. :wink:

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Post by waxbutterfly » Sun Apr 16, 2006 12:46 am

hi. cool thread! well, here's a dream i had a couple nights ago. i can't remember parts of it, but the parts i remember are very clear...just fragmented. i feel like it means something, but i have no idea what.

i was with some sort of group maybe...and we were outside a concentration camp (odd, i know) looking through the fence. it was very dark, but not nightime, and the sky was cloudy and red. everything looked like it had been burned. there was a woman who was in charge...but i'm not sure if she was in charge of the school group or the concentration camp...she was very stern and cold (looked like one of those old-fashioned school teachers with glasses and dark hair in a bun and a black dress). she was angry with me for some reason and she was trying to make me go to sleep. she made me lie down outside the fence on the ground and the rest of the group left. and then suddenly my fiance was there and kissed me and said "wake up". the sky got more yellow-orangey. but for some reason we knew that the woman would be back so we had to be sneaky? and then she was coming back so he gave me a hug and had to leave.

and that's when i woke up. when i woke up i felt really calm and i was smiling, but i don't know why because it was kindof a disturbing dream. it weirds me out, and i can't make any sense out of it.

so, have at it. :) thanks.

is it getting better, or do you feel the same? does it make it easier on you now you've got someone to blame? well it's too late tonight to drag the past out into the light. we're one, but we're not the same. we've got to carry eachother.
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Post by marshmallowfluff » Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:27 pm

thanks very much for the pm. some of the stuff that you said was very true. thanks alot :D
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Post by Anactoria » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:24 am

Maybe you could help me figure out this dream?

I was randomly walking along when someone shot me in the head, with the bullet entering a little bit below my ear and curving upward into my brain. There was no blood or pain and I didn't fall down;
instead I went in search of help. I found a lady who was a doctor and she had a young son who was my age. I was mildy attracted to him. She promised to remove the bullet from my head, but never
did. She was always too busy, though I recall lying down on what felt like a dentist's chair and flopping my head back and forth, and sticking my hand into the suprisingly bloodless wound and trying to dig it out. I felt like it was too deep and that something should have happened to me mentally, but nothing ever did. The bullet was still in my brain and I could feel it all the time.

I could FEEL where I thought the bullet went in. It felt very, very real. I woke up rubbing the spot right beneath my ear and I was quite distraught over it.

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Post by NobodyToYou » Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:44 pm

Here's one I dreamed last night...well, kinda seemed like two dreams stuck into one, but I will write it as best as I can remember it.

I was at my parent's house in my bedroom. (I no longer live there, but was there last night as I went for Easter weekend.) I remember having bad urges to SI, but trying hard not to. I looked out my window and down a little hill, I saw a garden plot. Most of the plants were still pretty small and some of the beds hadn't been planted at all yet. But somehow the little garden was related to BUS, cause I saw (and somehow recognized, even though I don't know what they really look like) Plantt (growing tomatoes) and Swanfairie (growing sunflowers) were there. I went down to the garden, but I couldn't make myself talk to them, so I just went around the garden a few times and went back to the house. Things in the house had changed as well...there were secret passages leading to different BUS people's stuff, and I remember being very careful not to let my mom see them.
Then the dream changed and I was back in my room. My mom brought a little fish, who she thought was dead because he had been out of the water so long. I put him in a sink and he was suddenly ok again...very active, splashing water everywhere. Then my mom fed him, and I thought she gave him too much, but he ate it all and got huge. Then he somehow turned into a snake. After that the dream gets fuzzy, but there were lots of snakes, and different kinds, and some of them were poisonous. I remember being afraid and wanting all these things out of my room...
After that I woke up.

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Post by whypie » Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:49 pm

Thankyou everyone for your dreams, I will be getting them done asap, I'm just doing a lot of school work today.

Nobody to you, just read your dream and and I can briefly tell you it's all good things :)

I'll get that pm to all of you asap.

