Coping with winter (please add on)

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by Space_Man » Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:53 pm

Autobot Headline: Although I grew-up in the mountains here in Colorado, I am now living in a suburban area (read: in-town)...and don't seem to get many of the more colorful birds you refer to. But, in a way, the small, scrawny, "blah-colored" birds that I do get are almost me, if that makes any kind of sense; I identify with them more strongly than the larger, more beautiful birds. And we get dozens-upon-dozens of those ugly little birds here.

And my two cats love the birds as well -- although for different reasons from myself, I'm sure! :lol:
Last edited by Space_Man on Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by bright.eyes » Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:13 pm

I just wanted to say thank u so much for starting this thread and thank u to everyone who gave advice, i seem to fall every single winter and i'm trying so hard not to let it happen this year. i would suggest trying to make the most out of the good things about winter, like enjoying fireworks, bonfires, christmas, and new year celebrations.

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October till March

Post by aimee929 » Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:51 am

My depression first showed its face in November 1999-- almost 5 years ago-- and 2 months later, in Jan 2000, I tried to kill myself. Ever since,t he hardest months of the year for me have been from October to March. Things usually start to go downhill after my bday, which is late in September. I don't know why, but I just started getting moody and I cry a lot. Gradually, it usually gets worse and worse. December and January are usually the worst. last winter I wasn't really suicidal, but I was SI a lot, and almost got put in the hospital because of it. It was terrible. I also had a panic attack last January-- my first in 2 years.

My doctor thought it was SAD at first, but apparently my history doesn't really make a case for it. Because I do often get depressed in summer too, and I have been suicidal in warmer months before. But winter is always the worst.

I hate it b/c I love winter and the cold weather... but I have grown to hate the holidays, knowing how hard it is to get through them. I try not to be morbid and pessimistic about it all, but it's hard. I fight it, and still the depression and the SI seem to start up again and get almost unbearable (I have been SI free for almost 3 months).

Anyway, I am sorry others also suffer in the winter, but i am not that surprised.

take care,

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Post by PassingCloud » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:42 am

neat thread. :) i really liked all your suggestions a lot. especially liked the idea with taking a camera out and taking pretty pictures. i LOVE black and white photos too! why didn't i ever think of just going out and taking pics of my own? it will defenitely motivate me to get my lazy butt outside even when it's really cold.

btw, i have another suggestion. something that worked rather well for me last winter: redecorate your room/apartment with lots and lots of warm colors. my apartment's filled with red and purple and yellow and i have put lots of beautiful postcards on the walls in my bedroom so i can look at them when i'm feeling gloomy. postcards are cheap and you can buy those postcard books with different themes. very prettyful. :)

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Post by XclippedXwingsX » Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:02 am

Cool Idea! I have the same thing with winter. It makes me sad because I had cold weather and snow and all the yucky weather that makes me sad. But here's what I'll do...

:star: Spend more time with friends
:star: Read a good book next to the heater - haha
:star: Try to get outside and see how pretty winter really is.
:star: Eat healthier
:star: Not pig out on junk food.
:star: Exercise - not sit in front of the couch or computer 24/7

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Post by danzar2 » Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:02 am

okay I have few suggestions I think....

:star: During the winter I like to go outside and play like a kid in the snow with my friends and snowball fight, make snow man.... you know act like a kid and gett silly.
After I am too cold and have to go in I like to make hot chocolate and sit infront of a fire and read a book or tell stories with friends.

:star: Also listen to fun music often associated with summer..... like Dave Mattews, phish, sublime....... any upbeat music you associeate with warm weather.

:star: Go tanning! I dont go often cause Im fair skinned but if you go tanning for a few minutes each week it is like going to a beach! The place smells like suntan lotion and it is warm like the sun. It really can cheer ya up.

hope I helped. I like this thread there are some good ideas in it.

:star: Erin :star:
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Post by Zebraseal » Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:13 pm

Great thread. I'm only now learning to cope with winter myself, and I have no real suggestions. I'm thinking of getting a lightbox, too, but those things are damn expensive... I don't know though, maybe I could ask an insurance company about their conditions on this. Or buy a second-hand one if I find a good and cheap-ish one online.

