Things Left Unsaid *LA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by DiamondHeart » Fri Feb 14, 2003 5:05 pm

Got something you want to say to someone, but are too scared to?
This is the place for you.

M- Thank you SO much for waking me up after a night of intense worry and stress to yell at me on my school holiday. Really appreciate that.

And you say *I* play hooky?! You have a fucking desk job- WHY DO YOU NEED TO MOVE AROUND?

Everyone around me:
I'm trying to stop cutting. I cannot deal with you right now, just leave me alone. Don't talk to me. I'm having a hard enough time just living, nevermind school, having to deal with my best friend being suicidal again, and you fucking ragging on me about every little thing I do wrong. I criticize myself enough, I don't need you to fucking add on to the shit I have to put up with.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
-Dory, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

"Good feeling's gone."
-Marlin, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

"Find a happy place, find a happy place, FIND A HAPPY PLACE!"
-Peach, <i>Finding Nemo</i>

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Post by broken_dementia » Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:15 am

Alison- If you don't like hearing about Kryss just stop talking to Kate. Don't let your friends buy you knives if you are trying to stop cutting. Stop whining about Kate. You're getting to be very pathetic very fast. I'm sick of you bringing me down because I can't help you.

Rebecca - My love.....My love....Just keep doing what you are doing. You keep me sane. No ranting to you. You are my everything.

Christina- Next time, call me.

Shandra - Don't send me icky smileys. I hate that shit. Don't send me AIM flirty faces either. Yuck.

Pete - You're a jerk. Enough said. I hope you fucking suffer for this shit.

Cilla - Uh, yeah, you could try calling sometime.

Dejah - Stop being so stuck up. You used to be cool. Not anymore.

David - Leave. Me. Alone.

Everyone: I am not going to BREAK when I say I'm angry or I'm hurt. Just because I get angry does not mean I am going to go cut. Gods.

Ron - Come over sometime. Yeah. Uh-Huh. IM me. Make some effort here too, man.

Mr. D - Don't you EVER and I do mean EVER insult me and Rebecca again. I am very, very offended.

Jimmy - Come to school, you dumb fuck. Enough said.

Ms. Markham - Don't just assume I can stop cutting like -that-. It's a freaking -problem- not a game. Otherwise, you're sexy and cool. W00.

Alex - Be serious sometimes. I don't like your annoying factor lately.

Bobby - When I say knock it off, I mean knock it off.

Drew - Stop talking about your many girlfriends and whatnot. I am so sick of hearing that shit.

Jo-Al - Stop assuming all Rebecca and I are is sex freaks.

Mike - Your habits annoy me. You're a compulsive liar. Knock it off.

Celeste - Don't get that attitude with me. You're 12, I'm almost 18. Just because you don't know I'm engaged to your sister does not give you the right to be a rude little bitch to me.

........../end rant
On your knees or standing tall you can always count on me...So close your tired eyes, precious angel of mine...And let my love surround you in dark...Sure as the the sun that rises, you'll have all you desire, so rest your wishes in the cradle of my arms and lay your dreams down in my rock-a-bye heart...

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Post by roseblum15 » Tue Feb 18, 2003 7:23 am

Lauren-Just because you are a senior does not give you the right to treat others like shit. If you have problems with someone still, talk to them don't make stupid ass comments anymore.

Jennifer-Are you serious, you are such a joke, I really don't like you.

Reilly- I cut, I'm sorry. I'm trying to stop, its not that easy

Linda- You are my best friend thank you so much for that

Nicole- You are the only one that understands stuff.

Jenny- you are suppose to be my big sis, be there for me when I need you. I don't feel like you are, you are always to busy

Tracy- You and I are so much alike its scary. I will always be there for you as long as you are always there for me.

Angela- I don't want to hear about your boy! How many times do I have to tell you that. I'm happy you are engaged but please stop rubbing it in my face.

I guess that is all for now. There will probably be more later.

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Post by StormShadow » Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:02 am

M - Stop complaining at me about every damn thing. Most of it I can't do anything about. If you're upset with the way people act at your job, tell your boss who can do something about it, for Gods sake, not me. Your arm hurts? Wear the fucking brace. That's what the doctor gave it to you for. AND GET SOME DAMN MARRIAGE COUNSELING.

