Pulling Hair..

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Pulling Hair..

Post by Ibanez » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:00 am

Okay, for the past few years I've pulled out bits of my hair and it's got to the point were it's causing problems in my life now. I know this isn't the most common form of Self harm, but still I've read stuff, and it seems to fit what I've read. I've decided that I can't go on with what I'm doing now, as it's extremely out of hand. I guess that's why I'm here, because this is really the only form of help I can get. I want to stop it.

To the point of my post, I was wondering if there are any other members on this forum that pull out hair as a way of coping with there problems, or frustrations etc. If so, how do you cope with it? and could you suggest any ways of cutting back/stopping doing this atall.


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Post by mallie » Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:10 am

Pulling out ones hair can definately be a form of self-harm. Compulsive hair pulling is known as Trichotillomania, or just trich, and you should be able to find other people on bus who do this.

I did a quick search and found a few threads for you, but there will be more out there.


Hope this helps :)

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Post by Ibanez » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:41 am

Thank you for your help! :) xx

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Post by limestone » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:43 am

cut out sugar (it's in ketchup too and jams), get enough sleep, find ways to deal with anxiety, avoid being on your own for long periods of time, pop bubble wrap/play with dough/exercise a lot, stop watching for it to decrease as that makes it harder. if you're depressed really work on improving your mood/self esteem - other than that, i have no idea. :o

talk to yourself - say your name outloud/clap your hands/blow on where you want to do it/stretch up to the ceiling/get up, walk down stairs into the kitchen and then go back upstairs and continue what you were doing before you wanted to do it - do that each time to break the pattern. it'll help break the beginning of 'zoning out'.

if you're tired, take a 20 min nap.

plan your day if you work well with that.

place brightly coloured objects around your room or the places you do it in and each time you want to do it, go up and touch the object and say to yourself that 'i make the decisions' and then go and do something else/anything - just make the committment to do something else to break the cycle.

lastly, be honest with yourself.

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Post by Ibanez » Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:31 am

Could I ask, how does sugar actually affect me? I'm not doubting it, just curious.

I'm going to try some of those, probably would work with sleep etc. This probably plays a fair part in it, as I'm usually getting like 6/7 hours a night, no where near what I need, but I have to get up early and can't get another job until I'm 16.

Hmm shall have to work around that.

I'm going to go into town today and find some things I can use as distractions, trying elastic band at the mo but hmm I think there's better stuff to try.

Thanks for replying.

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Post by limestone » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:10 pm

Ibanez wrote: Could I ask, how does sugar actually affect me? I'm not doubting it, just curious.
it disrupts your ability to function/deal with low moods e.g. if you're feeling a bit sad/bored and your blood sugar level is stable, then you'll usually figure out what to do e.g make a hot drink, go for a walk, call a friend etc.

but if you're blood sugar levels are going up and down like a yoyo then so does your mood and the chances of being able to react in a constructive way go out the window, in my experience. because the sad/bored feeling is intensfied to such a degree that makes it hard to think before you act. i think that's what i mean in a sense.

it's like there is less time to process and think before reacting in a habitual way.

sugar/what you eat has an impact on how you feel - so will increase depression and anxiety making it hard to give other things a chance to reduce the depression/anxiety. also, if sugar is zapping your energy (as you get a peak and then you get a huge lull where your energy drops more than if you'd had something natural) you'll be less likely to have the energy to get up and do something else.
Ibanez wrote: I'm going to go into town today and find some things I can use as distractions, trying elastic band at the mo but hmm I think there's better stuff to try.
pom-poms are good :blush:

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Post by limestone » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:17 pm

i'm not saying it's easy or that i do it all the time, but i do know that when i have got sleep/diet/exercise going where it should be, i feel like _i'm_ going where i should be.

it's hard to explain unless you've felt it. you stand there and feel nearly complete and then you kick yourself for all the time you've wasted not doing this - because the difference is surprising.

i do know that when i overreact and get more stressed diet has played a part. it's quite scary when i think about it.

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Post by Ibanez » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:18 pm

Thanks, that does make sense. :)
Working on it..

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Post by Frozen » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:29 am

the food thing hasnt been scientifically proven.

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Post by mallie » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:41 pm

Frozen wrote:the food thing hasnt been scientifically proven.
Things like hunger, and the types of food you eat do typically affect mood though. Whether its scientifically proven or not, most people could think of examples in their own life that demonstrates this.

Things can be a good idea, and worth trying, even if there isn't data to back it up. Personal experiences can count for a lot, especially in a group like this one.

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Post by Licentia Poetica » Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:37 am

I have trich to a mild extent.

I don't really try to specifically cope with it. But just like SI, it's a symptom of a larger illness. Deal with that, and the symptoms will disappear.

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Post by rosie605 » Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:55 pm

thanks for the threads mallie... they were really helpful. After reading that, I know for a fact I have a problem with trich. I'm going to try some of the coping things suggested.

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