I hate the darkness and the cold. Makes me want to stay in bed all day, but I can't do that, and it's nt going to make me feel better in the end, either.

Thanks for everyone for the suggestions.
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Post by {{ silent scream }} » Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:56 pm

i happen to love winter.

in the sumer i have to wear a longsleeved top and atleast a kneelenght skirt, i dont go swiming, i dont roll my sleeves up and i cant join in with sunbathing and other things my friends would do.

so in the winter its a releif becasue i don have to make so many excuses and its ok to wear long sleeves and long skirts.

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Post by demidivine » Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:18 pm

that's true, and as much as i love cold weather, it more revolves around the fact i'm at home, it's dark from four 'til seven, i can't see my friends because my car insurance has run out and there's only so much time i should stay on my own.

thanks for the tips, everyone, much appreciated :)

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Post by Zebraseal » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:54 pm

*needs more replies*

It's cold, and it's dark, and even if it's pretty as heck out there as we have loads and loads of snow right now, I'm more and more down. I don't really have SAD, I think, because I've been depressed in the summer, too, but this affects me a lot, this darkness plus school stress plus cold plus not knowing where I'm going academically or personally or in my relationships or as a writer. Exercising has been good, but still, it doesn't really lift my moods, just makes me feel physically good. Help!
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Post by pretty » Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:10 pm

Keep going with the exercise, try to make sure that if it's not too awful out you get out and soak up some daylight while it lasts. Keep busy, don't let it beat you. Just keep going, remember that in two months it'll be getting lighter and warmer. Try to enjoy it a little bit if you can. Curl up with a blanket and a book and some hot chocolate and enjoy being cosy.

I don't know, I'm not coping too well, but that's more complicated than winter (isn't it always). I'm just keeping going and hoping it'll all be over and better soon.

Oooo! Plant things. I'm going to plant some daffodil bulbs soon, and they'll be all bright and sunny when spring comes, it'll be something to look forward to.

Hang in there :1beaming1:
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Post by pretty » Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:29 pm

This week it has been light when I leave for work and light when I get home :1beaming1:
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Post by Space_Man » Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:35 pm

The days are finally getting longer, aren't they?!?!? :)

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Post by pretty » Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:38 pm

They are and it's wonderful. It's happening quite fast as well, which is cool :)
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Post by Space_Man » Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:57 pm

In my part of the world, winter is slowly approaching once more. But, as much as I hate winter, I’ll tell ya one thing that it will be nice to have a break from: All the bugs that are out in the warm weather!

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Post by pretty » Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:58 pm

I think this winter might be easier. I think it was more coincidental that I was more depressed in winter. We'll see how it goes though.

Things I'm enjoying about winter getting closer:

- Getting to see the sun rise in the morning.
- Wearing my cool scarf.
- The way cold air feels first thing in the morning - as though I'm the first person ever to breathe it.
- Sunshine, when it's cold and crisp and you can just feel it warming you through.
- Not sweltering in long sleeves anymore/not being too warm in general. Being able to wear my lovely snuggley jumpers.
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Post by ebmcs » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:12 am

:) Winter can be so wonderful! But the darkness is hard - and the cold after a while.

Do you have pets? My kitty cat is a great stress reliever when I feel yucky. We play fetch and such and then cuddle on the couch.

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Post by Blake 1 » Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:18 pm

I don't like the winter with the short days and long nights. Snow is good but I don't like that cold winter wind which makes it feel like its much colder than it is. I do like wearing sweatshirts and jackets, its a security thing for me. I do cut a lot more in the winter and I get depressed more. I'm not looking forward to winter.
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Post by kickingmyself » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:35 pm

:star: Advent calendars and fairy wings!

When I feel a bit down I wear my fairy wings (in rainbow colours) around the house. Surely even just having an advent calendar (a chocolate one of course) can get you through December at the least? Then maybe you could buy some advent calendars in the sales and use them to get through January and February too! Think of that - a little chocolate every day just for you...

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Post by pretty » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:43 pm

Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself in a hot towel straight from the radiator. Yum.
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