D - Either get therapy or knock off the fucking "jokes." I don't want you to die, but I'm too fucked up myself to help you.

S - Get a life. Leave me alone. And when you talk to me, think *rationally* so I can carry on a real conversation with you.

J - I'm trying. Please.

Everybody else - Stop pushing so hard, okay? I know you want to help, but I end up feeling worse not better...and right now I cannot take feeling much worse. Backing off is good, or at least stop the pushing long enough to say something generally considered "supportive." Yes, I AM fucked up and skipping along right at the edge. Guess which way I go when you push me.

(We will now return you to your regularly scheduled StormShadow)

Thanks, I needed that. I'll probably be back later. This was a really good idea, DiamondHeart

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" many lies did they tell by cloaking them in the conviction of truth?"

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Post by Desideratia » Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:39 pm

Mom-I know you did your best and that Dad really screwed you up, but the fact remains that you were never there for me and you could've been. I never wanted anything more than a mom, but you ignored me for your boyfriend. You can't leave a 12 year old girl alone all weekend while you are out partying. That is so mean. Anyway, now you seem to want to be a mom to me, but it's too late. You pushed me away too much when I was young, so I learned to stay away. I can't be close to you, I don't want to be. Don't tell me you love me just before you hang up the phone and don't try to hug me-it's just too hard on me. Oh, and one more thing-don't apoligize and cry to me about it. I don't want to feel guilty and it's not my fault

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Post by eveskisses » Sat Feb 22, 2003 4:46 am

N - It really fucking hurts me that you don't care about me anymore, like you used to. It hurts me that you can't leave the past behind, and let our friendship flourish again. Make some effort. You just seem to be so happy, and enjoying the fact that I'm not. I wish I didn't care so much about you.

K - Stop being so fucking stupid and get on with your life. Enough said.

A - Thanks so much for driving me nuts. That's what you do nearly every day with all the childlish things you say and do. Those things don't mean a lot to you, but THEY MAKE ME CRY and FEEL LIKE CRAP. So could you please shut up when I tell you to?!

Mum - Yes, well could you please love me and even try to understand me? Could you stop being so narrow minded that your views are really suffocating me?

M and S: Please guys, come and see me sometime, though I always make up excuses so I wouldn't have to see you. I don't mean it. I'm just scared to touch reality.

S: For once, please be quiet with me. Be sad with me. Don't always think smiling is great and the only right feeling in this world is happiness. Don't always try to cheer me up. I'm so sick of it. I appreciate your care, but can't you just accept my problems as they are and not try to force me to be something I'm not? Something I've never been...Oh yeah, and I guess I should also tell you that it really insults me when you are not sure what you feel for me. You make me feel used, darn it. Well, I hope I give you what you want and need, because lately it's become very clear to me that you can never give me what I want and need. Lets stay together, eh? Thanks for being the wall between me and the great below, though.

Dad - Just fucking admit what you've done to me, and stop thinking you're the greatest father/person on earth! Just...don't deny the abuse, don't deny my trauma, don't deny me. And please, get yourself into rehab and change your therapist!!!!

T - Uh, you disgust me. That is all.
Eve :lbug:

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Post by lilicat » Sat Feb 22, 2003 3:23 pm

Alison - Why can't you just shut the fuck up for once I want to go a day with out hearing you whine. You are completely self obsessed and losing all your friends one by one. All you care about is your own wants and needs. If you don't care about anyone else that is fine but don't expect anyone to care about you.

Sam - Some times I need you to listen, not very often. Don't keep telling me I can always talk to you when you are not willing to be there for me. I need support at the moment and you know it is very rare I ask for that. Don't try to change the subject if I even mention it.

Rachael - I need to speak to you but you weren't interested you made me feel like I was wasting your time.

Carol - Stay the hell out my business to smug bitch. You are a waste of space and if you keep pissing me of I am going to kick the shit out of you.

Rory and Ben - Stop being so fucking arrogant, you are both great and you are both smart but you don't know as much as you think you do.

