Would you get rid of your scars?

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Would you get rid of your scars?

Post by katja » Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:48 pm

Hey, I've been offered free plastic surgery to get rid of the scars on my arms. I'm not sure what to do. Any oppinions? xxx

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Post by pointeless » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:09 pm

I think scars are very personal and they mean different things to different people. The real question I suppose is whether they make you unhappy? whether the infringe on your life now? ..
I would never get rid of my scars because they remind me what i've been through. I have my off days with them but as a whole, to me, I find my scars beautiful and part of what makes me and the experiences that being me has given my life.
But that doesn't mean getting rid of your scars wouldn't nessecirly be good for you, I know alot of people who think me wantign to keep my scars is odd.
But surgery can put a strain on a person pysically and emotionally too so there's always that to consider...
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Post by -Kel- » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:32 pm

i would get rid of the ones on my lower arms because once i have my career i think its best toher ppl dont know. but my scars on my hips.. the wrse ones.. remind me of the bad times.. and one day i hope they will remind me of much better i am.

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Post by onlypurples » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:00 pm

WOWIE! What an offer!!!

I know I wouldn't take the surgery right now in my life because I don't think I'm completely finished with this chapter of my life, however I wish I were...

I know I personally will not set out to get rid of my scars/ consider getting rid of my scars until I am totally finished with SI --- even then, I think I just wish they could be made "less obvious" so I could function a little more like people without scars like mine.

I am not sure if I want to erase or completely get rid of that part of my life ever because it shows me where I have been and how I can get better and move on. I have scars on parts of my body that are really faded and stuff, but when I look at them I remember and then look at where I am now and find strength too. It is kinda hard to explain...

I would ask yourself what getting rid of your scars would do for you personally and how it would impact the rest of your life. I would also ask yourself if you are ready to move on and get help once your scars are gone so you don't create more of them again.


Post by jamie28 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:58 pm

no, i would not.

they are reminder of who i am, what i have survived, and where i am going. they may not be pretty, but they are me, and for that they are beautiful.


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Post by Mindpoison » Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:23 pm

Personally, I agree with Jamie. I've had issues with my scars since I first started to SI but I've come to terms with them and accepted them as part of me...as reminders of where I was and how far I've come. Plus, even my keloids have faded with time.

I had a friend that got scar surgery once...made it look like just one big scar on her arm instead of lots of smaller once, got rid of the words and X's she carved (if I had words on my arm, or shapes like she did, hearts and X's I would definately get surgery) and she's really happy with the results and glad she did it. She found it to be a huge weight off her shoulders.

So all I can say is go with what you feel is best and consider what kind of meaning your scars have to you, if any.

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Post by gin and kerosene » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:28 pm

I think I would get rid of all my scars. They make me remember and I hate them. I feel insecure (more insecure). People stare at me like im a freak. I cant be normal and my scars are a reminder of that.

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Post by DecemberLivy » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:38 am

I know my scars restrict me alot, and I hide them from the world. But inside I'm not ashamed of them, they tell me how strong I am now, and how much I've pulled through. If you don't feel comfortable with your scars, regardless of other peoples opinions, I would say go for the plastic surgery. Take time to think about it though.
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Post by plantt » Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:11 pm

right now... no.
eventually though... i do think it'd be an option i'd consider.
i can see how they could be a reminder of the past & etcetc. however i'd still be the same person without the scars. & i think getting rid of scars would for me be a way of really saying 'ok this is past'.

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Post by balletomane » Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:13 pm

I think I would get rid of my visible scars. I think the scars that are easily hidden are a reminder of tough times that I survived, and also a reminder that life isn't always pretty.

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Post by bellaclare » Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:29 pm

What an awesome offer! But I've been under the knife a few times for joint surgeries, and even though plastic surgery has minimal scarring, you could still end up with scars from the surgery. What I wouldn't give to get rid of the 9 inch scar on my knee! But consider what those scars mean to you--do they remind you of your strength, or of your down times? Someone once said to me it's always best to begin with the end in mind, meaning think about one year, five years, 20 years from now. How will the scars (or lack of) affect you? Quite a personal decision . . . best of luck.
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Post by katja » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:50 pm

Thanks for the advice you guys! I think I agree with everyone on keeping them because they remind me of what i went through, but on the other hand, im not exactly going to forget just because I dont have em anymore! I wear short sleeves and stuff and I can cope with ppl thinking I'm a freak. I think I will get the visible ones removed but I'm going to think about it for at least another year or so. xxx

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Post by narcoleptic » Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:55 am

I guess it's a little late of me (and shallow) but I'd get rid of mine. Maybe not with surgery (I'm afraid of other people making me bleed) but if there was something that would make them go away I'd do it because I get triggered by my cuts. I think if they were gone I'd be able to control myself with the though of not wanting to ruin my fixed skin.

Anyway good luck with getting the visible ones removed. That's very brave of you.
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Post by silvertears » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:44 pm

I wouldn't get rid of my scars.. I can't imagen living with out the. Now that I think about it It's a scary thing.

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Post by heartonmysleave » Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:04 pm

I have no idea how to answer that question...sometimes I hate my scars, sometimes I like having them...when I'm feeling sane then I want rid of them. when my depression gets bad I like seeing them and feeling them. I wish my scars didn't hurt and itch so much.

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Post by bbb999 » Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:30 pm

I would have them removed you could end this chapter and not be constantly reminded of what you have done. Im not ashamed of what i have doen but find it embarasing explaining my scars to people when they notice them for the first time or trying to make up lies to cover them up.

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Post by t_k » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:42 am

I'm currently trying to get rid of the ones on my arms.

Don't know about the rest though...
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Post by lin » Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:09 am

eventually yes i think i would, the very visible ones anyhow. but i'd have to be very sure that that part of my life was behind me.

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