
tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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spiffy maximus
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Post by Kaelyn » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:03 am

A few days ago, I got a letter from a good friend.
She wanted to give me some hope, and had written this for me (below).
Thought I'd share it with you, so others may get something out of this too.
So this is for everyone that is not feeling well.
take care :star:

Don’t spend too much time contemplating how things could have been;
look at what you can do. What places can you get to? Then move your
feet. Little steps become larger, as your confidence will grow. Walk in any
direction you like, as long as you know where you’re going. It will bring
you to new places; different from the once you have been in before. And
if one does look similar, notice the differences. Each place is unique. Not
every place might be beautiful and nice to stay, but remember that you
can keep walking. Keep moving, it will bring you on the track to another

When all is dark and you are lost, try to look around with your last effort.
Sometimes the light you are looking for is not nearby or directly in front
of you. Even the tiniest speck of light can become bigger by moving
toward it.

Think of it as standing in a forest. There is a thunderstorm overhead and
rain is clattering on your head. You don’t know how long it takes before it
is over, or maybe even if it will end raining. So you wait. Stuck there,
feeling cold, lonely and tired. Above your head the clouds are moving
without you noticing. Look up. Look at the clouds for changes. Do you see
a spot that is lighter than where you are? Where the clouds might break
up and let the sun shine through?
Walk toward it and do not fear it moving away from you. Hold on to the
thought that the smallest gap in the clouds will grow. The light moves toward you.
It will take a while before you notice the changes. The clattering rain
changed to gentle drops, leaking off tree branches. Herbs and plants start
to open their flowers. Wildlife comes out of their hiding places, a bird
starts singing. Then all of a sudden, rays of light shine through the trees
and they light up the path you are walking on. You notice the scent of
drying grass and leaves after the rain.
Looking up, you see the sun greeting you.

Keep in mind that your goal is to get there. But do not forget that you
should not run there either. You might miss out on seeing the changes.
And it is by noticing those, which makes the long walk worth it. Even if
you do not get there, you will still see changes while you are walking.
Keep them in your heart. They are signs of hope.
my place (visitors welcome)
fall seven times, stand up eight

Hope blooms, even in the darkest of places

blue butterfly

Post by blue butterfly » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:28 am

Thank you for that anne that was really nice. I wish I had some hope at the momet.

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Post by katja » Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:41 pm

thats such a sensible way to think xxx

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Post by mallie » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:53 pm

That is beautiful, thank you for sharing :)


Post by jamie28 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:57 pm

oddly, this is exactly what i keep trying to tell people.

i just refuse to be nice and sugar coat it. i tell people to get off their butts and change things if they are unhappy.

same sentiment, however. and very beautifully put.


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