Andrew - You make me feel worthless like nothing with some of the things you say. I love you and wish you could just sometimes say something that shows you care about me. I really need you to look after me right now.

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Post by can't say » Sun Feb 23, 2003 2:16 pm

c- get your head out of your arse. and don't do something nice for me so it makes it hard for me to get angry. it's hard enough as it is. if you don't want to work, that's fine, but I DO, so shut up and let me get on with it.

also, if i tell you something about me? don't make it all about you. if i wanted to know, i would ask. knowing your problems doesn't make me feel better.

and thank you for continually moaning about your friend's friend and what a bastard he is to your friend. she needs to sort it. it is nothing to do with me.

e.w. - get out of my face. leave me alone. no, the answer is not to be around you all the time.

work- you expect too much of me. stop asking me if i am ok,just to completely ignore what i say when i do try and tell you. if you want to know, if you want to do something about it, then do. i;ve told you where i stand. if you aren't gonna do anything about it then shut the fuck up, and take and take and take. but don't act hurt or surprised when i do get the guts up to leave.

f (my ex-counsellor)- why are you important to me? it kills me. and now you are ignoring me. well fuck off. i made the effort. you were the one who approached *me* and invited *me* round (talk about violating boundaries) and *now* you are not interested. why didn't you just leave things at their natural end. when i send your videos back, don't you *dare* contact me.

n- you wanker. for belittling everyone you come into contact with, then getting depressed and having everyone looking out for you. i'm not running round after you any more.

u- if i invite you round for lunch, it is for lunch.don't bother bringing your overnight bag. if i wanted you to stay over, i would have invited you round to stay over.

me - how dare you be a human being. get perfect. get assertive. get out of those relationships. *calms down* ok. i'm allowed to be a human being and not perfect ;) but i *do* need to get more assertive.

i love this thread and hope it's ok to comeback here when i think of all the rest. thanks Diamond Heart. i feel much better.

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Re: Things Left Unsaid *LA*

Post by Firinn Annam » Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:26 pm

DiamondHeart wrote: Everyone around me:
I'm trying to stop cutting. I cannot deal with you right now, just leave me alone. Don't talk to me. I'm having a hard enough time just living...I criticize myself enough, I don't need you to fucking add on to the shit I have to put up with.

i hear ya, and that's pretty much everything i want to say to everyone but don't have the balls to...
"Life is another day in life. Life is like a book. A book has 6 sides, inside and outside. So how do you get what's inside out?" - GIA

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Last SI'd 12.1.03

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Post by StormShadow » Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:53 am

Okay, I'm back *stupid grin*

M - Don't even. Don't get close to me. Don't talk to me. Don't touch me. I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR YOU, EVER.

S - I'm sorry, but I just can't deal with you right now. I'm so sorry about that...I'm sorry about everything.

J - Thank you for being so wonderful.

T - I'm don't know what to do with you just yet. I'm not sure I want to let you in. Which sucks, because I think I need to. Give me another couple shots at it, and maybe, just maybe, I will...

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Post by michigansucks » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:15 am

MA: you have the best of intentions, but, some of us are suffering. I can't be your psychologist all of the time. I need you to listen to me. Please.
BR: The absolute best. I love you kid. You are honest, and fun, and an awesome listener.
DA: Ditto. You are an awesome person and I thnak you for it.
KB: Help me for once huh! Would it kill you to listen to me. I am your best student and your best competitoir. I have wasted three years of my life on this team and I WANT TO BE APPRECIATED.
OL: You are the best teacher I could have asked for.
THC: Go away now. You two are not my friends, and more importantly, I dislike you with a passion.
Thats all for now. Now being the key word.

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Post by Honey693 » Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:26 am

Mom-stop telling me how I always bail out on doing stuff with you, i fucking fell asleep, you could have woken me up! and a little help w/college searches and scholarships might be helpful.

dad- i kwno you don't like me, but pretend ok? and don't tell me i don't have to go to college and then freak out when I say I don't wanna go. Make up your fucking mind and leave me alone and stop drinking you idiot.