Thanks again

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Post by katja » Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:56 pm

I can't remember any recent dreams whypie but It'd be cool if you could interpret some dreams Ive had in the past that I've found quite disturbing because they are pretty dark I'm afraid :( And (this is really embarassing, Ive had to get quite a lot of psychological help over) I'd really like to get a fresh perspective of them and I have 2, if thats ok :uhhh:

My first dream which freaked me out was this:

I was in a car park with my boyfriend (my ex who was the nasty one, but also who I was very much madly in love with) we were talking normally and then this man who I thought was a drunk tramp (because he had long scruffy grey hair and looked really sallow) staggered up to us. He diddn't have a mouth but he went and kissed my ex boyfriend on the lips, when this happened I kind of felt like this was a sign that the world had just ended and I fell INTO the ground, into all this blackness and I was just kinda floating around for a while and I think I was in hell. Then when I woke up I panicked because I felt like it had actually happened and I'd erm....gone back in time :oops: in a kind of....never ending loop or something. It freaked me out so much because I was terrified it would actually happen again and Id start all over again.

My second dream is this:

I was sat in the cark park (lol everything happens in a car park, I'm not a chav honest!!!) in a car at my work with this girl who I used to kind of talk to at school, but she was quite geeky so I wasn't really friends with her coz I was too cool *tut* :roll:

Anyways.........We were talking and I asked her why do I never fit in with anybody (I think it was because I was having some probs making friends at work) and she said to me "i diddnt want to play you this kat........." and put a tape in the car radio. It had a mans voice on it and I was little. It made me visualise sitting on a bed, looking into a mirror (even though it was dark) and I had a man behind me at the door. I woke up because I felt like it had happened before (I assumed that because I have been sexually abused in the past when I was little) but I dont want to jump to that conclusion because I dont know that much about dreams and my psycologis doesnt approve of me looking into things like dreams because she says they're just a load of crap swirlin round in your head.

hmmm, As soon as I heard that tape and saw the mirror I FREAKED OUT I woke up in a massive panic attack and It wasn't even that scary when I look back.

If this dream WASNT something thats happened to me in the past, what could it symbolise do you think? I'd be really interested to know.

Im sorry my dreams were so gloomy, but you could really help settle my mind a little :) Usually I have some really funny random dreams!! but I cant remember any now. You dont have to analyse my dreams if you don't want, or you could do one or not the other. I wouldnt be offended because I guess they might be quite hard to do.

Thanks very much xxx katja

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Post by Neviah » Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:55 pm

cool thread maybe you could help? I've been having a recuring dream since I was about 5. Tiny things change so I guess you might not call it recuring but its the same kinda idea.

Me and my dad are running down a long narrow corridor and there are these men chasing us. We come to a turning and I trip so my dad has to go back for me, but because he's come back for me the men get closer and kill my dad.

Variables: the way he dies.

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Post by whypie » Tue May 02, 2006 11:13 am

Hey everyone thanks for replying. I just want to let you all know that this thread is gonna be put on hold for a while, until I get through all my exams. Simpl because otherwise I just won't get my revision done and will fail :o

So when my exams are all done and it's and the summer holidays I will be back *insert evil laugh here*

I know it may be a bit late for some of you but I will get these sorted for you

Thankyou :)
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Post by ackman » Sun May 14, 2006 9:13 pm

Hey, I'm glad that you came up with this it is cool and I always wanted to figure out what my dreams mean. Now this dream may be pretty werid but I hava had this reaccring dream ever since my parents devorce.

The dream always starts out the same way I'm in a dark room I can't see anything and I'm scared. Then out of nowhere theres this light and I try to reach for it but it is just out of my reach and then I see this figure in the light I don't know who this figure is all I know is that I can almost touch the light. Then I start to fall and fast too I blank out, when I come to I'm laying in a pool of blood I don't know why or whose but I'm scared and glad all in the same moment. And apon my body scars with no memory and pain with no thought. Then I start to look around to see where all the blood is coming from, then shocked I find a body that I recongze it is my father cold as ice and lifeless. Soon I find more loved ones that I am unable to weep for or morn for. Soon it goes dark again and I'm back in a room that is very dark and I'm scared then the light reappears and this time I jump at it and make it and come to find out the figure is me standing with a knife in my hand. I have blood on me and I'm standing over my mom and she is scared and trying to calm me down but I won't its not me it is someone else he turns to me smiling a evil smile and then he launches himself at my mom and I scream and run at him then I wake up in a sweat and I'm panting and my head hurts.

Plz tell me what it means it scares me everyday and I need to know is it the future or a nightmare. sorry so bad and long.
I'm running out of duct tape to hold myself together.

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