having hard time-- friend tried to commit SU: trigs

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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having hard time-- friend tried to commit SU: trigs

Post by aimee929 » Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:06 am

Haven't posted on this board in awhile...

**SU & SI trigs**

I have been dealing with depression & a past attempted SU & SI for about 6 years now. Many of my closest friends also have similar histories.

One of the best of these friends is Emily. Emily also has major problems with SI & she often tells me that I know more about her than anyone. I also know that I am the only person she really talks to about her SI b/c I understand where she is coming from. She doesn't have to explain herself & her motives... you know what I mean.

Late Friday night, Emily tried to commit SU. She had several drinks (vodka) & then took a bunch of her roommate's antibiotic pills. Shortly before she took the pills, Emily & I had been talking on IM online. I felt really helpless and useless b/c Emily would not answer her phone and would not call me. It is hard to talk to her online. I tried to distract her, but it wasn't working. She kept telling me she hated her life & belonged in the hospital. She joked about taking pills, but has done this a lot in the past. I never when to believe her anymore.

On the other hand, I know what it's like to be SU. I tried to commit SU in a similar way 5 1/2 years ago. I know how hard it is for anyone to get across to you when you feel that way.

I was also feeling a little used by Emily. I am really the only person she talks to when she is this depressed, and while I want her to know I am there for her, I have been getting overwhelmed in dealing with her. I didn't want to tell her that all of her talk of SI and SU was triggering me b/c I knew it would upset her. I also knew there was no real way I could "help" her-- I should say that I live in Virginia and she is in college in upstate New York, so we are not within close range of each other.

At 2am on Friday night, Emily's roommate called me to tell me what had happened & said that Emily wanted her to call me. She also said they were taking her to the hospital. I could hear Emily crying and drunk in the background.

I couldn't sleep. Was up crying and frustrated, coming out of my skin, almost all night.

At 9am, Emily's dad (who I know well) called me. He was on his way to New York (her family is also from Virginia) & had been called by the hospital at 4:30am. He asked me if I knew what was going on. I told him, only because I knew that Emily couldn't and wouldn't, and I felt he should know. Emily's dad is a psychiatric nurse. I did not, however, tell him about her SI & he didn't ask. I felt like a hypocrite telling him all this, knowing that I have many of the same problems myself.

To make a long story short, Emily was in the psych ward all morning and they wanted to keep her there through Sunday for observation. But Emily's dad convinced the doctors to release Emily into his care. He really wanted to get her home more than anything. Emily was diagnosed as being bipolar (which I find odd) & is now home in Virginia (about 2 hours from me) for the week.

She is inher dad's care, but will be seeing a psychiatrist this week as well and will begin counseling when she returns to NY.

My issue is this-- I am having a REALLY hard time dealing with this. I have been having a hard time dealing with Emily lately & my job has been really stressful (to the point of wanting to quit) lately. Now with the events of this weekend, I feel like i am nearing my breaking point with what I can handle.

I also feel a little angry at Emily b/c she has no idea (and can't really think of anyone else besides herself right now, which I understand) how hard this has been for me. I hardly want to talk to her, though I have talked to her 3 times today alone. I don't want her to know how frustrated I am b/c I know it won't help her. But I feel like I am going to just lose it & feel guilty that I couldn't stop her from taking the pills on Friday night. I really feel guilty about that since i was the last person she talked to before it happened.

I don't know how to deal with all this. I am going to see my therapist tomorrow, thank god. I left a message on her voicemail on saturday to let her know waht was going on.

I am also going to see Emily on Tuesday afternoon.

I don't know if I should say anything to her about my own frustrations and how depressed this whole thing has made me.

I just dont know what to do with all this anger and frustration. I did SI on Friday night for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks & was upset that I had broken my SI-free string of days. It's also hard b/c I feel like there is no one I can talk to about it-- no friends, that is. EIther they can't handle hearing it or they know Emily and she wouldn't want me to tell them.

I am at a loss. :(

What would you do? Please respond.

"I don't have a love life. I have a like life." --Lorrie Moore, my favorite living writer

"The purpose of art is to hold a mirror up to the audience's noses and say: This is who you are... now change." --writer Edward Albee

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Post by aimee929 » Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:08 am

please reply
"I don't have a love life. I have a like life." --Lorrie Moore, my favorite living writer

"The purpose of art is to hold a mirror up to the audience's noses and say: This is who you are... now change." --writer Edward Albee

"I have something to prove, as long as I know there's something that needs improvement, and you know that every time I move, I make a woman's movement." --singer Ani DiFranco

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Post by cipher » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:33 am

This sounds really, really hard. I'm sorry :(

I wish I had something useful to say. IMO at some point you'll have to let Emily know that it's way too much for you to take on, and how it's affecting you. (Not sure if that would be on Tuesday, I guess it depends what state she's in by then.) You can be a friend, but not a therapist and not a crisis counsellor.

I can understand why you let her father know what was happening. Now that she's headed for some kind of treatment, hopefully it will help her and will also take the excessive pressure off of you. NOT that I'm saying you're responsible for any of this, but you say you are feeling pressure I guess because you are trying to take on responsibility that isn't yours to carry. You couldn't stop her from taking a bunch of pills, it was her choice. Full stop.

But yeah, you do have the responsibility to look after yourself and see how you can manage your feelings. I really suck at offering advice on that front. I wish there was someone irl you could talk to about this. F&F might have more useful perspectives? I'm around sporadically if you want to PM or something to vent (my advice will still suck, though).

Please take care

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Post by Small » Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:07 pm

Hi, I know what you're going through, a friend of mine tried to commit suicide a couple of weeks ago - twice in one night - she tried to throw herself off the tyne bridge. (posted about it then).

Thoughts with you, you will get through it, and hopefully, with the right help, so will Emily.

"I do believe in fairies - I do, I do, I do" Peter Pan

"Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly?" Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Bach - a beautiful story, that changed the way I think. Read it.

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updateThanks for your responses.

Post by aimee929 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:08 am

Just noticed it is my 1 year anniversary on bus... hard to believe.


Thanks for your responses.

Just wanted to let you know what's been going on.

Went to therapy today & it really helped. We talked about Emily & the events of this weekend, and my doctor is concerned about how it is affecting me. She is particularly worried b/c it is triggering my own depression & SI. She wants me to call her (even if it's just voicemail) if things get bad, and she gave me the direct line to her voicemail (rather than the general voicemail system that people usually have to go through). This made me feel a little better.

But I still feel I have no friends I can talk to. It is really hard.

Tonight, Emily called me to rant about her parents, who are prying her for info on her SI. She won't tell them anything. I am going to see her tomorrow afternoon & had to take a half-day off from work to do it... and she tells me she will probably also have another friend visiting who she knows I don't really like. This upset me b/c I have gone out of my way to visit her. And she seems to think nothing of it. She was being so abrupt & blunt on the phone, and then just suddenly had to go. And it upset me. I just feel like I am losing it. I cry all the time, and I just feel overwhelmed and angry and totally forgotten. I feel like no one cares about me. This whole thing has made me fall apart, and I don't understand it. I don't know what to do. I am trying to keep my head above water, but it is so hard. I just fake it constantly.

that's how things are today.

"I don't have a love life. I have a like life." --Lorrie Moore, my favorite living writer

"The purpose of art is to hold a mirror up to the audience's noses and say: This is who you are... now change." --writer Edward Albee

"I have something to prove, as long as I know there's something that needs improvement, and you know that every time I move, I make a woman's movement." --singer Ani DiFranco

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