Kyle- I don't care if you like me. i have a boyfriend. If you kiss me again i will bitch slap you. that's all there is to it. You have no chance, I love kevin

Kevin- I need a hug, where are you, but other than that I have no complaints

Katie- i can't stand you and i don't know why. It's weird b/c I wanna be friends.

everyone else I kwno I'm pissed at and can't remeber-stop your bitching, leave me alone, and find someone else to whine to, I don't need it, i've got my own problems.

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Post by Kasie » Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:08 am

Mum: You are MY mother... I am NOT YOURS... Acknowledge and accept this tiny fact... and as much as I love my brother, I wasn't ready to be a mother at 10... much as I wasn't ready to be independant at the age of six... You remember that stutter I had as a small child?... I only had it around you... I was always so scared of you... I'm really sorry that you had to watch your sisters be beaten up, and that your parents were drunks, but you know what??? NOT MY F**KING PROBLEM...

Diamond: Thank you so much for opening an opportunity for me to get that out :)

<center>:purpheart: :blueheart: :purpstar: :bluestar: There is a solution to EVERY problem...:bluestar: :purpstar: :blueheart: :purpheart:</center>

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Post by eimas » Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:02 am

slf- why can't you just be happy and normal like everyone else? you're just sad and pathetic. get over everything and just forget about it. maybe if you stop thinking about it, you'll actually stop worrying about it. that's all you do, WORRY. you panic over everything. it's rediculous. you can't sleep at night because your mind is filled with thoughts. and when you're actually not thinking, you're completely blank to the world around you. why can't you just stop somewhere in the middle. think a little but have emotion. you hate being emotionless. you'd almost rather be depressed than feel nothing at all.

pull me back to you. how did i get so far away. i'm trying to change some things but i'll never get anywhere without you.

everyone: thanks for your support and encouragement.
- i quit -

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Round two.

Post by broken_dementia » Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:27 am

Pete - Uh, you're 30 minutes late picking me up you asshole.

Rebecca - STOP.MAKING.ME.HURT.LIKE.THIS!!!! If I don't get a hold of you tonight/tomorrow I'm going to be pretty pissed.

That is all. Excuse me while I combust.

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Post by StormShadow » Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:08 am

M - Damn you, I'M NOT GOING TO FEEL GUILTY OVER YOUR ACTIONS. You're the only one who doesn't admit they did anything wrong the other night. Everyone else, including your golden boy, has. Talk to me when you have a clue, and a conscience.

J - I'm getting so tired of this. I really am. Does it have to be so hard between us?

S - Grow up. Otherwise, you're doing pretty good.

M (the other one) - Maybe you should consider not being in a relationship for a while. You've been having a string of very bad ones, and maybe it's time to give the boyfriend thing a rest for a while, hm?

D - Stop saying those things. I've already told you that it hurts once.

Thanks for this thread. It really helps.

Blessed Be,
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Post by Tangles » Mon Mar 31, 2003 12:50 pm

The Master of The Universe: Leave me ALONE, I've had enough.

Just let me be, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've put up with so much and I think its only fair that I get a break just for a little while, just to catch my breath, just a short time where I'm not having more crap heaped on me.


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Post by Scoots » Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:38 pm

P-Why won't you leave me alone? Why can't you accept I've had enough? I don't want it any more! I've had enough

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Post by Tamrick » Mon Mar 31, 2003 6:39 pm

To myself: What I cannot say you know anyway, what you think is not always true, what you say is not what you know and what you write is not always what you thought you would, but its okay, its all okay.

To everyone else: I love you guys, though I get angry, I love you though I tell I hate you, I love you though I am sad and even when I'm happy. And when you don't know or can't guess or don't feel it, just know I love you.
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Post by Lillith » Wed Apr 02, 2003 5:34 am

mom - you know what fuck you cause it was my money and i can buy dinner for my friends even though it wasnt really my choice but i dont mind so why do you

megan - fuck you your mean to me even if you are joking being called stupid is not cool

josh - that was pretty fucking stupid of you pretty fucking inconsiderate too... i miss you... i love you cant even be mean to you fully fuck you

joshua - FUCK YOU!!!!! YOU ARE A FUCKING ASS!!!!


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